Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.

Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.
Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law-This is an Online-Jobs Entrepreneurship / Business Services-Provider, Social Media Marketing / Virtual Assistant (Administrative) and Retail-Goods Affiliate-Marketing involving: (1.)-Community Paralegals for Legal Document Assistant (LDA) / Legal Technician / Court Document Preparers / Court Forms Providers as far as Activism-and-Lobbying for Causes go concerning Human-Rights-Advocacy for suppressed voices and the tax-overburdened oppressed laity including dis-inherited widows, orphans and the destitute; (2.)-French, English, Swahili Translator / Interpreter / Teacher / Tour Guide; (3.)-Publisher for Affiliate Marketing in freelance writing, blogging, transcription and podcasting;

Friday, December 20, 2013

Prosecuting Raila: Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Ritual Psychopath Murderer.

Hi everybody. The 1st born daughter of the parents of the family of my siblings is called Caroline Mango. She has been working as a journalist since joining the Standard Media Group in the late 90's. She subsequently moved to The Star Newspapers and the last I heard of her she had moved some weekly called The Sunday Express.She has been a personal journalist friend of Raila and indeed in her long time career as a journalist she made many a political buddies within the government. She's accredited for organizing a meeting-cum- get-together between Raila and the family at the then families corporate K.P.A. apartment residence at Kizingo located opposite The LOTUS HOTEL which is in turn adjacent to the perimeter wall of The Anglican Church of Kenya. Here My Learned Lords and Ladies,Members of The Bench and of The Bar,Senior Counsel, I would like you to note the names "LOTUS and ACK" because I would like to bring to your attention the point that these old stone age people of the secret society of ODM and of the JUBILEE-BUILDING-CLEAR-MANUSCRIPT live animistic-ally,accordingly following symbols,signs,body language and gestures.Thus the story of "LOT" in the bible regarding homosexuality and the ordaining of gay clergy and same sex marriages by the Anglican Church.The meeting between the family and Raila{sometimes between 2000 and 2002} was divulged to me as a-by-the-way by Victor Ochieng',the last born son of the parents of the family of my siblings when he paid me a visit the days I was still in Nairobi. The point here My Learned Lords and Ladies is that Raila,head of the secret society kingdom of ODM IS A PERSONAL FAMILY FRIEND and LONG-TIME-POLITICAL as well as any guess can be. Period. Thus, My Learned Lords and Ladies I would now wish to take leave and in the same length and breath,in the same vein, in direct relation to the precedent submissions,cite an example of an unsuspecting victim slated and targeted for SACRIFICIAL DEATH EXECUTION BY THE SYSTEM OF THE ODM WITCH HUNTERS. This will be evident in quoting 1 Karl Marx {may his soul rest in peace: Karl Marx is the nick-name/pseudo-name he was popularly known by and which stuck best in the minds of his fellow comrades at the University of Nairobi; the real name is something close to Charles Owiro.}The point here My Good Lords and Ladies IS THAT THE FLAMBOYANT CHARACTER ABOVE died with the names of 1 Raila on his lips. Raila was his daily sermon,his jachien,his devil. Karl Marx passed away on the 31st of January 2013 and the news of his demise was published on the dailies either of the 1st or 2nd January 2013.The dailies reported that he died of excessive drinking of alcohol,an overdose of alcohol but a close friend-cum-extended relative,one of the legal assistants at OWADE ADVOCATES AND COMMISSIONER for OATHS called Moses clarified the matter during one of my many "business courtesy calls" as we followed-up on my accident case {what with prerequisite medical reports,x-ray,numerous traffic police statements and so-forth and so-on}that Karl Marx died of an overdose/excessive drink of alcohol YES BUT accruing due to an empty stomach,empty bowels.Karl Marx had been caught on the trappings of the whirlwinds of merry-making apparently on the 31st of December 2012 as the world ushered-in the new year 2013. Karl Marx despite his social flaws and upheavals was amongst the razor sharp brain-heads The University of Nairobi had ever seen and this paradox of how he managed straight A's in sciences considered a preserve of 24-7-365 introvert bookworms made him a quizzical darling of many of the stereotype introvert bookworms and the University comrade community as a whole who always responded swiftly to any of his clarion calls for a "kamukunji," i.e. a rally.....just so they could see and hear for themselves how this academic-social paradox juggled