Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.

Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.
Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law-This is an Online-Jobs Entrepreneurship / Business Services-Provider, Social Media Marketing / Virtual Assistant (Administrative) and Retail-Goods Affiliate-Marketing involving: (1.)-Community Paralegals for Legal Document Assistant (LDA) / Legal Technician / Court Document Preparers / Court Forms Providers as far as Activism-and-Lobbying for Causes go concerning Human-Rights-Advocacy for suppressed voices and the tax-overburdened oppressed laity including dis-inherited widows, orphans and the destitute; (2.)-French, English, Swahili Translator / Interpreter / Teacher / Tour Guide; (3.)-Publisher for Affiliate Marketing in freelance writing, blogging, transcription and podcasting;

Wednesday, April 09, 2014

Prosecuting Raila : Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Ritual Psychopath Murderer.

Hi everybody.Well,now you got it almost all regarding the seriousness of removing that "SOMETHING/JINN",i.e.the animism in the names: JOMVU KUU,OMO-ndi,KENYATTA{phone-charging s and mason-carpenter quarters/crown-bed}. Well during my 1-month South Coast camp for purporses of prospecting the vast Tourism and Hospitality Industry I got an interview opportunity with the new proprietor of one of the old companies I'd been working for between 1997 and 19998 namely Kinazini Funzi Dhow Safaris which propelled me to get a re-attachment status.But the rate when I stopped to count the fingers on my hands I found that wasn't gowing to be sustainable,i.e. a rate of once per month mean average .I'd made an effort to meet the proprietors,managers and secretaries of the Industry when delivering the applications by hand and for first encounters I made the best impressions taking them as per-interviews.Appointments were made by phone to those I couldn't/didn't access manually with whom we'd either communicated via the internet or the phone.Well the situation was by far quiet different from what used to be the state-of-affairs during the 97's to 98's when the clamor for learning a foreign language was taken like a casual examination course without any applicable industry or market feasibility.Thus we were few the tour-guides and the demand for bilinguals and multilingual s was higher than them markets could supply.So we them tour-guides ended-up holding much more work than sometimes even our fingers could handle with one having sometimes to even skive job on a lame excuse just so they could relax and cover some sleep deficit.Nowadays the exact reverse is true with them markets saturated with bilinguals and multilingual s.Well I got another chance during the same encampment at the South Coast to land an interview with another hotel called Blue Marlin with their Water Sports and Deep Sea Fishing Department for a Sales and Marketing Representative post doubling-up as a tour guide when the occasion arose.Though there were wide ranging draw-backs whereby first and foremost a successful applicant had to buy their own uniform tailored to match the company's description.Secondly we were consumed in handling the company's fishing and sports gear in terms of storing and/or laying-out before an all out sea expedition and what's more one only earned on a commission basis if one managed to land a sale on a surfing,snorkeling,deep sea diving/fishing half or full day product/package.Mind you, one also catered for their own commuting to and fro not to mention the lodge arrangements a fellow like me would have to make.Every nitty-gritty of life costs a dime and the season was low and still I had them bills to meet.That's when I changed course and moved back to the island for when the season's low,even the hustling of teaching French here and there for this curio-seller and for that beach-hustler ain't feasible for the low turn-out affects them all the hotels,the village economy halts to a go-slow and everybody survives on what they could save from the preceding season.There are indeed massive lay-offs and most of them hotels {sometimes up to 70%} close shop while the remaining few survive on local tourism.This is when rates are beatable and business is hard and slow to come-by.Hence,these were the circumstances under which I decided to change course and relocate back to the island.I had one feasible option but which wasn't practicable for lack of resources till now;that of settling and building a career on a Free-Lance Tour-Guide aspect whereby after meeting the benchmark one gets a license from the ministry of Tourism and Wildlife costing between Kshs.7,000 and Kshs.8,000 subject to annual renewal.This way one still has the advantage of staying attached to all other companies in the Industry for when the season climaxes.That's the plan I have for the accident victim compensation money,to use it as capital to set-up biz and diversify from there with time.I could even go straight to Blue Marlin and start work there now that I would be able to foot the investment bill. Thus,last but not least my Learned Lords and Ladies is the emerging result of what the master-illusionists Illuminati-Freemasons brotherly-duo represented by the bodyguard of Raila and the Ikenya career bodyguards are engineering and intend to achieve: [1.]-Prolonged unemployment or any decent mode of subsistence geared to make one loose all abilities,functional and practical skills commensurate with the training and experience acquired over time to increase employment and productivity chances so as to be able to play a wide range of social roles to make ends-meet and lead a normal life. [2.]-Social,economic and mainstream civil-society isolation in effect putting my dating and marriage in dire straights by perpetuating bachelor-hood and "the remaining-single status. [3.]-Dis-enabling my life,carving-out a turbulent history for me and planning to eventually settle me down into "disabled" routine {rd:shackles and wheelchairs} of something like a cabbage on a life support machine. [4.]-Arrested growth and development to make one appear abnormal,sick,outcast,retarded-adult evoking condemnation,disgust,rejection and discrimination as a barrier to growth and development at the same time. My Learned Lords and Ladies, time is running so fast literally flying like quick-sand and thus I beg to move that you for see the speedy summation of my accident victim compensation case so that I can move steadfastly without wastage of any more time,start a life and try to cover-up for the lost time for as you can evidently see the employment prospectuses in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry at The Coast is attractive and feasible.Later,logistics

Sunday, April 06, 2014

Prosecuting Raila: Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Ritual Psychopath Murderer.

