Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.

Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.
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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

POLITICS:Incompatibility:Arusha Vs. The Hague

Hello there everybody once again.The five East African  heads of State met under the auspices of The East African Court of Justice  sometimes last week to deliberate upon the African Union declaration to undertake the due trial and prosecution of the four Kenyans charged of crimes against humanity that led to the killings of tens of thousands and still left hundreds of thousands internally and externally displaced to date.This comes in the wake of the recent spurt of numerous African leaders and / or their cronies being charged  by The International Community at The International Criminal Court based in The Hague with the above heinous crimes against humanity
Well, of interest is the fact that these our gullible,corrupt African leaders have to find a way out to cover their evil deeds at the behest of the ordinary lay citizenry who has payed by blood and whole productive lives. That way is the clever intention to expedite amendment of the treaty that established This EACJ to extend jurisdiction of the same court to cover crimes against humanity. The amendment to be introduced thus wasn't there in the first place so that in essence means it is just a clever ploy by the guilty powers that be to save their 'sacred cows,' the-holier-than-thou special / senior citizens as they so infamously refer to themselves from facing the full force of the law.They are applying double standards for they see themselves as above the law. Indeed, this is a clarion call echoed by The East African Legislative Assembly after being motioned by The A.U.
Now, what I find extremely funny and unfathomable is the false shameless argument by the wife of the prime minister of Kenya that the cases should specifically be referred back to The EACJ so that the suspects may  evade or be saved from the long hush prison sentences awaiting them as a matter of justice to the victims and the conscience of the civilized world. She goes on to give an example of her spouse, The Prime Minister who has been jailed in previous occasions from political crimes such as an attempted coup back in 1982 which left thousands displaced, died and / or sent to prison. She laments that she knows the suspects will languish in jail and sympathizes sharing in the anguish of the suspects' immediate families. She is not in any way affected by the thousands of deaths the suspects visited upon   the victims and their families, neither is she moved by the still thousands of internally and externally displaced victims who are trying to get back the pieces of their lives together from scratch, aided by the pure in conscious and conscience. All that matters to her and her ilk I guess is the elections at hand which might just spur her spouse to helm of powerful rule. They, as a team must do all in their power to garner the votes at whatever price whether people have to die or be displaced.
So is the case in Africa. The prisons are for the poor lay who know neither this nor that . The immediate former president Moi aptly referred to the as 'The Wanjikus'-for they know nothing about the constitution nor the law in general. They are there to be exploited to the benefit of those in power.They are untouchable and so the vouching for them to evade justice to be done and seen to be done to the victims and by the  civilized world. The idea of jail I thought was correctional / rehabilitative in purpose and content but again, lest you forget that 'sacred cows' and holier-than-thou citizens are above the ordinary mortals and as such shouldn't be subjected to the law. Remember the P.M.'s spouse shares the same views as the P.M.
The African lay peasant is tired and it is a high time that the continent was transformed to first if not at least second world standards guided by the universal laws of democracy,progress and civilization.Otherwise we might just begin vouching for expatriate presidents to take us where the rest of the civilized world under the auspices of the U.N. IS going. Later virtual s.

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