academic and political life despite his social flaws. Unless I am mistaken, he post-graduated with a Masters distinction in double chemistry. Well,the University of Nairobi has seen others of his kind,accredited surgeons who served as lectures and practicing doctors but who nonetheless drunk on a daily basis in the evenings with a horde of students and buddy-friends waiting for them in advance at their favorite club hung-outs. The misfortune of Karl Marx was that all the politicians he brushed shoulders with during his under-graduate studies including former president Moi,it's Raila head of the secret society movement that razed his shoulders the worst;that stomped on his nerves the worst and that drove him up against the wall.He ended-up chewing bones with this old stone age mummified relic savage all his time after completing his Masters. He was always up and about on the streets of Nairobi spitting venom on the ills and evils of this old stone age mummified relic savage,jachien.Karl Marx was indeed duly frustrated for he could neither access the civil service nor the private sector despite his excellent academic performance;obviously thanks to the systematic constant tabs and surveillance around the clock the old stone age mummified relic savage put on his unsuspecting self.He was being systematically denied any decent mode of subsistence commensurate at least with the government sponsored training he'd acquired at the University of Nairobi. The relic Raila reduced Karl Marx to less his worth or any worth worth a man so-to-speak-of,i.e. "DEPENDENCY." Karl Marx could not afford to live let alone start a decent life.He died of an overdose/excess alcohol on an empty stomach. Food, a most basic prerequisite-need was made a primary issue to Karl Marx. Fortunately or unfortunately for Karl Marx,the system didn't attempt to subject him to a rehabilitation treatment center,so that this secret society movement of the old stone age mummified relic savage of Raila could find a befitting excuse to ban him,outlaw him,outcast him,ostracize him and ultimately stigmatize him from all and any avenues of leading a normal life commensurate with his academic training. Mind you the ODM secret society systematically deported him from Nairobi to his rural home in Kisumu,the backyard,stronghold and home turf of Raila,i.e.safely outside the vicinity of the eyebrows of the civil society and the public at large,where they could systematically hurry-up his premeditated,choreographed, orchestrated,organized serial ritual psychopath,customary,traditional murder/death/execution. Karl Marx had continued {even in Kisumu} spitting venom and chewing bones on the ills and evils of his main arch rival and antithesis:the despicable old stone age mummified relic savage and head of the secret society movement kingdom. During the hey days in campus,those who had the privilege opportunity of meeting and conniving with the rank and file,the high and mighty in the echelons of government for political causes and purposes{for the universities provide a ready political formidable force and platform to highlight and spearhead political objectives,partisan or collective}whispered that amongst all of them this charade of political leaders,this old stone age mummified relic savage of 1 Raila was the worst to deal with. That Raila reacted like a serpent should one discover the dark side of his cupboard-skeletons and wisely decide to either shift alliances,allegiance or not to pledge him loyalty. Raila is best know for drawing divides,holding grudges and fanning feuds. Period.Raila's secret society ODM kingdom-SYSTEM largely composed of the various Luo Welfare Clan Associations is an expert in FUNERAL SERVICES,CORPSE TRANSPORT and PROFESSIONAL MOURNING. The ODM system is an expert in serial,ritual,psychopath,customary,traditional murdering s,deaths and executions.They will kill you unsuspecting victim dead when you are sleeping blind,when nobody's looking and when you wake-up you find you are dead. Period. The evidence I am in this petition-case I am building for purposes of prosecution of the concerned parties/ individuals at an appropriate stage you will realize My Learned Lords and Ladies,Members of The Bench and of The Bar, Senior Counsel that it's indeed inevitably voluminous and that as such for speedy,adequate,periodical and substantial process of submission of evidence, I will require all the resources I can lay my hands on,otherwise you will have to bear with the short messages{apparently the system/the establishment is sitting pretty on my accident victim compensation case} till such a time they process my compensation proceeds.Later,logistics.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Prosecuting Raila : Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Ritual Psychopath Murderer.

