Saturday, May 05, 2012


The world really is an amazing place especially when it comes to interactions in the society and even so nowadays in this cosmopolitan era. All peoples of the worlds Nations find themselves side by side in all countries. Love between the different / same sexes continues to raise emotions even amongst non-affiliated parties.Love is hard to come by.
I recently read about the latest technology involving the freezing of embryos, sperms and eggs for future growth and development and I thought........ "my, at long last it seems science has jumped the hurdle of keeping pace with the biological time for spouses who wish to marry and raise kids; for spouses who value the age-old  family traditions." Thus , a married couple can safely decide to post-pone raising kids if thy find it a nuisance in to their married-working life till say after retirement, without qualms...provided there is consent between the couple. Surprisingly for me at thirty-four years of age, I find this a viable option given that life in third world Africa is mere existence surviving at the barest minimum of basics for the large majority. Africa is just waking-up to industrialization with little or no capacity at all to embrace the fruits of civilization. That is why when somebody mentions Africa abroad, the images that conjure-up in anybodies mind is just hunger, starvation, famines ,droughts, senseless wars, disease, corruption to name but a few. I am single, my marriage subjected to better lawful governance which can accommodate a welfare system and / or more employment opportunities.
The same applies to millions others who not only live in squalid sub-human conditions but whose fate was sealed even before they were born ;for Africa to get out of this quagmire it will take not only technocrats but willing leaders of goodwill. Now if you ask me ,this species is very hard to come by here in Africa. Our life-spans have been shortened / curtailed due the the hard bearing economic conditions.Most of the economies are rain-agriculture based.Thus you either be smart and adapt to hit and run relationships or just decide to spread your wild oats far and wide without taking any paternal accredit ion or responsibility. It is even harder when you can not find an informed, civilized and exposed mate due to the shortage in the prerequisite infrastructural facilities responsible for such a populace.Here, the majority are lay,with primitive tendencies in terms of behavior, fit for those who only care about hot-rough sex.Period. You see in such situations, even communication becomes a tall order. Later virtual friends.

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