Hi everybody.I will start with The Human Rights Watch texts meant as up-dates amidst the dark cloud hanging over my head in Raila's stronghold home turf:[1.] "Hi today that woman has sexually harassed me again timing my nakedness in the bathrooms. On inquiring she literally dashes-out like it's a game she is playing." {25th March,2014.08:33}This message was also copied to the older brother of the father of the family of my siblings and a Migori Judiciary phone number{0719 681 497}which I've learn t since then that it's not operational;[2.]"Hi the palpable tension is building pent-up frustrations since I am subjected to sign language of insults symbolizing homosexual and incestuous sexual harassment.Verbal communication is barked-out!De-spiteful exploitative provocations."{1st April,2014.13:35};[3.]Hi a witch-doctor has been brought again to try and indulge me in their witchcraft agenda.I've refused flat.The tension is palpable."{5th April,2014.16:35.}In addition to the above texts,there's another arrogant similar act which wasn't text-ed though.Interestingly enough, something new is developing;imagine the mother of the family of my siblings is so determined in her efforts as a SYCOPHANT representing her ODM leanings and on her own behalf representing the FERTILITY-REPRODUCTIVE-CULTS and SPIRITUAL-ANIMISM cultural heritage.It's so serious she had to change her call schedules just to mark-time when I wake-up to go to the pit latrines for a short-call before proceeding to brush and wash face and finally embark on some fabricated weight-lifting gymnastics at 0600hours when-st I've set the mobile phone alarm.In Migori at 0600hours it's still dark outside when the cocks are on their second rhythmic crowing.The pit latrines face the quarters I am assigned and I was shocked on opening the door to find her coming-out of the middle pit latrine door with the yellow bulb-on for it was still dark {mind you there are two toilets in their main house.}The homestead across the fence is usually up and about as well in low talk/tones but audible enough across the compound to the quarters I am assigned.You see, I'd changed wake-up hours to try and avoid the insulting,provocative incestuous beckoning s and it shocked me their archaic witchcraft secret society is seriously meaning their vicious-mendacious-rhetoric animism.I couldn't/didn't step outside instead shutting the door on her face/gaze and set to inquire reflectively the significance of such arrogant behavior.That's when I realized it had something to do with night-running,mathematical astrology {rd:conniving, calculating},witchcraft,sorcery and surprisingly enough,homosexuality.Yes!There's an eerie interconnection between and amongst all the above.This specifically so because there was another dark-night incident around a quarter to 2200hours when I'd gone for a long call across to the pit latrines and on coming-out,I was met with a strong perfume the father of the family of my siblings usually wears on particular days.There was more of the perfume in the room and I knew he'd been there though I didn't find him on crisis-cross checking the surroundings.I text-ed his older brother and told other cousins as well for this was a sure evident sign of NIGHT-RUNNING.Now going back to the earlier texts,the sign language saga is all about gestures,symbols,body-language,beckoning s which has deteriorated to gay insulting insinuations for somebody who is not gay.There's certainly an eerie relationship between gayness and sorcery/witchcraft/night-running {rd:conniving,calculating v. convents.}Then there's the hunger and poison threat games also carried-out animistic ally and symbolically.Since there's only 3 of us,when food is served,sometimes when he feels like it he takes his ratio to go and eat outside and I gotta follow to confirm whether there's something fishy with the food before proceeding to partake of my ratio as well.In connection to this there's another acute trick they are good at pulling whereby the father of the family of my siblings makes a "disappearing act" claiming he's going on a journey usually Mombasa which translates to food insecurity panic for till he shows back is there any guarantee of feeding in the main house again.That's where the ovacados come-in handy, surviving on the edge for the mother of the siblings usually feeds in the kitchen .Well, he just pulled such a card yesterday saying he'll be gone for about a week!May the almighty forbid any misfortunes! Then there's the OMO-ndi/KENYATTA animism-factor which rises again.You see, they are into phone-charging business since rural electrification leaves households left-out still.The two names are amongst the most notable frequent character client whose names fit the bill of of the real actors they represent pulling the strings behind the scenes.Now,talking of mobile phones, I would like you My Learned Lords and Ladies and especially you The Senior Counsel of The UNHCR and The International Organization for Migration to note that in the first instance under the abduction of the Jomvu Kuu witchdoctor sanctioned by the boys-in-blue at Uhuru Gardens in Mombasa,my PHONE WAS CUT-OFF THE SAFARICOM MOBILE NETWORK and it hang-up on "EMERGENCY CALLS ONLY." I was amazed I felt like I'd been taken to the middle-of-nowhere in Siberia and that any time the axe would fall on me.What was so serious about the "JINN TO BE REMOVED" that the boys-in-blue and Raila's bodyguard in civilian would have to rubber-stamp their authority just to confirm that the the witchcraft procedure/process had been enacted?And more so,so serious as to get my mobile cell phone SWITCHED-OFF The SAFARICOM MOBILE NETWORK? Indefinitely without a clue to what the involved parties connived and calculated to befall my life?Something was evidently seriously wrong to warrant to have to be held incommunicado for 2 weeks in the middle-of-nowhere of what felt like Siberia with the bigwigs involved.I hope My Learned Lords and Ladies you will partake of measure to ensure that my mobile phone is WITH/ON NETWORK 24/7/365 whilst I work-out this migration petition for the tension's palpable and 1 day something might happen anytime and I don't wonna disappear mysteriously either.I want my life back.This unending sojourn here in Raila's home-turf/strong-hold feels like Siberia as well as what with the animal-husbandry and zero-grazing innuendos.Yesterday they brought another witch-doctor again to try and indulge me in their witchcraft endeavors saying this would open-up my sealed-fate.I told the witch-doctor that first and foremost I don't believe or have faith in their archaic traditions of witchcraft and secondly that I go with the sound logic of science basing my approach to life on practical insight gained through observation over time;and that as such he the witch-doctor wouldn't be anymore welcome in my company....that I wouldn't accommodate his irrational and abnormal counseling no more.That my problem was political and economic and that I was trying to solve it through a petition and by settling my accident case to get the compensation money to use as capital to start a life.Period.Imagine after all I've been through with stuff witchcraft and the involved parties are still carrying-on with witchcraft with impunity.Then again on addition to that arrogance came some deriding when them SYCOPHANTS laughed on my face exclaiming that cop cases are easy to deal with...:"you just report to the O.B.{Obstruction Book} and leave." This was in reference to the assault incident whereby after reporting to the O.B. the cop assigned to take statements instead asked if I could bring witnesses to which I replied that the hood surrounding the house of the parents of my siblings is made-up mostly of settlers and retirees with whom they share a close relationship and that as such non of them would agree to bear witness against them.Thus was it left that I search their contacts and/or tell them they are wanted of which I promptly did the latter{rd:impunity.}Period. Now My Learned Lords and Ladies let me delve once again on how Raila and his ODM secret society party act hand-in-hand with the Luo Clan Welfare Associations when it comes to spiritual animism and/or Fertility Reproductive Cults in regards with the culture/ritual involved in ushering-in and/or dispatching one to their ancestors {rd:Sacrificial Systems and Ceremonies.