Hi every body. I would first and foremost like to take this opportunity to express my sincere condolences to the world and the family of the fallen hero/champion of Humanity,one Nelson Mandela.At the same time I would like to wish all and sundry a Merry Christmas and a happy 2014. Well, to continue with the petition above I would like to say all that took place on Block A of the flat s before the father of the family of my siblings moved to block D on the 1st storey of the face facing the railway lines leading all the way to the docks ,the Port of Mombasa where the father of the family of my siblings worked. In this Block D also ,the Kadem Welfare Association bequeathed me once again with the duty of shepherding the another fat ram to be fattened for sacrifice and the earlier role was repeated over again except this time around ,I guess the chair of the K.W.A. changed hands for the ram was transferred elsewhere and I was relieved of this their traditional customary duty. Thus there was no ceremony of the fatty tail for the shepherd neither other pounds of fleshy parts for different posts as culture and tradition called for. For the short time before the ram was relocated elsewhere,the ram used to sleep on the balcony where I would take it either down stairs or upstairs as the time and event required.That's how serious the case for culture and tradition was regarding ritual animal sacrifices.It was quiet a circus/fair for the concrete jungle neighborhood for the time it lasted. I would like to put it here My Learned Lord sand Ladies that the term "Luo" means "follow"and I am going to demonstrate how them Luos have been "following" their age-old customs without change albeit in an underground movement/way to hide from the secular world {talk of wolves in sheep's skins.} Well,this was in the late 80's/early 90's when there was agitation for multiparty politics for a democratic state. The Luos under the umbrella of their Clan Welfare Associations conglomerating under the aegis of the then "FORD" which stood for Forum for Democracy did the respective chairs of the Clan Welfare Associations clamor for nominations for elective posts. Neither was the father of the family of my siblings left behind for he took a dive in the free-for-all multiparty democracy addressing opposition campaign rallies and attending delegates meetings in Nairobi and it was not long before the long arm of the then Moi government struck order for clamor for nominations for elective posts in the rank and file of the civil service and state corporations.The law was close-ended as opposed to open i.e. requiring no double dealing and that one one either remained in the civil service/state corporation or quit to run for party posts and elective two ways about it.Thus was the father of the family of my siblings struck-off the state corporation {Kenya Ports Authority} before being reinstated after pledging not to engage neither in party nor elective politics. FORD split in to "FORD-ASILI" led by Kenneth Matiba who was later amiably served with a stroke and suffered from paralysis which saw him retired to a whee-chair as quoted in an earlier blog above.His businesses were shaken to the core.FORD-KENYA led by the then Doyen of opposition politics,a founding Father-Partner of the Nation had its offices situated at Spark area in Makuli Fagia Club of Mombasa, a stones throw-away from the state corporate flats of the maternal grandfather of the mother of the family of my siblings.Period.The point here My learned Lords and Ladies is that these Luo cultural Clan Welfare Associations double up as prerequisite building blocks of the larger political party of the Presidential flag bearer of Luo Nyanza,currently strong-held by non-other than the self-envisaged/self-imposed unenviable old stone age/mummified relic savage of one Raila of the infamous ODM. I would also like you My Learned Lord sand Ladies to take note of the fact that as much as this weird old stone age savage character,the father of the family of my siblings was long serving chair of the Kadem Welfare Association {the Clan name Kadem depicts as well the region of origin in Luo-Nyanza,} his original ancestral lands lies somewhere in rural Kisumu from a Clan/region called "SEME." His father migrated to KADEM in the long precolonial years gone by to hold/ occupy land for the case was during those days when large tracts of land lay open waiting to be populated and filled.The point here My Learned Lords and Ladies,comparatively to the "OYANI-MASAI" ancestral home of the mother of the family of my siblings is that "SEME" is known as "SEME-LANG'O." "LANG'O" is luo for Masai.Here My Lords and Ladies take note once again of the age-old gay bisexual culture of the "Greeks-Romans and the Masai-Morans. My Learned Lord sand Ladies,Members of the bar and of the bench Senior Counsel,what is becoming more apparent and rising to the fore is that this secret society of Raila's secret society ODM kINGDOM has its driving force-engine at the core formed by a central-ring club of witches,witch-doctors,wizards,sorcerers,night-runners,medical-legal criminals,militants and muggers whose characteristic traits have been self-manifesting wherever this old stone age mummified relic and his cronies have had me surrounded under surveillance around the clock country-wide.I would like to put it to you that this secret society of Raila's ODM kingdom is a vampire,a Dracula, a "jachien," surviving on human blood and flesh in terms of the serial,psychopath,ritual,sacrificial traditionally and customarily executed deaths. Most of these executions pass-by unnoticed,recorded as circumstantial normal deaths yet in the real sense,these serial,ritual,psychopath sacrificial deaths,executions,murders have usually been way long in coming whereby the unsuspecting victims usually have these premeditated,orchestrated,choreographed,organized vicious mendacious rhetoric animism executions coming way long before any suspicious eyebrows can be raised orany interconnecting-interlinking detailed circumstantial evidence can be summed-up. The secretariat of this evil secret society of ODM kingdom have a CLEAR-JUBILEE-BUILDING-SCHEDULED-MANUSCRIPT-PROGRAMME of variable options of how to go about killing,murdering,executing these their "CAST-LOTS" CULTURAL EPITHETS/ STOOGES sacrificial victims once they've decided to literally witch-hunt a certain person,head,victim they've settled-upon;in most cases usually by the criteria of the MEDIUMS AND ORACLES they've consulted due to their old stone age approach to life from SET OF BELIEF SYSTEM pegged on witchcraft. The juggernaut execution process is done with the full cooperation and assistance of the consent of the family{immediate and extended} of the victim settled-upon. Once chosen/settled-upon using the criteria above of mediums and oracles,the unsuspecting victims areas good as dead for they are considered EXPIRED and LIVING ON BORROWED TIME just like the fate of a hooked fish by a fisherman. They are indeed considered thence forth to be like the walking dead,stalked by conniving-calculating witch-hunters,waiting to be dropped dead anytime like a time bomb set to explode.In connection to the above,let me quote an adage that says "who the gods want to kill,they first make mad," and along the same vein,another adage that says "give a dog a bad name then HANG IT." These old stone age savages are dangerous conniving-calculators,chieftains of the underworld,powers of darkness,customs,ceremonies,rituals and superstitions geared at ritually sacrificing people through covert/subversive deaths,murders and executions presumably to gain political leverage as per their archaic set of belief systems. Later,limited resources.

