Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.

Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.
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Sunday, December 15, 2013

Prosecuting Raila : Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Ritual Psychopath Murderer.

Hi every body. I would first and foremost like to take this opportunity to express my sincere condolences to the world and the family of the fallen hero/champion of Humanity,one Nelson Mandela.At the same time I would like to wish all and sundry a Merry Christmas and a happy 2014. Well, to continue with the petition above I would like to say all that took place on Block A of the flat s before the father of the family of my siblings moved to block D on the 1st storey of the face facing the railway lines leading all the way to the docks ,the Port of Mombasa where the father of the family of my siblings worked. In this Block D also ,the Kadem Welfare Association bequeathed me once again with the duty of shepherding the another fat ram to be fattened for sacrifice and the earlier role was repeated over again except this time around ,I guess the chair of the K.W.A. changed hands for the ram was transferred elsewhere and I was relieved of this their traditional customary duty. Thus there was no ceremony of the fatty tail for the shepherd neither other pounds of fleshy parts for different posts as culture and tradition called for. For the short time before the ram was relocated elsewhere,the ram used to sleep on the balcony where I would take it either down stairs or upstairs as the time and event required.That's how serious the case for culture and tradition was regarding ritual animal sacrifices.It was quiet a circus/fair for the concrete jungle neighborhood for the time it lasted. I would like to put it here My Learned Lord sand Ladies that the term "Luo" means "follow"and I am going to demonstrate how them Luos have been "following" their age-old customs without change albeit in an underground movement/way to hide from the secular world {talk of wolves in sheep's skins.} Well,this was in the late 80's/early 90's when there was agitation for multiparty politics for a democratic state. The Luos under the umbrella of their Clan Welfare Associations conglomerating under the aegis of the then "FORD" which stood for Forum for Democracy did the respective chairs of the Clan Welfare Associations clamor for nominations for elective posts. Neither was the father of the family of my siblings left behind for he took a dive in the free-for-all multiparty democracy addressing opposition campaign rallies and attending delegates meetings in Nairobi and it was not long before the long arm of the then Moi government struck order for clamor for nominations for elective posts in the rank and file of the civil service and state corporations.The law was close-ended as opposed to open i.e. requiring no double dealing and that one one either remained in the civil service/state corporation or quit to run for party posts and elective two ways about it.Thus was the father of the family of my siblings struck-off the state corporation {Kenya Ports Authority} before being reinstated after pledging not to engage neither in party nor elective politics. FORD split in to "FORD-ASILI" led by Kenneth Matiba who was later amiably served with a stroke and suffered from paralysis which saw him retired to a whee-chair as quoted in an earlier blog above.His businesses were shaken to the core.FORD-KENYA led by the then Doyen of opposition politics,a founding Father-Partner of the Nation had its offices situated at Spark area in Makuli Fagia Club of Mombasa, a stones throw-away from the state corporate flats of the maternal grandfather of the mother of the family of my siblings.Period.The point here My learned Lords and Ladies is that these Luo cultural Clan Welfare Associations double up as prerequisite building blocks of the larger political party of the Presidential flag bearer of Luo Nyanza,currently strong-held by non-other than the self-envisaged/self-imposed unenviable old stone age/mummified relic savage of one Raila of the infamous ODM. I would also like you My Learned Lord sand Ladies to take note of the fact that as much as this weird old stone age savage character,the father of the family of my siblings was long serving chair of the Kadem Welfare Association {the Clan name Kadem depicts as well the region of origin in Luo-Nyanza,} his original ancestral lands lies somewhere in rural Kisumu from a Clan/region called "SEME." His father migrated to KADEM in the long precolonial years gone by to hold/ occupy land for the case was during those days when large tracts of land lay open waiting to be populated and filled.The point here My Learned Lords and Ladies,comparatively to the "OYANI-MASAI" ancestral home of the mother of the family of my siblings is that "SEME" is known as "SEME-LANG'O." "LANG'O" is luo for Masai.Here My Lords and Ladies take note once again of the age-old gay bisexual culture of the "Greeks-Romans and the Masai-Morans. My Learned Lord sand Ladies,Members of the bar and of the bench Senior Counsel,what is becoming more apparent and rising to the fore is that this secret society of Raila's secret society ODM kINGDOM has its driving force-engine at the core formed by a central-ring club of witches,witch-doctors,wizards,sorcerers,night-runners,medical-legal criminals,militants and muggers whose characteristic traits have been self-manifesting wherever this old stone age mummified relic and his cronies have had me surrounded under surveillance around the clock country-wide.I would like to put it to you that this secret society of Raila's ODM kingdom is a vampire,a Dracula, a "jachien," surviving on human blood and flesh in terms of the serial,psychopath,ritual,sacrificial traditionally and customarily executed deaths. Most of these executions pass-by unnoticed,recorded as circumstantial normal deaths yet in the real sense,these serial,ritual,psychopath sacrificial deaths,executions,murders have usually been way long in coming whereby the unsuspecting victims usually have these premeditated,orchestrated,choreographed,organized vicious mendacious rhetoric animism executions coming way long before any suspicious eyebrows can be raised orany interconnecting-interlinking detailed circumstantial evidence can be summed-up. The secretariat of this evil secret society of ODM kingdom have a CLEAR-JUBILEE-BUILDING-SCHEDULED-MANUSCRIPT-PROGRAMME of variable options of how to go about killing,murdering,executing these their "CAST-LOTS" CULTURAL EPITHETS/ STOOGES sacrificial victims once they've decided to literally witch-hunt a certain person,head,victim they've settled-upon;in most cases usually by the criteria of the MEDIUMS AND ORACLES they've consulted due to their old stone age approach to life from SET OF BELIEF SYSTEM pegged on witchcraft. The juggernaut execution process is done with the full cooperation and assistance of the consent of the family{immediate and extended} of the victim settled-upon. Once chosen/settled-upon using the criteria above of mediums and oracles,the unsuspecting victims areas good as dead for they are considered EXPIRED and LIVING ON BORROWED TIME just like the fate of a hooked fish by a fisherman. They are indeed considered thence forth to be like the walking dead,stalked by conniving-calculating witch-hunters,waiting to be dropped dead anytime like a time bomb set to explode.In connection to the above,let me quote an adage that says "who the gods want to kill,they first make mad," and along the same vein,another adage that says "give a dog a bad name then HANG IT." These old stone age savages are dangerous conniving-calculators,chieftains of the underworld,powers of darkness,customs,ceremonies,rituals and superstitions geared at ritually sacrificing people through covert/subversive deaths,murders and executions presumably to gain political leverage as per their archaic set of belief systems. Later,limited resources.

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