Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.

Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.
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Wednesday, May 08, 2013

THE LAW : Prosecuting Raila : Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Ritual Psycopath Murderer.

Hi everybody. Ikenya's ancestral roots lie in the U.S.A. where his great/grand parents were repatriated or rather chose the alternative of repatriating themselves after slavery was abolished and the captives set free; and whilst/when some of them settled in Liberia, his great/grandparents chose to sail back to the shores of East Africa Kenya and settled in Frere Town located in Bamburi in The North Coast of Kenya. This he told me himself and even went-on to show me his identification card confirming his odd name Ikenya - like a fugitive-foreigner would embrace the name of the country they've run to from captivity and slavery offering them solace and refuge. This was revealed after I asked them, the trio whether they had any arrest/interrogation warrants and that's when he gave me my full academic background including the different quarters I've resided-in in Mombasa. This is because I'd wondered how they could identify me only with the background information without a portrait or matching picture. He'd gone on further to explain that I was wanted at the Mombasa Municipal Council Law Courts for plans had been made for my travel back to the Lake Victoria rural quarters of Migori for purposes of "removing that something-jinn" which had been set as a precondition,criterion-threshold for being employed,getting a fixed income and a decent mode of subsistence. In Jomvu Mombasa, the witchdoctor had claimed that that "something-jinn" alleged by the witch-doctor's court of Raila that I had, I couldn't perceive or be aware-of my self but that them, the witch doctor's of Raila could see as well as sense it. I put forth a protest detailing my disbelief in superstitions and telling them this wasn't the 1st time Raila was trailing/tracking me and that should I be deported to his home turf stronghold, then surely he was definitely gowing to kill/murder me this time around. This fell on deaf ears. Now picture this : I would like you for a moment my Lords and my Ladies to collect/gather the threats,muggings and/or insurgency-attacks scenarios that took place with the administration cops at The Mombasa Provincial H.Q.'s,that took place with the regular cops at uhuru gardens along the wimpy elephant tusks Moi Avenue on the way to Jomvu,with the militants at Mtongwe's Kenya Navy Barracks,with the militants at Huruma location Nairobi lying astride Moi/Eastleigh air bases and finally lately with the Mombasa Municipal cops at Hailee Selassie Avenue that leads all-the-way-to-the Mombasa Railway-station which deported me to this Migori home turf stronghold of Raila's Lake Victoria Luo-Nyanza region. I would like you to collect/gather these scenarios/events closely together as if they happened consequently 1-day each apart though in reality we all know/comprehend that these scenarios/events took place with gaps years/months in between. Can not everybody then CLEARLY read the MENTALITY of this political ogre/monster warrior/military king vis-a-vis my life. Animistic-ally speaking Rhgu was literally on his way {rd:raila-ways 4 railways} to render/hold me stationary on his ill-perceived social-economic-political determinations while effectively implementing the administration of his superstitious/outdated/primitive/retrogressive/lay customs/rituals,roots,culture and traditions. The Luo of Nyanza under Raila's dictatorship,captivity,blind-folding,arm-twisting fellowship and under his "toy robot soldier tactics/antics" have been conditioned,hypnotized,put/held under a spell to act like 1 body and synonimically like the adage "all eggs in 1 basket" for so long as long as since/when Kenya as a Republic went through the shock-waves of the 1982 coup attempt aftermath and that astray-path has been maintain unfortunately up to now whereby as a result since then the Luo didn't bother to wholly embrace the content and character of Nationalism as an ethnic-tribal entity;except of course foe exceptions like Tom Mboya,Omamo,Robert Ouko,Raphael Tuju and the Remarkable James Orengo whose 1st 2 attempts at the Ugenya parliamentary seat back in the days of Moi couldn't tackle the late Bishop Ondiek who won that seat then 2 consecutive times. This was simply because B.O. was Raila's man and with his political blessings and endorsements till J.O. had to agree to lick boots and be fed humble pie,cross-over/decamp and join the charade of Raila's archaic bandwagon {LDP/NDP: after 10 years in the political cold}. Tuju was literally sent packing "under a hail of stones"{asides} after he stood his ground accepting neither to lick boots or be fed humble pie. Other Luo Nyanza M.P.'s envied him {asides} cause he'd managed to strike a development issue-oriented track-record performing/underscoring more for his Rarieda constituents than others of the likes of Raila who'd been there forever but couldn't match him on the ground. In Kibera's Langata constituency where Raila has been M.P. since forever till recently bitterly-felled in the just concluded March 4th elections, laboring-expectant mothers are towed to the hospitals in wheelbarrows at night. The 3-cycle motorcar I bet would have a more ideological-development/issue-oriented considerations/priority agenda for any right thinking leader for statistically speaking, I wouldn't guess how many would be proficient for the Kibera slums but again I guess it would have to be the same number as the wheelbarrows presently being towed away in the dark of the night. You can imagine a pregnant woman being made to lie astride the tiny uncomfortable squeeze-fittings of a wheelbarrow. Then now imagine that woman is your spouse my good Lords or for my ladies that that expectant woman in that straits-jackets metal frame wheelbarrow in the cold of Nairobi,in the dark of the night is yourself. Mind you Raila drives a hammer, a military model car/vehicle to animistic-ally achieve his ill-perceived illusionist status of "warrior-military king" relic-mummification. His hammer was a party showcasing in town when he launched it and thus/hence you can picture the figurement of his imagination driving in to statehouse with his militants parading the road stretch on both sides,i.e. assuming/presupposing he could win or in the eventuality he won an election. Ladies and gentlemen,members of the bar and bench and the public at large, I propose that such fake characters shouldn't be let anywhere near public offices or elective posts for their interests and/or developmental issue-oriented agendas are myopically uninformed and primitive;it starts and ends with them, period.They should not be allowed to mislead any lays whether exploiting their grievances or whether fanning or abusing their ethnic emotions. Later, limited funds.

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