Thursday, December 05, 2013

Prosecuting Raila : Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Ritual Psychopath Murderer.

Hi everybody. I would like to begin by adding that on the 19th of November 2013 we sat in the living room watching the 1900hrs news on Citizen TV channel and there came word on incestuous relations rapists taken to court in Kenya. One culprit was sentenced to 40years for raping his grandmother while another culprit got 4years for raping his daughter. I would like to say that there have been many such cases in the media involving incestuous sodomy and homosexuality. The father of the family of my siblings shied away ,standing-up and walking to the dinning chambers showing his guilty conscious of his evil intention-designs for during one of the heated exchanges, I'd told him I would one day jail him for the rest of his sorry life for his sexual harassment. I hope it will come to pass. Period. Now my Learned Lords and Ladies,members of the bench and members of the bar,Senior counsel, I would like to delve in to another aspect of the inter-kinship/political interconnecting links between the secret society of Raila's ODM and the family of the parents of my siblings. It is such that : The father of te family of my siblings was once the long-serving chair of The Kadem Welfare Association in Mombasa between the early 80's to the late 80's and early 90's whereby all the meetings and parties of the welfare association were held at the home/house of the family of the parents of my siblings,then in the Ganjoni Kenya Ports Authority flats [of the MWAURA HOUSE-HELP/BOYFRIEND FAME.] The houses are 2-bedroomed,self-contained,2-faced-storey flats comprising of 4 such blocks in total labelled A to D whereby each block houses 6 family units. The welfare meetings and parties were held on the ground floor flat of the father of the family of my siblings where I'd once seaked refuge on the window sill,then barely 10yrs old when the bisexual married but gay father of the family of my siblings had wanted leave with his boyfriend cum house-help Mwaura. There, I was bequeathed with the duty and responsibility of shepherding the Kadem Welfare Association RAM which had particularly been bought for the cultural purposes of being fattened to later be slaughtered for sacrifice to meet/cater for the cultural objectives of the beliefs of the welfare of the clan. Here my Learned Lords and Ladies,members of the bench and members of the bar,Senior Counsel that the lamb,sheep,ewe,ram is an age-old favorite sacrificial ritual animal strategic for carrying-out customary traditional sacrifices in comparative mythology across space and time. It is effectively called "GROWING-ASS." Remember in animals the tail is directly connected to the spinal chord which in-turn connects to the SUB-CONSCIOUS and THE CONSCIOUS. Period. When the prescribed time for the sacrificial slaughter came, I was duly informed that it's the prerogative of such cultural shepherds to be bequeathed with the fatty-tail of the RAM which we including the maternal relatives and their kids feasted upon with a Christmas-festival relish. I used to tether the RAM on green patches before I left for school in the morning;carry drinking water to it on a trough/basin at lunch break when I returned home to the house and unleash it in the evening to be taken back to the open-compound of the ground floor flat. The point here my Learned Lords and Ladies is that this weird person,the father of the family of my siblings was and held a very strategic and important cultural/political post as chair of the K.W.A which brought together all the Kadem clan members in Mombasa. Mind you at the same time all the other Luos systematically belonged to their respective Clan Welfare Associations and as such underwent/carried-out more or less the same cultural/political meetings,parties and sacrificial ceremonies presumably so to speak to to charter their political destiny and more purposefully so to cater for the funeral,transport of the cadavre plus the travelling expenses for clan members to their rural hometurfs/stronghold/ancestral lands should the cruel hand of death come knocking in their midsts. Later,limited resources.

Monday, December 02, 2013

Prosecuting Raila: Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Ritual Psychopath Murderer.

