Sunday, May 05, 2013

THE LAW : Prosecuting Raila : Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Psycopath Ritual Murderer.

Hi ladies and gentlemen,members of the bar and bench,my respective lords and ladies,legal corporations, and members of the general public at large Today I set-out to begin giving the intricate detail of events, preceding and proceeding henceforth from the crimes of witchcraft/sorcery, medical crimes,atrocities and crimes against humanity as carried-out by the a fore-mentioned accused and his accomplices after a carefully carrying-out of observations and coming-up with hypothesis which I will go on shortly to implicitly and explicitly elucidate and demonstrate beyond any reasonable doubt due to the gathered hind-sight knowledge.. First let me mention that the rigors of the above crimes I have been visited-upon/subjected to under the keen microscope-spotlight of Raila's ODM secretariat which has kept me constantly under round-the-clock surveillance and framed-political-order set-ups is deeply shrouded in mystery and secrecy of a mathematical-astrology precision of a convent-laboratory's vicious,mendacious rhetoric animism witchcraft by the agents,representatives of Raila's medulla oblangata evil-eyed mentality using both symbols and look-alike doubles. The above and his accomplices have unscrupulously meant to determine my social,economic and political destiny by hook or crook in a project which for lack of a better term let me name "the making of a trump" achieved by creating mistrust,animosity,conflict{interests} and bad blood by intricate mathematical engineering exponentially of the propaganda of my imposed out-casting,ostracizing ,outlawing after being carefully targeted for discrimination and isolation to the periphery of society.This has resulted in my being treated as the outsider,the-odd-one-out,the extra,the burden,the other,the sin-eater,the it.This has left the constituents of whatever zone/district/location I happen to venture-into or get deported-to, whichever may be the case, [ akin to the Aztec-Maya-Inca Indians of Mexico and the wailing-wall old-testament Abraham s/Isaac s of Israel as-well-as the ritual child-sacrificing/slave-selling African Monarchs ] impregnated with a high-crisis air of expectation but which thanks to the almighty so far, has managed to result in an anticlimax of sorts anyway! The sojourn of deportation to Migori from Mombasa begins during the 21st European Film Festival at The Alliance Francaise de Mombasa though it was being hosted country wide whereby in Mombasa they were scheduled to take place from The 4th to The 14th of June 2012. The opening ceremony was attended by everybody that loves/speaks French or/and has taken courses there-in. It was open to the public to water their appetites for foreign languages and just to party and celebrate being francophone. I met a french lady,student of political science from Bordeaux serving at the club's bar where we made friends and looked forward to carrying-it further in due course.After the opening ceremony she was due back definitely on the 7th for the French film. That's the day the Mombasa Municipal council police pounced/zoomed on me while having lunch courtesy of a car sales/marketing cousin-brother agent/representative. There are power failures/ interruptions so I will elaborate later.

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