Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.

Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.
Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law-This is an Online-Jobs Entrepreneurship / Business Services-Provider, Social Media Marketing / Virtual Assistant (Administrative) and Retail-Goods Affiliate-Marketing involving: (1.)-Community Paralegals for Legal Document Assistant (LDA) / Legal Technician / Court Document Preparers / Court Forms Providers as far as Activism-and-Lobbying for Causes go concerning Human-Rights-Advocacy for suppressed voices and the tax-overburdened oppressed laity including dis-inherited widows, orphans and the destitute; (2.)-French, English, Swahili Translator / Interpreter / Teacher / Tour Guide; (3.)-Publisher for Affiliate Marketing in freelance writing, blogging, transcription and podcasting;

Wednesday, June 05, 2013

THE LAW : Prosecuting Raila ; Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Ritual Psychopath Murderer.

Hi everybody. Since The Luo of Nyanza have been forced,coerced,mislead and programmed {since 1982} to "act like 1" and put all their presidential ambitions/aspirations "eggs" in the proverbial " 1 basket," they have remained stuck politically to playing 2nd fiddle and as a consequence have retrogressed to infantile modes of politics which would be better described as "democratically immature" whereby they have always been surprised to find themselves in non-starter situations albeit with "teething presidential ambitions/hopes." Our dear,sober neighbors and brothers The Kikuyus are comparatively politically mature always reading the signs of the times and doing their best to side with history. They also appreciate the brazen fact that elections are a "mathematical probability" thing subject to a host of factors including: family values,principles,character,personality,behavior,compassion and the advertisement/marketing and sales of ideologies,manifestos,visions,dreams,e.t.c. That is precisely why in the just recently concluded bitterly contested March 4th presidential elections,they tendered 4 {half} of the 8 presidential lady and gentlemen candidates. Rural-Urban migration since Kenya attained her independence in 1963 saw the coming together and intermingling of the 42 tribes of Kenya in major cities/towns in search of jobs and exposure "to the goodies of civilization." The Luo of Nyanza and other like-minded tribes amongst the 42 formed "Clan Welfare Associations" to specifically cater for morgue, travel/transport and funeral expenses in the event of the passing-away of a member of the clan/tribe who had migrated from the "reserves." The C.W.A. members at the district/provincial levels help campaign for their presidential-candidate son-chieftains at the helm by appealing/penetrating the indigenous and the metropolitan at/of those respective regions. Thus, a tribe or ethnic community will have as many C.W.A.s' as there are clan members in those regions with individual /family membership spread allover at random and sometimes occupying certain regions more prominently than others. These C.W.A.'s in turn formed the bed-rock of the "electorate-voter building-block units for the formerly largely tribal parties ran by chieftains at the tribal helm. In these ways did the respective tribal chieftains fill-in the national presidential ballot chart by 1st rounding-up/herding their tribesmen before eventually appealing to the national character and content. The problem is that as the major tribes' chieftains gradually shed-off their ethnic-leanings to wholly embrace nationalism/democracy whereby consequently setting their tribes men free to embrace national democracy, Rgf adamantly refused to let his tribesmen have any democratic space and/or freedom and blindly tied them to him by hook and crook using coercion and threats.He acts like he owns the tribe, monopolizing their presidential ambitions/dreams. The charismatic doyen/father of opposition politics in Kenya, the late Jaramogi Oginga Odinga deemed it fit to slot Raila the junior post of "director of elections" whilst befitting the erstwhile James Orengo the senior post of "vice chairman," thereby seconding him as chairman to "Ford Kenya," the 1st original opposition party after the then president Moi opened the floodgates to "multiparty politics". Of course as you can guess this did not go down well with Raila who as we all know has the common "BIG MAN SYNDROME." Since he could not fathom the glaring fact that J.O. was seen by non other than the doyen/father of opposition politics to be politically more senior/mature than him and thus merit the 2nd senior most post after the doyen/father of opposition politics himself, he walked-out in a huff after the demise of the doyen to start his own party when disciplined Ford Kenya party members/officials stuck to their guns saying no party post is special and that one no matter who had to follow laid down election/nomination procedures to ascend/merit any post. Thus, begun his {Raila} political "prostitution and cohabitation" forming 1 party after the other and merger after merger due to his myopic political correctness, plugged ears and "swollen head." He always nominates himself flag-bearer decrying unopposed right. The point here my Lords and my Ladies is that this mummified-relic has been approaching national elections with this misplaced tribal mind-set of being the unopposed warrior-military-King and divine King- maker. He presupposes the nation shares in his blind self-vested-interest presidential ambitions and thus always wants to run for the presidency unopposed without democratic conviction and that is why he run all-over himself with the 1982 attempted coup. Later, logistics.

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