Hi everybody.My Learned Lords and Ladies,members of the bench and members of the bar,Senior Counsel. I hereby take this opportunity to address the inter-kinship/political interconnecting links between the old stone age mummified relic savage raila's ODM and the parents of the family of my siblings in relation to the case I am charging him and his cronies with. I will begin with the current state of affairs in the house of the parents of the family of my siblings vis-a-vis Raila's ODM in his home turf stronghold of Luo Nyanza in Migori district. Thus below is a letter I SMS-ed to The Human Rights Watch as an emergency shock-anger-alert to the culminating on-goings on in the house of these wild old stone age psychic savage parents,enumerating the serious interpersonal conflicts while on the other conniving hand of the secret society of Raila's ODM,through vicious mendacious rhetoric animism which is premeditated,choreographed,orchestrated,organized making the forced stay with them a trial and at the same time trying to settle me into the turbulent life pattern they've been forcefully trying to rehabilitate me down into a routine. The letter reads thus: Dear Sir/Madam, I Erick Otieno Mango of blog site: would like to alert your office of the constant sexual harassment imposed by the parents of the family of my siblings.It is all connected to the political asylum case I am trying to complete but hindered by lack of resources as expressed in the blog site above. The despicable beastly behavior is worsening each day raising bile levels and provoking physical conflict for I can not hold my temperament any longer. This alert is meant to inform your office of the lurking/impending witch-hunting conflict as well as to seek your intervention as expressed in the blog site above. Thank you in advance for your consideration,cooperation and assistance. Yours Faithfully, Erick Otieno. NB:Excuse my late night alert for I could not contain another act of the string of sexual harassment. The letter is written on the 13th of November 2013 at exactly 2042hours. I sincerely hope all and any further emergency alerts to the HRW during this trial stay at Raila's ODM home turf stronghold will also be relayed to all the other offices and agencies including The UNHCR,IOM{International Organization for Migration} and particularly so The Royal Consulate of The Netherlands who strategically were very instrumental in instructing me on the way to go about applying for asylum by pointing out the due procedure involving The UNHCR and IOM;I have been networking and coordinating with them for purposes of awareness and agitation for this my case of political asylum. I hope to eventually immigrate to Holland for political asylum,The land of ultimate justice,ultimate redemption and ultimate freedom for peoples of all creeds.Holland,a State-of-the-art of Utopia in its own right. Now if I may shed light/elaborate on the "despicable/beastly" behavior above,it means just that: The bisexual homosexual male parent of the family of my siblings has been insinuating,gesturing,beckoning me to enjoin them and the larger secret society of Raila's ODM in their old stone age savage fertility reproductive cult of incest,homosexuality and bisexuality. He has absolutely no honor,dignity and is unworthy of any respect at all.Now to have people practice the above is disgusting for us the straights but to have the gay community try trying to force the practice down the throats of us straights as a heritage lifestyle is not only completely out of order but outright disrespectful, unnatural,intolerable and I can only begin to comprehend why for example the French straights went on a rampage demonstrating against the gay community with regard to the consequent un naturalization of the traditional family values.Mind you the French gay community wasn't trying to force it down the throats of the French straights, rather they were just happily and care freely acclaiming their right to the legalization of their lifestyle. I can't help wondering how The French straights would have reacted had the gay community tried to force their weird lifestyle down their throats in their house-holds. By despicable and beastly I mean the insinuations and manoeuvrings are subliminal i.e.unspoken but nonetheless effectively communicated through body language,manoeuvrings,gestures insinuations et al. It is a "billy-goat" affair. Language