}This elaborate SACRIFICIAL-SYSTEM ROLLED-OUT IN RITUALS,RITES AND CEREMONIES INVOLVE EVERY MEMBER OF The Luo Nyanza tribe individually and collectively-so at the Clan level build-up of the particular family house-holds.The Luo culture is like "Conveyor Belt" of the way to follow as regards customs, traditions with special reference to Fertility Reproductive Cults and Spiritual Animism.When you get into this REALM of "Cultural Conveyor Belt" of The Luo Nyanza River/Lake Nilotes by virtue of sharing in their geopolitical,social and economic nitty-gritty expressed in everyday life,as in when you interact and reciprocate interactions with the immediate environment as will be inevitably be necessitated by one's 3D existence in the Luo Nyanza REALM OF RIVER/LAKE NILOTES CONTEXT, I GETS INTO A WHOLE LOT MORE OF MIX-UPS than i would have anticipated.It is like a "two-way traffic Cultural-Conveyor-Belt" but which has binding connotations at the end-result of the "cause-effect and consequence" chain of acting and reacting "mental-apparatuses" or "thought-processes," each informed either by the same archaic old stone age River/Lake Nilote "Cultural Conveyor Belt" which is primitive,retrogressive,imposed and lay or by SCIENCE which is exposed,progressive,authoritatively-informed and civilized.Thus,the constant pesting by the witch-doctors of the brotherly-duo,the hunger-games and poison-threats,animal-husbandry and zero-grazing,the forced customary marriages,the sexual harassment...e.t.c.In The Luo-Nyanza REALM one has to be careful which girl they call,which fellows you drink with or hood with. Thus there's a character called George Okoth,a contractor by trade and till last year a an in-law before he separated with the cousin-sister.Now, while still hustling in Mombasa before the Ikenya Career Body guard swooped on to my good self,I sometimes would spend a day,2 or 3 when circumstances dictated and the last time I'd left my files carrying my college and job particulars besides two French text books [1.]La Becherelle Fondamental and [2.]A Teach-Your-Self French-English text.After the deportation,we talked over the phone and he promised to bring them that December 2012 and sure come December he brought what I'd left packed in a paper bag at his house.Everything else was there except the 2 French text books and by the time I got to phoning him he was already back in Mombasa and swore by the almighty up above that he'd never laid eyes on any French text books.There was a time earlier-on that he tried getting me a job as a French teacher at a friends school whereby on applying I was told as per protocol to just leave my credentials and would be called should a chance avail itself so I gathered he must have forwarded these 2 textbooks to that school but said nothing for he claimed he'd brought everything neatly packed just the way I'd left them!So presumably the 2 French texts had simply disappeared into thin-air all by themselves.These were texts I used to dilly-dally with in my up and down hustles teaching French when the tourism season hit an all low.Well he just recently called to say that fortunately enough he'd come across the 2 texts and that he didn't wonna bring them but thought I would go get them once I made the return.So a mind change at last and all's well that ends well. Now the interesting thing here is that the incident ends there but the matter of the hide and seek with my few belongings and properties here and there since the HURUMA pillaging and the Mtongwe Kenya Navy Barracks break-in robbery still persists and spirals to the relevant at hands-items.Thus there's another cousin brother at the South Coast Coast called Bockenzie Alphones nick-named Sititi who also threw a spanner into the jigsaw-puzzle that the brotherly-duo are spinning on my life.I'd changed weather momentarily and set camp at The South Coast prospecting employment opportunities in the vast Tourism and Hospitality Industry there and so kept my documents and credentials including testimonials at Bockenzie Alphones Sititi's house.Thus following the deportation my good old self was trying to re-assemble my few items and belongings here and there and so I phoned Alphones and he promised to bring them documents sooner or later on his way up-country.He dropped them-by sometimes last year and on checking-out the package I found everything except a Primary School Recommendation Letter belonging to Arya Primary School. I phoned Alphones back and he said he would re-check where he'd kept them documents but that he was sure he'd sent everything as they were neatly packed .No positive feed-back from him yet. The other eye-brow raising thing about the workings-out of the Luo Clan trappings with regards to Sititi is that during the 1 month employment prospectus I'd set camp in South Coast,Sititi was involved in the active crafting of fake testimonials indicating I'd worked in several hotels even though I'd limited my applications to "Animation, Receptionist and Sales-and-Marketing Representative."And although his fake testimonials crafting was impressed as "in-good-faith," it worried my conscious knowing fully well the implications should he have used the fake testimonials in my applications should it ever come to cross-checking one's papers by the Human Resource Management practice sooner or later in the future.I hope all will be well that will be sorted-out well should anything come of it.And I also hope there was no ill-intention and or ill-will on the part of the larger Luo Clan in terms of smearing my good name in the job markets. Last but not least along the same line,vein and breadth of the collective Clan machinations in engineering my physical and spiritual demise whilst perpetuating the arrested growth and development status-quo is to be found in another character called Charles Ooko,a brother to the mother of my siblings with whom I'd momentarily bequeathed my belongings including :[1.]5 long-sleeve plain blazer shirts, [2.]5 trousers, [3.]1 pair of bed sheets, [4.]a towel and a pair of slippers.This was when a watchman whose house I was sheltering-in got a call from his wife up-country that she was going to join him soon.Thus I was once again pushed to the periphery of the outside world and left top turn to the basement and rooftop of the apartment-flat in town which the watchman was assigned to and where we'd met in the first place.The apartment-flat is right in town along Moi Avenue, a stretch from the famous Casablanca Club and right behind the Metric Bar and Restaurant.These are familiar grounds for it's situated just across the road from Uhuru Gardens and 2-intersecting roads from Ganjoni.Now this is part of the background information I'd promised to mention earlier-on.In these surroundings did I survive on community work like running errands,packing and stuffing in retail shops and playing nightwatchman support role between the winks just to keep of the rain and wind and them streets.Thus did I survive from day to day whilst waiting for the big break-through I prayed would come-out of the various prospects and applications I steadily kept consulting.Sometimes, casual labor would pop-out in a plant or the other for a week or so before dwindling-out again.Thus was the circumstances under which I left the named properties and belongings with Ooko.Upon deportation I phoned Ooko inquiring after my things and he says he'll have to check with his shop stewards in Changamwe first where I'd left them.The follow-up reveals the package had been sent to his depot/ warehouse close to his residential area in Miritini which he promises to subsequently look into.Come December 2012 last year he drops by and we get to have a 1-on-1 whereby he thence changes the story and claims the depot caught fire and burnt with everything in it including most probably my package of few belongings.Well,no hard feelings,all is well that ends well and so I ask him to compensate me for the lost items and he quips back saying he would rather he bought me the replacement and have them sent to me which I refuse on the spot knowing only too well their witchcraft capabilities.Thus to date I am left with 3 trousers and 3 shirts plus a coat courtesy of a cousin sister, which I interchange day-in day-out as I wait for my accident victim compensation money to use as capital to pick-up what's left of my wrecked-dispossessed life and start again from scratch to build-up a new life for me,my spouse-to-be and children to secure the future with.Later, logistics.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Prosecuting Raila:Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Ritual Psychopath Murderer.

