Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.

Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.
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Thursday, February 07, 2013

POLITICS : The Ironies of The Tragedies and Comedies Bedeviling Kenyan Politics.

Hi progressive peoples allover the world, hope in your countries you are all equal before the law and that non is more equal than the other or is treated unequivocally. I would like to state that we Kenyans appear to have the curse of the gods upon us simply because of this fellow of a p.m.,pretender to The Seat of The Office of The President and masquerading as a liberal democratic leader. The problem with this fellow is that he has 'The Big Man Syndrome' quiet popular in this parts of the world. He outright overlooks his political/government peers, chides and sneers at them regarding them as non-entities, beginners in the political scenario which he gloats to have been in long before some of them were adults. Thus he derives his roguishness,uncouthness,his unpolished unprincipled mannerisms,his carelessness, his lack of courtesy and his non-observance of any etiquette whatsoever. Thai is precisely why he has become a political failure, a poor finisher if viewed from the perspective of football which he stitches the crowds with whenever he runs out of issues and begins mimicking football commentators impersonating his favorite players in regard to his rebellious approach of 'turning over the tables in the face of his political peers and attempting to take over the business of running the government.' He does not stand-up to meet the threshold/criterion of 'His Excellency The President' simply cause of this 'Big Man Syndrome' attitude he carries everywhere with him in both public and personal relations partnerships be it politics or business. Thus people have developed an endemic fear for him over all these years he has been in politics. He has no discipline himself yet he falsely claims it is the 1 thing he wants to instill in government . Indeed, quoting from what 1 of his political peers whispered in his ears at 1 time, I would like to remind him that Statesmanship Excellency, the business of running the government needs the serious approach of a Stock Market Exchange and not the comic approach of running a fish market because its sensitivity lies in the hold of a peoples lives at ransom at the breath or lack thereof of the President's word. It has everything to do with improving the economy read at the G.D.P. We demand figures and pertinent clear-cut issues. I think so far, we Kenyans have an Idi Amin Dada in the waiting should we make the mistake of choosing to elect this fellow of a p.m. He is waiting to load it over the political peers and the populace at large. He is going to attempt {attempt cause I am sure Kenyans won't take lying, not with the new dispensation} down to have a personal grip on everything and everybody everywhere He is known to react to issues at the spur of the moment and does not have the patience nor the discipline nor the reason to respond to issues. He is a 'Gate Crasher' and that is why he lacks the prerequisite organization skills clearly apparent in his deficiency of decorum in his rallies as well as launch-eons. Precisely so because he is always in a hurry to out-do all the other political peers. Indeed, if these forth-coming elections are going to be won on a 'may-the-best-man-win' platform, based on the sales and marketing/advertising, organization skills and competence of the aspirants, then he has already lost cause his dais is always enrolled in dis-order and chaos with allies scrambling for the mic and trying to out-do themselves in hoarding praises to the persona of the p.m. Sometimes he even dresses like he is going to his cow pen to dip the cattle, completely out-of touch and place with the statesmanship code. Later, logistics.

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