of gays playing bulls trying to cow unsuspecting innocent victims. By the time I wrote that letter, the father of the family of my siblings had jumped from the silent insinuations and beckoning to openly mathematically back-tracking me always immediately behind me through precise calculations,closing the distances like a beast about to mount a fellow beast. That is why I speak of rising bile levels and provocations of physical conflict. Them straights anywhere I am sure will agree on these reactions. Except for my observant tolerant responses,in any other circumstances my Learned Lords and Ladies,would anybody blame a straight fellow if they should act upon their instincts/nerves, turn upon their assailants and say,bash their heads-in or give them several jabs to sink their face-in? And that's exactly the kind of reaction the secret society of Raila's ODM are trying to trap me into.What with the ODM mob-community waiting for the alarm to be raised for the air is pregnant with expectation. They've managed to wreck my life and still they are trying to circumnavigate the mentality of the rest of the world that I am that bad disrespectful guy who would even beat up the old folks of his siblings. Mind you there ain't no case of dementia,they are simply conniving,calculating, paid-up pawns old stone age savages capable of moving the mob-psyche against their antithesis or that of their leader. They are only posing as holier-than-thou retired innocent old folks with an air of Bishop. Along the same length and breath is another ODM character called Abala,a shoe-shiner at a square adjacent to the Migori post office;a long-time friend introduced to me by an Engineer comrade named Emanuel with whom we were at college together. In this public square there's an ODM secretariat office which I've grown to avoid over the time I've been in Migori for them different political ideologies as expressed in earlier blogs above. I prefer to while-time in a recreational park across a path facing the square except for instances when I have to make the short-cut across the square to the other side on business. Abala surprised my unsuspecting innocent self to the core when just recently on taking the short-cut we met and on greeting him by the formal handshake, he goes ahead and does a silly homosexual gesture trick with the greeting palm all the while appearing to be very busy exchanging formalities with his mouth. Can anybody imagine that this fellow I've known all the while I've been in Migori in slow motion pulls my hand en capsuled in formal greetings and brushes it against his penis inside his trousers all the while pretending to be busy mouthing formal greetings. The subliminal message was effectively communicated. He's a married gay. a bisexual. On one of the group drinking sprees,he'd confided to us that he'd once caught his wife pants down with his brother in bed getting freaky and that because it was his good brother,the was nothing he couldn't do and he let it be at that. Now that I know he is a bisexual gay,I am left with no doubt that that's the way they live,them bisexual married gays.. He's an accurate prototype of the father of the family of my siblings. They are only married for reproductive purposes but both couples keep their boyfriends. No sooner had the above event chronicled than the father of the family of my siblings completed the jig-saw puzzle just the night before I wrote the letter to The HRW when dinner had been put on the dinning table;he let me know that all the hunger games,food and water-poisoning threats and attempts,animal-husbandry/zero-grazing strategies were geared to inform me of the impending Lamu-Bondo Usenge cultural heritage;that I was being intentionally meant to join the married-but-gay bisexual cultural heritage. This message the father of the family of my siblings effectively subliminally communicated to me via the weird arrangement of the culinary which were placed on the far end of the the opposite side of the table which stood at his waist whereby to get the plates and the serving spoons, you had to come close to his waist line inches above the mark of his penis inside his trousers. Period. I would never let my kids or spouse anywhere near them or their vicinity lest they would corrupt and disorient their sexuality. The evidence is voluminous. Later, logistics.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

