Sunday, July 22, 2012

State Terror : Press Muzzlings and Black-outs

Hi virtual s, I've squeezed another opportunity which is nowadays hard to come-by cause of the consistent state subversion terror battles that I've been experiencing for quiet a long time and have now climaxed .To set the ball rolling, I would begin but just to mention the most recent perpetration of this state atrocity following the after math of an accident I had courtesy of the county officials who had undertaken the task of deporting me  one of the wings of the state's coalition government if not both cause I don't succumb to the concept that the left hand could do something and the right hand fails to get an idea of what's going on.
It's been now a whole month and like a week since the accident and the impact on the right palm has spread all over the right hand and I've got to adapt to using it less more than the left hand; now I have had to solicit for funds to under-go an x-ray for proper diagnosis and treatment for immediately after the accident, a collision between a construction canter and a the motorbike we were aboard, the county officials engaged in a conspiracy to subvert the cause of justice by referring me to a quack-like private clinic while intentionally evading the better well equipped district hospital just so there would be no files or records of their torturous subversive activities.I have to keep my hand in a downward position for it can't stay up for long periods, the left arm supports the right arm in all it activities and the fevers are frequent got to use painkillers.
 I'll continue with other subversive torturous-terror acts of the state later due to logistics and this chapters will include: 1: solitary confinement,
            2: organized crimes including break-in robberies and muggings,
            3: arbitrary arrests and detentions,
            4: sexual crimes of the nature of mishandling s and hit tings of private parts geared to effect    psychological and mental torture,
            5: subjections to  unethical modes of therapy

Later virtuls.

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