Monday, May 14, 2012

POLITICS:Reading From Different Scripts: Incompatibility.

As a continuation of the last article regarding it raining cats and dogs leading to consequent cyclic floods that leave havoc upon human life, that of livestock and plants in the wake of the uncountable, untapped bursting of the banks of the different water bodies and their tributaries; a blessing which is being let to go to waste and / or to the dogs, I would like to use this as a demonstration of the erratic reasoning affecting the exploitation and thus abuse of the full capacities of the mental faculties of these our myopic leaders, largely of the African third world countries.But have it as you may, it is not that these high-way robbers we have in the name of leaders are practicing 'man eat man capitalism'  out of being misinformed or lack of exposure for they have both these two factors abundantly at their disposal; but rather because they are intentionally practicing what they are as real time opportunists exploiting the laity of the uninformed, unexposed masses. Only a small fraction of these queer leaders can not be held culpable for they joined elective governance to be rewarded with plum portfolios by their political godfathers to serve the artificial ethnic emotions of  the masses as a whole...- of which they don't warrant or qualify so-to-speak-of in the first place. 
Incompatibility comes in the wake of  interactions / socialization s within the Kenyan society and between the communities there-in as well as between the government and the citizenry. Communications are at cross-roads. Nobody understands or comprehends what the other means or is saying and that is why the electorate is always being successfully  hoodwinked to contract such a rotten caliber of fellows to hold-on to the reigns of government.The sly leaders front the cannibal capitalists with a 'money language' the lay don't understand. The intellectuals are well taken care-of to have any time to bother about misplaced priorities.That is why it would suffice to say be completely intolerable for any persons in their right thinking capacities to consider making such undeveloped habitats their permanent dwelling havens for the reality on the ground does not conjure at all with the u topic images that the United Nations club of  progressive countries is trying to ideologies and / or realize. The third-world is a far-fetched dream from the first-world across the spectrum of all the developed / civilized / democratic indexes factors. If your from abroad you will be excited by the adventures that awaits one as they try to reconnect / re-attach with the form of life as it was on planet earth on the early stages of evolution, but the that is all.When it comes to the social framework ,you will realize as well that it is not only really hard to hold any decent conversation at all { and with a large fraction of the lay populace this is the case }but it is completely impossible to have any discourse at all so to say , for not only do you find yourself at cross-roads, speaking at cross-purposes due to the difference in language and perception brought about by lack of information and exposure affecting in turn the civilization of the populace. I will elaborate later virtual s, logistics.......Africa.

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