Monday, July 23, 2012

State Terror : Press Muzzlings and Black-outs.

Hi bloggers, I forgot to mention that employment discrimination and discrimination at the work place are some of the subversive state terror acts I 've been subjected to as a victim of the above. This is to imply that once you have been black-listed as a victim of of state atrocities, there's nothing you can do it's tantamount to arrested development; infact the feeling is that of a fugitive running to save the life they live. You end-up living below the standards of poverty till it strikes you if you can guesse it that you are being tracked.If not careful you may loose your vocational and social skills as well given that you are subjected to long periods of unemployment.
The few times you may be allowed casual labor it's for the worst of working conditions / situations that you get considered and usually it's not connected to your trainning, it's just for survival. You live worse than a refugee.Before I got deported due to exercising the freedom of expression and trying to get back to my area of trainning and experience , the county ooficials arrested me and not knowing what to charge me with first preferred " loitering " at the county courts in Mombasa and finally chaged the charges to "community nuinsance" once they shipped me to prison where I spent five goddamn days.
after the five days they paid bail for me then told me their orders were to deport me to Migori and the case that was due for mention on the 25th of that month of June was aptly managed by simply tearing the case file and charge sheets in compliance with the magistrates chambers.
 Hey for now I have been placed on a physiotherapy programme at the district hospital while I working round the clock to set the wheels of justice in motion regarding the accident case. I underwent electronic physiotherapy by the use of an electronic mini muscle stimulator and arm clinical massage. Don't know how long it will last neither for the state nightmare of this subversion terror. Later virtuals.

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