Hi everybody.I would first like to start with an sms I text-ed to The Human Rights Watch thus:"He has brought-out the slasher-sword into the living room, a symbol of the palpable threat of an impending attack.Hunger games high gear yesterday 1meal,a worrying precedent." Dated:9th March,2014.07:28:39 The above text describes the rigid,environment at the house of the family of my siblings,period.Something is definitely cooking in terms of re-enacting death rituals and palpable tensions {rd: the last hay-stroke.}I am worried because sometimes you come and find they are "just summarizing to eating." Well, now I would like to everybody to PICTURE THE ANIMISM and SPIRITUAL-ANIMISM with regard to the "JINN/ SOMETHING" considered properties of The ESTABLISHMENT/The government of Kenya circumnavigating this petition and which is viciously being claimed by the brotherly-duo represented by the Raila- bodyguard and the Ikenya career bodyguards: IKENYA{RD:SLAVE DESCENDANT FREED TO FRERE -TOWN MOMBASA};PADLOCK{RD;MADE-IN -ENGLAND....SHACKLES/FORGED STEEL/FOUR BRASS LEVERS and THE WHEEL-CHAIR PARALYSIS ATTEMPT};EMI{RD:THE ENGLISHER INTERN WHO HAILED FROM BEHIND A CEMETERY IN GANJONI and OMO-ndi} v. KENYATTA THE MASON-CARPENTER{RD:CONTRACT-BUILDER OF THE QUARTERS i AM KEPT-IN and THE MYSTERIOUS CRAFTED-BED WITH SUPPOSEDLY MALICIOUS-PSYCHIC INTENTIONS v.cultural-epithet/stooge/museums/mausoleums};CLEAR JUBILEE BUILDING. The ill-imposed INVERSE-COR RELATIVITY and/or DIRECT PROPORTIONALITY is clearly evident as as reflected in the supposed Mirror-Image Animism and Spiritual Animism versus the "Real inferiority-Intent-Impress-Complexes" that the brotherly-duo have made of my life which is the catch 22-dire straights situation of the constant continuum financial incapacitation status-quo predicament not to mention the animal-husbandry and zero-grazing incarcerations and the palpable tension of the re-enactments of death rituals.Period. Last but not least I would like to add that before the 2013 March elections The IEBC{Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission} advertised clerical posts country wide for the National Public Posts to all and sundry beginning with high-school graduates to Master-graduates.Though I applied I was neither considered nor short-listed.The interesting thing here is that shortly afterwards I was instead being beckoned to go for the ODM- party clerical posts instead which were being floated to manage/tally the ODM- party nominations for the National Elective Posts.That is where the irony struck me and raised my eyebrows for indeed the nominations were designed to be staged at night and with experience and hind sight, I had already long-before developed a hunch with the ODM- party and I decided to trust my instincts....I refused flat.Anybody can guess why going by the recent happenings in the just concluded/aborted ODM party posts elections last month in Kasarani Nairobi which left a lot to desire and disgusted every other democracy loving people."Delegates are surreptitiously invited and then the gimmick happens whereby the seemingly conducive environment suddenly turns chaotic,disorderly and hostile.Later, logistics.