PROSECUTING Raila : Ex Treason Convict and Serial Ritual Psychopath Murderer.

Hi everybody things are getting tough and harder by the day since THE ESTABLISHMENT obviously has vested interests in my continuation with the case. Back at the home of the family of the parents of my siblings it is SEXUAL HARASSMENT with impunity.I do not follow that culture and all I am waiting for is my accident money to start a life and finish this case with closing arguments. My learned Lords and Ladies could somebody please press ladders since I am just rotting away, what with hunger games and poisoning threats. Later, logistics.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Prosecuting Raila : Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Ritual Psychopath Murderer.

Hi everybody.It's been quiet a while thanks to the ESTABLISHMENT.I would like to state that I am currently still under management by the parties concerned of the ESTABLISHMENT, the so called secret society of the powers of darkness es composed of witches and wizards of the fertility reproductive cults of the FREE MASONS OF THE ILLUMINATI ORDER of which the parents of the family of my siblings are part and parcel-of putting me under animal-husbandry and zero-grazing.The parents of the family of my siblings are thus so to speak BISEXUALS and the father being male is/happens to be more HOMOSEXUAL than he is HETEROSEXUAL whereby sex with his wife is more on a/foe reproductive purposes/basis,which is the exception since they've now retired from giving birth and sex with boys/boyfriends/male partners is the norm,the order of the day.The father and the mother both openly though under cover of the secret society powers of darkness keep/have boyfriends by mutual consent. THIS IS THE LAMU/BONDO-USENGE CULT/CULTURE and as far as I am concerned, in relation to this their secret society trying to force/condition me into their culture....I have absolutely no respect,tolerance nor patience whatsoever for who they are/do or represent, for not only is it unnatural but it's also shameless,manner less, despicable and wholly detestable.In the 80's the father of the family of my siblings openly kept a boyfriend called MWAURA (an indigenous of the coast} under the disguise of a house-help after conveniently arranging for the rest of the family to go up-country for the school holidays. One night he had to angrily chase me away then barely 10 years-old after picking a non-sense quarrel with me cause of coming late in the evening from playing with the other boys of the neighborhood who were not succumbed to the same treatment by their respective parents given that that was the daily routine we had during the school holidays. He openly preferred to eat and sleep with MWAURA alone. I had to run seek refuge under a trailer by the gate hiding there to sleep till late past midnight when I walked back and next decided to take refuge by the window-sill of the ground-floor corporate apartments{that was in GANJONI MOMBASA}.This was the 1st instance of attempt to recruit me into that LAMU/BONDO-USENGE HOMOSEXUAL ORIENTATION which by then I was too young to get cognizance-of but which years later and especially now fits the jig-saw cross word puzzle as to why we have continuing irreconcilable/irreparable differences.They were secretly-openly homosexual lovers and when the neighborhood got whiff of the on-goings on in that apartment of a trio males,they raised their eye-brows and MWAURA had to do a disappearing act. He escaped one morning albeit in the pretext of going to buy break-fast with a 100/- bob note never to come back again and the father of the family of my siblings pretended to be amusingly surprised/amazed not being able to comprehend what had happened that his dear house-help/boyfriend had to escape with a mere 100/- bob note for break-fast not being bothered about his monthly salary/arrears. My Lords and Ladies is their any logic in that line of reasoning? I would also like to categorically state that Ikenya, the Mombasa Municipal cop who got promoted to an Administration police cop after his demise with my deportation saga is also a BISEXUAL for I experienced his homosexual tendencies when we slept together after he brought me to that home of the family of the parents of my siblings. Indeed on arrival to that weird homestead he proclaimed to me "Karibu Lamu" with hind sight knowledge of what was to be