Saturday, May 12, 2012

REJOINDER:Reading From Different Scripts:Kenya Floods.

Yeah my dear virtual beings, like I was saying a while ago , trying to demonstrate the fallacious thought patterns of  the Kenyan political-leader-breed which then goes-on to erroneously not only mislead the the public and the world at large but also their very own conscious and conscience. These turn-coat opportunists have no business running the government in the first place for we have seen from any angle projected that they are only strategically placed to cater for their own pockets and those of their families and immediate friends. Remember the "it's our time to eat" syndrome?
No wonder then any upright thinking civilized cosmopolitan would not wish to seriously consider these parts of the world their permanent dwelling hordes,unless it's just for holidays or for some expatriate work.Why? Because the virgin environment here lacks the necessary infrastructural facilities that would accompany such complex, developed and evolved brain think-tanks. The situation is intolerable. Here it is an implicit-explicit personality-culture oriented society based on static / retrogressive traditional thought-patterns. Later virtual s, logistics.

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