Friday, March 07, 2014

Prosecuting Raila:Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Psychopath Ritual Murderer.

Hi readers,everybody.Let continue by starting by saying that with hindsight,it's evidently CLEAR following the CLEAR JUBILEE BUILDING MANUSCRIPT that EMI{that Englisher intern from England} in conjunction with OMONDI and them SYCOPHANTS{rd:Old Stone Age River/Lake Nilotes}that the duo acting as lead agent experts in VICTORIAN-ERA WITCHCRAFT have been playing a given major role in engineering the SPIRITUAL-ANIMISM of the re-enactment my DEATH-RITUALS which has resulted in my respective sojourns by the witch-doctors' duo overseen/supervised and fronted by the "Raila bodyguard and the Ikenya career bodyguards" of the brotherly-duo fame{rd:Master Illusionists Illuminati Freemasons} claiming/ demanding the "jinn/something" considered properties of the ESTABLISHMENT,the government of Kenya.That the above premeditated,choreographed,orchestrated,organized,coordinated vicious-mendacious-rhetoric,precise mathematical astrology SPIRITUAL-ANIMISM has dangerously sky-dived down to my arrested growth and development spiraling to the current financial incapacitation status-quo predicament of animal- husbandry/zero-grazing incarcerations and forced life-management support.Thus the quarters I've been assigned to sleep-in at the house of the parents of my siblings in Raila's strong-hold/home turf is constructed under a contractor named KENYATTA{a popular name in Kenya} who also doubles-up as the carpenter of the MYSTERIOUS-BED scribbled CROWN on the right head-side.More interestingly still is the exceptional PADLOCK of this MYSTERIOUS CROWN-BED QUARTERS.The PADLOCK is what one would keep as a souvenir-ARTIFACT given that it's the only of its type in the whole compound and households of the parents of my siblings.On it is ENGRAVED starting from the front:"HY SQUIRE AND SONS;OLD ENGLISH, WILLENHALL STAFFS;MADE IN ENGLAND/LOCK-MAKES SINCE 1780;FORGED STEEL SHACKLE/FOUR BRASS LEVERS;DRAIN-220"{rd:SPIRITUAL- ANIMISM and CULTURAL-EPITHET/STOOGE,"JINN/SOMETHING" v. MUSEUM/MAUSOLEUMS/CU RATION.} Then there's the other factor of PRANK-CALLS,PAVLOV-DOG-EXPERIMENT,CRY-WOLF,CARNIVOROUS-PLANT,CARROT-AND-STICK, NERVOUS-ENERGY DRAINING-VAMPIRE whereby some girl/woman has been sending me "love-text-messages" sms' approximately every other two months through different numbers,since last year without bothering to identify themselves and even when I take leave to try to call them to ascertain their identity, all I get are rumbles from an "answering machine" CLEARLY showing the sender{s} are up to no good;they are only there to try and disturb my psychology.Gowing by hindsight I have enough information to tell that such PRANK-CALLS are usually a diversion trick RE-ENACTING DEATH-RITUALS before the perpetrators strike the hammer hard,the final blow on their unsuspecting victim{s.}Perhaps my Lords and Ladies you offices could find-out who these PRANK-CALL perpetrators are and try stop them on their tracks on my good behalf.I am sure you will find those numbers have to do with "the EMIS and EMAS of the OMONDI/IKENYA of the CLEAR-JUBILEE-BUILDING-MANUSCRIPT.The following are the numbers: +25221319/+25221380/+25221343/+25221309;+678599955/+686118193/+6857700049. Hence, I would like to put it to you my Good Lords and Ladies taht my days in Kenya are numbered.I am surrounded, marked-out and being witch-hunted by Raila and his ODM mobs on the one hand whilst on the other,Kenyatta, that MASON-CARPENTER of the quarters I sleep-in and the psychic-abandoned bed is busy fine-tuning the the RITUALISTIC re-enactment of my death THROUGH THE WITCHCRAFT OF spiritual animism.For example whenever I go in Raila's stronghold home-turf of Luo-Nyanza,it doesn't take long before the neighborhood and its host become hostile for one excuse or the other.right from the house of the parents of my siblings to the town square of the Abala shoe-shiners fame and any other relatives who have surreptitiously invited me to visit them in the very 1st place{rd:spiritual animists.}Whenever I go/approach in Raial's Luo-Nyanza strong-hold home-turf,the environment turns rigid from conducive like a litmus paper with the Raila sycophants acting like catalysts fanning-up the hood whilst exchanging knowing looks.They are acting as the Raila bodyguard and the Ikenya career body guards would to the antagonist/antithesis of their ICONS.I reckon such deviants should seek the prayer services of The Most Reverend J.J. like he did on welcoming the electeds sometimes back. The brotherly-duo seem to be following some archaic,superstitious witchcraft set of belief-system principles,laws and regulations of INVERSE-COR RELATIVITY and/or DIRECT PROPORTIONALITY with regards to their social and political successes vis-a-vis the persistent social,political and economic persecution of my life and persona spiraling into this constant-continuum predicament of financial incapacitation status-quo of arrested growth and development.Later logistics.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Prosecuting Raila :Ex-Treason Convict Serial Psychopath Murderer.

