Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.

Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.
Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law-This is an Online-Jobs Entrepreneurship / Business Services-Provider, Social Media Marketing / Virtual Assistant (Administrative) and Retail-Goods Affiliate-Marketing involving: (1.)-Community Paralegals for Legal Document Assistant (LDA) / Legal Technician / Court Document Preparers / Court Forms Providers as far as Activism-and-Lobbying for Causes go concerning Human-Rights-Advocacy for suppressed voices and the tax-overburdened oppressed laity including dis-inherited widows, orphans and the destitute; (2.)-French, English, Swahili Translator / Interpreter / Teacher / Tour Guide; (3.)-Publisher for Affiliate Marketing in freelance writing, blogging, transcription and podcasting;

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Prosecuting Raila : Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Ritual Psychopath Murderer.

Hi everybody.It's been quiet a while thanks to the ESTABLISHMENT.I would like to state that I am currently still under management by the parties concerned of the ESTABLISHMENT, the so called secret society of the powers of darkness es composed of witches and wizards of the fertility reproductive cults of the FREE MASONS OF THE ILLUMINATI ORDER of which the parents of the family of my siblings are part and parcel-of putting me under animal-husbandry and zero-grazing.The parents of the family of my siblings are thus so to speak BISEXUALS and the father being male is/happens to be more HOMOSEXUAL than he is HETEROSEXUAL whereby sex with his wife is more on a/foe reproductive purposes/basis,which is the exception since they've now retired from giving birth and sex with boys/boyfriends/male partners is the norm,the order of the day.The father and the mother both openly though under cover of the secret society powers of darkness keep/have boyfriends by mutual consent. THIS IS THE LAMU/BONDO-USENGE CULT/CULTURE and as far as I am concerned, in relation to this their secret society trying to force/condition me into their culture....I have absolutely no respect,tolerance nor patience whatsoever for who they are/do or represent, for not only is it unnatural but it's also shameless,manner less, despicable and wholly detestable.In the 80's the father of the family of my siblings openly kept a boyfriend called MWAURA (an indigenous of the coast} under the disguise of a house-help after conveniently arranging for the rest of the family to go up-country for the school holidays. One night he had to angrily chase me away then barely 10 years-old after picking a non-sense quarrel with me cause of coming late in the evening from playing with the other boys of the neighborhood who were not succumbed to the same treatment by their respective parents given that that was the daily routine we had during the school holidays. He openly preferred to eat and sleep with MWAURA alone. I had to run seek refuge under a trailer by the gate hiding there to sleep till late past midnight when I walked back and next decided to take refuge by the window-sill of the ground-floor corporate apartments{that was in GANJONI MOMBASA}.This was the 1st instance of attempt to recruit me into that LAMU/BONDO-USENGE HOMOSEXUAL ORIENTATION which by then I was too young to get cognizance-of but which years later and especially now fits the jig-saw cross word puzzle as to why we have continuing irreconcilable/irreparable differences.They were secretly-openly homosexual lovers and when the neighborhood got whiff of the on-goings on in that apartment of a trio males,they raised their eye-brows and MWAURA had to do a disappearing act. He escaped one morning albeit in the pretext of going to buy break-fast with a 100/- bob note never to come back again and the father of the family of my siblings pretended to be amusingly surprised/amazed not being able to comprehend what had happened that his dear house-help/boyfriend had to escape with a mere 100/- bob note for break-fast not being bothered about his monthly salary/arrears. My Lords and Ladies is their any logic in that line of reasoning? I would also like to categorically state that Ikenya, the Mombasa Municipal cop who got promoted to an Administration police cop after his demise with my deportation saga is also a BISEXUAL for I experienced his homosexual tendencies when we slept together after he brought me to that home of the family of the parents of my siblings. Indeed on arrival to that weird homestead he proclaimed to me "Karibu Lamu" with hind sight knowledge of what was to be expected though it didn't make any sense to me then. That "something/Jinn" the government/ESTABLISHMENT has put as a condition to be removed before I get any gainful meaningful decent employment I have so far learn t from asides are referred to as "GOVERNMENT PROPERTY {IES}." Thus, the ESTABLISHMENT/GOVT is accusing I of being in possession of their property {ies} and hence My Learned Lords and Ladies this consistent war with the government/ESTABLISHMENT wont be over till I safely get the hell-out of their ESTABLISHMENT/STATE/COUNTRY.Is it not CLEAR My Learned Lords and Ladies that the government is using them by proxy taking advantage of the existing kinship to want to maintain the status-quo of consistently time and again wanting to exorcise these their "something-Jinn." I would hereby once again My Learned Lords and Ladies to categorically and emphatically state that I wish not to be associated with that family ever again in any manner whatsoever except to the extent that we share a common ancestry like the rest of humanity and a name which I look forward to changing anyway once I get a life and settle to start my own straight family. In any case I have begun growing white hair on my chest and I guess on my head as well cause I got no mirror at 35 years of age just 15 years away from half a century,yet they are still holding me pinned to the ground claiming to forcefully manage and direct my life.Hence, the forced management of my life under condition of joining these Freemason Illuminati powers of darkness es whereby I am currently placed under house arrest{rd:animal-husbandry and zero-grazing} under-going continuous persecution and torture being subjected to indecent bisexual maneuvers/overtures/gestures and beckoning s whilst being prohibited from engaging in free regular sexual intercourse with women of my choice. For example the mother of the family of my siblings used to force my cousin brother mentioned above as Paul Otieno A.K.A Manuar to wash her dirty linens namely under-wears,pants,bras e.t.c. in Mombasa before retirement and now in Migori after retirement she's now trying hard to flaunt her nakedness/womanhood into my face using premeditated, orchestrated,choreographed,organized night-runner witch tactics,e.g. she despicably,shamelessly,mannerlessly, and detestably urinated in a standing position like a male would do in the compound choosing to avoid the privacy of the toilets/pit-latrines of which there are 4 in the home-stead and in the process revealing her bleached private-parts namely thighs and reproductive organ. When I reported to her husband, the father of the family of my siblings,he just laughed sheepishly taking no remedy and I had to resort to instead report the obscene matter to my baptismal godfather called Julius,the elder/older brother of the father of the family of my siblings and to 3 brothers of that mother of the family of my siblings asking them to try and contain her sorcerer wayward weird ways and tell her to desist from these night-runner,evil,stupid primitive ways. My godfather and the former Migori council chair have been well aware of these her wayward and PROMISCUOUS ways which is the talk in numerous quarters and of which they very much detest and disapprove-of. My Learned Lords and Ladies could somebody please move notches so I get my accident victim compensation money and go my way? Later, logistics.

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