Monday, April 29, 2013

THE LAW : Prosecuting Raila : Ex- Treason Convict and Serial Ritual Psychopath Murderer.

Hello everybody hope you are all enjoying your freedoms and that they are not fringed-upon or threatened whatsoever. I would like to clarify an issue regarding the constant mention of Raila's medulla oblangata that that is meant to refer to two aspects of {1.}- his mentality and {2.}- his mental illness. Regarding his mentality, it is interesting to note that he lives in Langata in a palace amidst the 2nd largest slam in Africa Kibera, after Soweto in South Africa {I Stand to be corrected.} You see, he regards/takes himself as does his secret society membership club, as a traditional warrior King and also at the same time as a revolutionary befitting the types of Fidel Castro, Muammar Gaddafi e.t.c; fighting against the ghosts of a war long won in 1963 and especially more so with liberalizations of the markets as the years have progressed in to the 2nd millennium,i.e. the 21st century. Indeed as the case may be, in Luo Nyanza he is taken for/regarded as a god what with the long-held perception that he is a King-maker who holds credit for all those holding elective posts from Luo Nyanza. That aspirants must seek his political blessing and endorsement without which they are pre-disposed not to win any elections : here, in this regard the likes of Hon. Tuju ,former Rarieda M.P. and Orengo would testify as to the resignations and confessions of allegiances they had to respectively go through before either winning or failing to win the elective posts. With such a warrior/military King mentality, he once led a coup in 1982 which was quashed/aborted/thwarted by the air force wing of the defense forces but which nonetheless left hundreds of lives wrecked if not totally lost all together, a massacre amidst chaos and disorder, riots and a period of lawlessness. He still harbors those warrior/ militaristic tendencies as is demonstrated in my palpable experiences in Huruma, Nairobi which lies astride the Eastleigh and Moi Air Bases whereby we find/realize that the same pattern/sequence of events took place with attempts on my life as narrated in earlier blogs. Though I salvaged my life before the palpable peak of events in Nairobi, Huruma, In Mtongwe's Kenya Navy Barracks, they managed to twice mug me threateningly with their machetes and shining blades in the gleam of the moon light in the dark of the night. Thus it is clearly apparent that he has got moles and militants both in the private and public corporations/sectors as I will continue to demonstrate further the point. Thus himself being a practitioner of astrological witchcraft and sorcery he lives animistic ally, aping and mimicking his illusory vision of a warrior/military King and thus goes ahead to choose his preferred abode/bunker/demilitarized zone in Langata,1 of the largest barracks. Thus being a Nyanza-Luo god and at the same time attempting a throw at a Nationalistic military-warrior-King, he has this illusion of a vision of creating a KINGDOM {rd: ODM} which he symbolically mentions as "KISUGU=ANTHILL" translating to a KINGDOM in complete with a palace in "KISUMU" him being the unopposed King and his queen,drones{workers},soldiers, a civil service empire and of course not forgetting a court of witchdoctors/wizards/shamans/soothsayers..... name it. Secondly, in accounting to the continuous use of the term Raila's medulla oblangata, I intend to point-out a factor culminating in his mental illness. The East African of "July 5th November, 2010" categorically comes-out clear on the irony of the subject matter of the physiology of his Central Nervous System when they mentioned that he checked himself in to a hospital complaining of headache and fatigue which was diagnosed as a result of pressure building/piling-up in his skull. That the pressure,headache and fatigue was relieved by doctors in Nairobi DRILLING-A-HOLE-IN-TO-HIS-HEAD,up through the skull and in to the CNS BEFORE SUCCESSFULLY BEING ABLE TO DRAIN SOME FLUID. This major/sensitive operation of brain matter above to a VIP presidential contender is to be compared to the 2002 minor operation to a VIP, his excellency the former president Kibaki who had to be flown all the way to London after suffering a broken leg in a car accident. Thus there lies the paradox on his mental physiological state which without doubt has a major sensitive impact on the psychological and mental capacities of his CNS. In other words, it's apparently clear that there's something sinister about R's CNS/mental health which makes it abundantly plausible that he is not fit to either run or hold any elective post or public office. This mental abnormality/illness is the more profound given that there is something fishy /hidden in the fact that his relic-mummify care-takers would prefer to substitute his more sensitive,delicate special operation, DRILL-INTO-THE-HEAD,through into the skull and into the sensitive physiology of the CNS TO BE DONE LOCALLY in Nairobi as would compare to his former his excellency's mere broken leg which had to be flown all the way to London for that extra techno-expertise. I would like to state categorically that such a sensitive,SPECIALIZED,DRILL-INTO-THE SKULL operation is definitely subject to a medical mental case due to medical interpretation consequently disqualifying him from being eligible to run-for or hold any elective post or public office respectively. This is because it is clearly apparent that should the operation have been held at the international level it would definitely have given rise to unhealthy speculation world over as regard his suitability to hold or run for any public office or elective post respectively. The reasonable conclusion in the international/global/world stage for a presidential contender VIP would have been generally demeaning to any of his futuristic contentions : fallacious at best and crazy at worst. This means he is predictable as much as he is unreliable and that's definitely the reason for the closed-door/local/extra-sensitive CNS DRILL-INTO-THE-HEAD,PHYSIOLOGICAL operation which without doubt has an impact on the psychological and mental capacities of the person. It's clear what he can not achieve in a disciplined statistical methodology, he substitutes for with mediums and oracles,mathematical convent-laboratory witchdoctors in the fallacious,primitive,lay belief and practice of astrological animism.

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