Hi everybody.I hereby continue with the sms excepts. "They are beating me up calling the cops for arrest coz I won't agree to their incest and homosexuality,please help."Dated 21st January 2014. 0949hours.{HRW and ROYAL Consulate of The Netherlands.} "They have banned me from their house hungry and cold pending arrest.Could your office please relay the message and extend your sphere of Human Rights Watch to my case as expressed in the blog site above?It's all cause I won't indulge in their incest/homosexual beckoning s.The accident Victim Compensation case by Owade and Commissioner for Oaths is all done except for towing the Kihara Construction canter which is being played cat and mouse.It's all I am waiting for before I leave and it's what the Establishment is holding on by proxy. Yours Faithfully, Erick Otieno." Dated 21st-Jan-2014.1021hours.{HRW and The Royal Consulate of The Netherlands.} "He threatens to chop me up with a machete-slasher sharpened on both sides which he's chased me all over the compound and now inside the house with as I come to charge the phone and wait for their food which they have banned me from.I don't know how I will survive till I get the accident money.I hope your office will see me through please."Dated 21st-Jan-2014. 1152hours. {HRW} Thence followed the other excerpt which I copied on this site in my last blog.That excerpt was relayed to the Migori Law Courts on the 6th-Feb-2014.Thereafter,after I'd reported the case to the Migori police station I communicated again to the HRW THUS: "Dear Sir/Madam,I reported the assault case yesterday and was asked 1st for witnesses then rounded to to contacts of the criminals which missing I told them by mouth they are wanted at the station on arrival at their house. Yours Faithfully, Erick Otieno."Dated 11th-Feb-2014.1531hours.The same was relayed to the Migori Law Courts on the 13th-Feb-2014.Then I sms'ed another excerpt to The Migori Law Courts Reading thus:"Dear Sir/Madam,the assault case arises from cultural conflict due to disagreeing to indulge in their incest/homosexual beckoning s which I have tried to solve over time with relatives on both sides in vain.The accident Victim Compensation case by Owade Advocates and Commissioner for Oathes is all done except for towing of The Kihara Construction canter which is being played cat and mouse.It's what I am waiting for before I leave and it's what the parties involved are holding on by proxy.Could your office please help in letter and spirit of the constitution as exemplified in The Judiciary Marches Week? Yours Faithfully,Erick Otieno. Well that said and done I would now like to elaborate explicitly and implicitly the circumstances under which the above are taking place.Indeed The 21st of January saw all hell break loose in tandem with the premeditated,orchestrated,choreographed,organized assault by the mother of the family of my siblings wanting to indulge me/show me by force her nakedness always mark timing me at the pit latrine whenever I go for a bath yet there are 2 toilets in their main house.This is their stratagem for picking quarrels with me them being SYCOPHANTS of THE ESTABLISHMENT cause I can't and I guess nobody else would fathom incestuous and homosexual intercourse with the old folks of the family of their siblings. From asides I have heard this is a stratagem of them secret society of witches and wizards attempting to bewitch somebody so the victims either become zombies or succumb to their arranged customary marriages after the power of the magic of MATERNAL-TRANSFER regarding sexual intercourse with their old folks has worked-out{rd: cultural epithet/stooge.}This stratagem of leaving the privacy of their 2 toilets in their main house to time me when taking a bath in the washroom cubicles enclosed with the 2 pit latrines in the outside compound just so I can feel and hear their nakedness is a common favorite and I not being able to fathom such barbaric savage tricks have had to walk out of the bath cubicles with soap all over my body till they are done.....many a times.On the other hand this despicable beastly behavior I have experienced with the mother of the family of my siblings when passing each other in the corridors from drinking water in the kitchen pot whereby she usually spreads herself swinging her arms wide enough to cover the corridor breadth in a manner suggesting she wants to grab at my private parts whereby I have had to throw my good self against the corridor walls many a times. You know,I never asked to come to their house for one since I was deported following the CLEAR JUBILEE BUILDING MANUSCRIPT fronted by IKENYA CAREER BODY GUARD and THE BODY GUARD OF RAILA and spear headed by the witchdoctors of the brotherly duo of the ESTABLISHMENT.Thus did I tell them when they broke hell loose upon my head that they have no right whatsoever to ban m e from their house since it's their connivance with the ESTABLISHMENT by proxy that's keeping me waiting incarcerated at animal-husbandry and zero-grazing.Next time they assault me I may just be forced to defend my good self till the day I get my accident victim compensation money.This quarrel-picks and attack threats you will guess are a stratagem geared to raise the alarm with their fellow archaic ODM neighborhood mobs to come and join them in ambush and insurgency.They are re-enacting death rituals and so what ever happens in the future,death or hospital admission let the world know which parties in the ESTABLISHMENT and community to point fingers at and hold responsible. By the way it would be imperative to mention that machete chopping cases abound in plenty in these parts of the world e.g.citizen T.V. on 23rd-Jan-2014 whereby a 16yr old girl stabs 33yr old cousin to death.Along the same vein and length he changes the channel when news emerge of a Kisumu medic arrested for selling blood meant for transfusion to patients meaning he'd wanted to bleed me when they re-enacted the death rituals what with hims chasing me around with a slasher-machete whilst her wife was busy hurling stone missiles at me.It is indeed a pity that while the rest of the industrialized developed world is steadfastly marching towards the ultimate United Nations civilized empire,this old stone age river lake Nilote savage species is still stuck in the primitive retrogressive lay culture of fertility reproductive cults on one side and SPIRITUAL ANIMISM rites of birth and dispatcher to the here after land of the dead in effect worshiping Mr Death{rd: the cruel hand of death} and the dead. Now if I may shed some light on the accident case;we have been through all the preliminaries including filling the prerequisite medical examination report,traffic police report,X-ray radio-graph report and the bills incurred both by the advocate and my self on the physiotherapy program me {though I'd promised to pay the physiotherapist on the proceeds of the accident compensation.}The Kihara Construction canter was followed all the way to Rongo and I was promised to be up-dated once the advocate had come to consensus with the contractor.Hence was I told to strictly adhere to protocol and only appear at the office when called upon.The traffic police cops including the base commander and the officer in charge of my case1 Langat had then come to the conclusion that since the paper work had sufficed their requirements and all that was pending was the towing of the canter the the advocate and I were to hold vigil at all times for the vehicle and contact them cops immediately we should come across the canter. That's where Sam 1 of the legal assistants followed the canter all the way to Rongo and that was last year.Sam communicated once before the year end and this year early January I had to pay them a courtesy call whereby Akuku 1 of them legal assistants claimed the accident case had kind of collapsed and its file closed whereby I promptly reminded him of the Sam endeavors. So we agreed to pick-up from there afterwards when the other legal assistants Sam and Moses would be present since the office hadn't yet officially opened anyway. Mind you the accident had affected my right kneecap as well and I am left limping should I attempt to walk any long distances and thus I am left hanging in the air since I can't get the regular up-dates unless they phone me for protocol reasons.Yet all that remains is the towing of the canter vehicle. You see,I plan to start a life in building a career in Tourism and Hospitality as a Free Lance Tour Guide to be based at the sea side Old Town port of FORT JESUS built by the Portuguese where I have been a member of The Old Town Community Workers Organization with the accident victim compensation proceeds.In relation to the above indignation I think it would be astutely in order in the future fine days to come if the arrogant brutish ESTABLISHMENT was given an awakening chop on the stem albeit legally through non-violence means {like Scotland and Ireland, once comrades-at-arms have done and are on the final leg of doing to the once formerly great Britain} to be separated from the Coast as per the pre colonial 10mile strip pact agreement.Great Britain is doomed to be left hanging with only England and Wales and along the same vein and length the 10mile coastal strip pact should be rightfully returned to them real owners; namely the indigenous coastal s and the descendants of the Oman Sultanate Arabs to obliterate and salvage them from the economic subjugation/apartheid/exploitation which have seen them suffer at the hands of the ESTABLISHMENT since those days.Thus down with the Union Jack of them Emis and Emas,down with the Establishment,down with the IKENYA CAREER BODY GUARDS AND RAILA BODY GUARDS,down with THE CLEAR JUBILEE BUILDING MANUSCRIPT.Thumbs-up Ireland,thumbs-up Scotland, thumbs-up Zanzibar.As an active member of the Old Town Community Workers Organization, we worked with multitudes in event management in conjunction with the Old Town Tournament Organizers responsible for organizing open sea swimming galas,triathlons and decathlons. There's an old adage that says Englishers are thieves and liers.Let the world know that with the ESTABLISHMENT duo brothers fronted by the RAILA BODY GUARDS and the IKENYA CAREER BODY GUARDS,they are dealing with MASTER FREEMASON ILLUMINATI ILLUSIONISTS defining what the society at large is to believe,see,think, hence channeling their responses,attitudes,approaches,mentality and behavior through carefully and precisely per-meditated,orchestrated,choreographed,organized vicious mendacious rhetoric mathematical astrology animism and imposed intentions,impressions,mirror-images and inferiority complexes. Later logistics.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Prosecuting Raila:Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Psychopath Ritual Murderer.

