Friday, May 04, 2012

My Niche: The African Experience; Kenyan Perspective

Hi fellow blogger s, it has been a long time but now I am back on board to share with you what is happening or not in this remote part of the world. As a matter of principle I would like to welcome you all aboard my forum as I take you through a familiarization tour of my home ground's backyard .The city I dwell-in is called Mombasa, an old island spanning the ages of enlightenment which brings together a cacophony of different peoples from across the world,clashing and getting entangled in cultures which have given rise to what makes-up the top-most layer of the present cosmopolitan island . The island is quite small but it has stories to thrill your blood and make your heart-beat near / come close to a stop.One can tour the whole island reaching its shore ends from all the four directions of the compass within slightly less than forty-five minutes to be precise.Excuse me please ,I will continue later due to logistics.

Hello there everybody. You know what I am still new on boars blogger and thus still learning the ropes of the trade , i.e. managing my blogs as well as the site itself which  more often than not happens to be down.Hey what is hot now in this minuscule town is the undersea rebellion that is slowly taking shape and form in terms of calls for secession. It is a long story that began as an agitation against the perceived marginalization of the coastal people whose main city is this Mombasa. In the beginning, it consisted of something along the lines of cat and mouse games where the aggrieved party and brought businesses to a stop by causing chaos, albeit organized but which by far affected the economic factors / players in the job  markets. Things are now really bad ,the govt. is slowly being brought to its knees at the negotiating table and it is having to acknowledge the grievances of the affected as real and not just opportunistic.The constant on-and-off cat and mouse games have turned into ambushes and counter ambushes; people have been dislocated during its highs and relocated at its lows just like the infamous post election violence of 2007.The indigenous' intellectual's are quoting past pre-colonial agreements which have a heavy bearing on the legal status of the coast's gerrymandered  region.The coastal region is very productive and rich in some rare minerals  not to mention the abundant resources.People want federalism here so that they can have a say and control over the resources being exploited under their noses. Keep in touch later.

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