expected though it didn't make any sense to me then. That "something/Jinn" the government/ESTABLISHMENT has put as a condition to be removed before I get any gainful meaningful decent employment I have so far learn t from asides are referred to as "GOVERNMENT PROPERTY {IES}." Thus, the ESTABLISHMENT/GOVT is accusing I of being in possession of their property {ies} and hence My Learned Lords and Ladies this consistent war with the government/ESTABLISHMENT wont be over till I safely get the hell-out of their ESTABLISHMENT/STATE/COUNTRY.Is it not CLEAR My Learned Lords and Ladies that the government is using them by proxy taking advantage of the existing kinship to want to maintain the status-quo of consistently time and again wanting to exorcise these their "something-Jinn." I would hereby once again My Learned Lords and Ladies to categorically and emphatically state that I wish not to be associated with that family ever again in any manner whatsoever except to the extent that we share a common ancestry like the rest of humanity and a name which I look forward to changing anyway once I get a life and settle to start my own straight family. In any case I have begun growing white hair on my chest and I guess on my head as well cause I got no mirror at 35 years of age just 15 years away from half a century,yet they are still holding me pinned to the ground claiming to forcefully manage and direct my life.Hence, the forced management of my life under condition of joining these Freemason Illuminati powers of darkness es whereby I am currently placed under house arrest{rd:animal-husbandry and zero-grazing} under-going continuous persecution and torture being subjected to indecent bisexual maneuvers/overtures/gestures and beckoning s whilst being prohibited from engaging in free regular sexual intercourse with women of my choice. For example the mother of the family of my siblings used to force my cousin brother mentioned above as Paul Otieno A.K.A Manuar to wash her dirty linens namely under-wears,pants,bras e.t.c. in Mombasa before retirement and now in Migori after retirement she's now trying hard to flaunt her nakedness/womanhood into my face using premeditated, orchestrated,choreographed,organized night-runner witch tactics,e.g. she despicably,shamelessly,mannerlessly, and detestably urinated in a standing position like a male would do in the compound choosing to avoid the privacy of the toilets/pit-latrines of which there are 4 in the home-stead and in the process revealing her bleached private-parts namely thighs and reproductive organ. When I reported to her husband, the father of the family of my siblings,he just laughed sheepishly taking no remedy and I had to resort to instead report the obscene matter to my baptismal godfather called Julius,the elder/older brother of the father of the family of my siblings and to 3 brothers of that mother of the family of my siblings asking them to try and contain her sorcerer wayward weird ways and tell her to desist from these night-runner,evil,stupid primitive ways. My godfather and the former Migori council chair have been well aware of these her wayward and PROMISCUOUS ways which is the talk in numerous quarters and of which they very much detest and disapprove-of. My Learned Lords and Ladies could somebody please move notches so I get my accident victim compensation money and go my way? Later, logistics.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Prosecuting Raila :Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Ritual Psychopath Murderer.

Hi every body. My Lords and my Ladies, I just would like to put across that currently of course under THE ESTABLISHMENT, that being under the undue "house arrest" by the concerned parties, my life is and has been increasingly under the direct threat of death through the hands of "the parents of my siblings" who either paid and/or acting as THE PAWNS OF THE ESTABLISHMENT.This is brought about through constant "HUNGER GAMES" which are being timed for either food and/or water poisoning;especially given that there are only 3 of us at meal times and the environment of animal husbandry and zero-grazing is just conducive. Lunch is scrapped and breakfast and supper are being rationed. They are buying time as I wait for the accident victim compensation money to start/get a life.Later,time out/logistics.

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