Hi every body.Below are sms excerpts from my mobile that I wrote in a state of emergency when I got in an extreme stste of panic on The 21st of January 2014. I would first and fore most like to apologise for jumping gun and writting to both The Royal Consulate of The Netherlands as well as The Human Rights Watch.This is because I am afraid following precedent scenarios of some high calibreprofile cases where we've had witnesses  dissappearing and/or dying mysteriously or having to all together withdraw their submissions of evidence over time.Thus I was thinking like the ESTABLISHMENT brother antagonists who've been trailling me and have put me under constant surveillance around the clock not to mention the wreck and atrocities they've done on my personna and life with regard to theior uncessant demands to exorcise the jinns of the ESTABLISHMENT from me {as if I'd invited them jinns of the ESTABLISHMENT/their government as my guets on my own behalf in the 1st place}.....they was going to strike death any time for it seems they are capable of subjugating  every office of their land/country Kenya and thus such was the context-framework under which I jumped gun and sms-ed my emergency texts tothe 2 offices mentioned above.So please accept my sincere apologies again  The Royal Consulate of The Netherlands and I promise to stick to laid down protocol and communicate with The HRW in case of any unforseen future emergencies.


      Thus,the recurrent mission of exorcising jinns and the constant continuum in relation to the animal-husbandry and zero-grazing incarcerations spear-headed by their appointed witch-doctors of the ESTABLISHMENT.So far this has culminated in to re-enactment of death rituals which is the subject of the 21st of January 2014 state of emergency sms's to The RCN and The HRW. My Learned Lords and Ladies ,I am condemned to die/death and I am literally on my death bed,on life support at the house of the parents of the family of my siblings for it seems the only way according to the duos archaic belief system of getting back their jinns/somethings which seems a prerequisite to their successful political careers.Please I pray you Senior Counsel at The offices of The International Migration and UNHCR to hasten my migration to the preferred country of convenience The Royal Kingdom of The Netherlands. The tension is palpable and they are buying time to hinder my submission of evidence for the petition for I am dead meat any way for soon you might hear I've been rendered dead 1 way or the other,by hook or crook;by poisoning r the mobs of the ESTABLISHMENT.

      Please you will have to excuse mthe exceprt till later due to limited finances for today the cyber cafe is using a generator and the price doubled to 2 bob per minute.Non theless I will put on 1 excerpt to alert the world of the on-goings on:

     "Dear Sir/Madam,

                                I would like to let your office know that following the 21st Tuesday ambush/attack assault I have been planning to formally file complaints and press charges at The Migori Police Station except for the financial incapacitation status quo.The tension is palpable and has been ticking like a time bomb.So please bear with me till then.

                                Yours Faithfully,

                                 Erick Otieno."

      Thus I hope your offices will follow the police proceedings from here as I go there.Later. logistics.


Saturday, December 21, 2013

Prosecuting Raila: Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Ritual Psychopath Murderer.

Hi everybody. I would like to put it to you My Learned Lords and Ladies,Members of The Bench and of The Bar,Senior Counsel that in Raila's stronghold/home turf, I am surrounded by old stone age river-lake Nilote -savages exchanging knowing looks and performing dirty tricks waiting with exhilaration for the final moment when they would have accomplished their mission of dispatching my likes{slated for sacrifice} to their ancestors.It is indeed a situation of arrested development/growth meant to stagnate my prosperity economic,social,spiritual,religious,political et al by putting me on forced dependency at their management.The secret society of Raila's ODM- kingdom is trying very hard to turn me in to a cultural epithet,a stooge of which their movement pokes dirty tricks-on,provoke trying to make me act a fool,loose my cool,my mind. The whole ODM-kingdom secret society members' community's involved and there's lurking tension for the air is pregnant with pressure,intimidation and expectation.Period. The Luo Welfare Association are in reality traditional institutions dedicated to the systematic worship of of death and of the dead at the same time. the traditional religion of them Luos is SPIRITUALISM mingled with FERTILITY REPRODUCTIVE CULT. Thus the interpretation and approach,attitude and mentality of these them Luos is viewed through the prisms/spectacles of this their old stone age SPIRITUALISM and FERTILITY REPRODUCTIVE CULT, involving superstition, witchcraft and the consultation of mediums and oracles which is obsessed with the worship of the dead and death{as in dispatching people slated for sacrifice to their ancestors] complete with intricate detailed rites,cultures,rituals of executing precise sacrificial mathematical deaths,hearse transportation s,funeral ceremonies{what with professional mourners for hire to adhere to their rite-laws of mourning the dead/dispatched.]In cases where the Luo Welfare Associations are involved in forceful transportation of individuals,deportations,there can be no other purpose in store other than the preparations for dispatches. These secret society power of darkness of these river-lake Nilotes old stone age savages harbor CEREMONIAL LAWS SYSTEMATICALLY practicing both human and animal ritual cyclic sacrifices amidst an unsuspecting civil society and The Human family.These Luo Welfare Associations are obsessed with the here-after,the dead and DEATH that these their SYSTEMATIC CEREMONIAL LAWS go to the extent of prescribing and enforcing THE PRACTICE OF HAVING SEX WITH THE DEAD IN AN ELABORATE RITUAL CALLED "TEROBURU." Teroburu is pronounced as 1 word though actually its 2 words: "TERO and BURU" which translate to [1.]TERO- accompany, as in to take somebody somewhere ; and [2.]BURU- dust.Hence the whole word "TEROBURU" will literally be interpreted as "to take/accompany somebody to dust."In practicals,in reality "TEROBURU" is a CULTURAL RITE/RITUAL translating to completing the inheritance of a CORPSE/A DEAD BODY.It is a CUSTOM dedicated to a WIDOW who got the misfortune of DYING before having been INHERITED most usually by one of the good brothers of the DECEASED'S WIDOW[rd;brother's keeper.]The Luos follow these their archaic old stone age systematic ceremonial laws without blinking an eye-lid just like the ancient Pharaohs of Egypt were accompanied in death by office and house-hold staff including several belongings allegedly for the continuation of life in the land of the dead in the here-after.In Luo, "TER" is a custom of inheriting the widow of your brother while they are still alive which literally catered for the administration of continuing to take care of the welfare of the widow and the estate left behind by the deceased including,farms,kids,livestock and other materials including personal effects .The traditional CULT OF SPIRITUALISM of Them Luos is called "ROHO" meaning "spirit" and/or "LEJO" colloquial for "LEGION" which means a horde of SPIRITS.The "LEJO" sect is indeed fully called "LEJO-MARIA"{i.e. LEGION-MARIA.} In SPIRITUALISM,Luos are known to speak/communicate with SPIRITS of the dead when they are transporting them to their rural settings for the final dispatch leg of the journey to the ancestral lands.There exists numerous horror stories of cases whereby sometimes the corpses refuse to cooperate along the way bringing the hearse convoy to a stop under unexplainable circumstances,e.g. the van or minibus carrying the hearse just suddenly out of nowhere gets a breakdown and jolts to a halt refusing to move any extra inch.Them spiritual experts traveling with the funeral members are said to adopt different methods like yelling at the corpses asking them to cooperate and sometimes even having to slap them here and there like you would a naughty child.Sometimes they have to change the direction say of the corpses head to certain bearings in case they hadn't noticed.Sometimes the dead send them/communicate with them the living through dreams should it be a case searching for say submerged bodies in drowning cases or lost corpses in tragedies.Raila is a devotee both of ROHO/LEJO-MARIA as well as of Anglican Church of Kenya.Raila's old stone age secret society ODM- kingdom system chose to automatically banish Marx,deport him to his rural home turf stronghold where they could finally engineer with precise mathematical astrology his seemingly,untimely death,murder,execution.Them Luo Welfare Associations are MERCHANTS of DEATH,ARCHAIC RELIGIOUS CULTS WORSHIPING EVIL WHICH THEY HAVE PERSONIFIED IN THEIR FLAG BEARER.Raila is THE EMBODIMENT OF THIS PERSONALITY OF EVIL.Raila is SATAN,LUCIFER,JACHIEN "THE DEVIL." I would like to put across My Learned Lords and Ladies that so far its through friends and well-wishers that I am managing to somehow submit evidence for the petition above. This means I wouldn't have been able to even register my dire straits catch-22 circumstances had it not been for he concern of these friends and well-wishers. In other words,my life is precariously hanging on a string for its with the same cash they send me from the tight budgets these parts of the world that I divide for the evidence-submissions as well as to cater for the basics including buying bathing soap,getting a shave or catching-on an avocado or two when the hunger games threaten to spill over the edge for otherwise,its the ODM system's TORTURE STRATEGY of mismanaging one slated for sacrificial execution for why should one be subjected to food insecurity panic cycles for indefinite periods when they can earn their lives.Thus in relation to the above I would like to put it across that the lives of the majority of fellow ordinary Kenyans and Kenya as a whole ain't about to improve,change or progress overnight in terms of the GDP or their domestic budgets; like Indonesia and the other countries we were economically at par with and who have now made the leap the 2nd world ratings;thanks to the power personality minded leadership as opposed to the issue-development criteria.The ESTABLISHMENT in Kenya is made-up of power hungry individuals who would go to all and any lengths leaving charred remains and skulls of post election violence victims not to mention Internally Displaced Persons and refugees[rd:the Nyatike constituency in Raila's Luo Nyanza stronghold home turf who got Externally Displaced and in the panic of their dire situation they couldn't find refuge nowhere else in Kenya except in Uganda where comrade Museveni offered them a helping hand]and wrecked lives which have to be built all-over again from scratch.The ESTABLISHMENT don't care much except for them entering the book of records for making it to the prestigious President's Club.Period. Hence, I take this opportunity to beseech The United Nations not to pay any heed whatsoever to the lipstick service courtship of the ESTABLISHMENT to withdraw their membership from the ICC nor interchange or substitute or transfer The ICC process with TRIBUNALS nowhere anywhere;for that will betray the emancipation dream of the ordinary Kenyan,the local peasant who has paid with their lives under very painful excruciating circumstances reminiscent of the Holocaust concentration camps and the world wars 1 and 2.Such applications for withdrawal by this caliber of African despots and tyrants from retribution at the worlds ICC stage are only done on their very own selfish behalves as verified by recent opinion polls in Kenya. They don't represent the peaceful,progressive civilized dreams of the ordinary African peasant or that hustling on the streets.They don't deserve to hold any public post or vie for any public office by virtue of the ICC implications regarding the impunity with which such crimes against humanity,atrocities and war crimes have been committed in the past,otherwise we risk other post election violence scenarios.These arsenic hysterical mass killings must stop once and for all.Besides,hyenas can never be trusted to play and or take charge as presiding judges in a sheep's court/tribunal. My Learned Lords and Ladies,Members of The Bench and The Bar,Senior Counsel,could someone please call them shots so I complete my submission of evidence for this petition for purposes of IOM and UNHCR measurement for political asylum/exile verification and or get a life amidst and despite all the lurking impending death/murder execution risks ? Later, limited resources.

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