Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.

Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.
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Monday, December 02, 2013

Prosecuting Raila: Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Ritual Psychopath Murderer.

Hi everybody.My Learned Lords and Ladies,members of the bench and members of the bar,Senior Counsel. I hereby take this opportunity to address the inter-kinship/political interconnecting links between the old stone age mummified relic savage raila's ODM and the parents of the family of my siblings in relation to the case I am charging him and his cronies with. I will begin with the current state of affairs in the house of the parents of the family of my siblings vis-a-vis Raila's ODM in his home turf stronghold of Luo Nyanza in Migori district. Thus below is a letter I SMS-ed to The Human Rights Watch as an emergency shock-anger-alert to the culminating on-goings on in the house of these wild old stone age psychic savage parents,enumerating the serious interpersonal conflicts while on the other conniving hand of the secret society of Raila's ODM,through vicious mendacious rhetoric animism which is premeditated,choreographed,orchestrated,organized making the forced stay with them a trial and at the same time trying to settle me into the turbulent life pattern they've been forcefully trying to rehabilitate me down into a routine. The letter reads thus: Dear Sir/Madam, I Erick Otieno Mango of blog site: would like to alert your office of the constant sexual harassment imposed by the parents of the family of my siblings.It is all connected to the political asylum case I am trying to complete but hindered by lack of resources as expressed in the blog site above. The despicable beastly behavior is worsening each day raising bile levels and provoking physical conflict for I can not hold my temperament any longer. This alert is meant to inform your office of the lurking/impending witch-hunting conflict as well as to seek your intervention as expressed in the blog site above. Thank you in advance for your consideration,cooperation and assistance. Yours Faithfully, Erick Otieno. NB:Excuse my late night alert for I could not contain another act of the string of sexual harassment. The letter is written on the 13th of November 2013 at exactly 2042hours. I sincerely hope all and any further emergency alerts to the HRW during this trial stay at Raila's ODM home turf stronghold will also be relayed to all the other offices and agencies including The UNHCR,IOM{International Organization for Migration} and particularly so The Royal Consulate of The Netherlands who strategically were very instrumental in instructing me on the way to go about applying for asylum by pointing out the due procedure involving The UNHCR and IOM;I have been networking and coordinating with them for purposes of awareness and agitation for this my case of political asylum. I hope to eventually immigrate to Holland for political asylum,The land of ultimate justice,ultimate redemption and ultimate freedom for peoples of all creeds.Holland,a State-of-the-art of Utopia in its own right. Now if I may shed light/elaborate on the "despicable/beastly" behavior above,it means just that: The bisexual homosexual male parent of the family of my siblings has been insinuating,gesturing,beckoning me to enjoin them and the larger secret society of Raila's ODM in their old stone age savage fertility reproductive cult of incest,homosexuality and bisexuality. He has absolutely no honor,dignity and is unworthy of any respect at all.Now to have people practice the above is disgusting for us the straights but to have the gay community try trying to force the practice down the throats of us straights as a heritage lifestyle is not only completely out of order but outright disrespectful, unnatural,intolerable and I can only begin to comprehend why for example the French straights went on a rampage demonstrating against the gay community with regard to the consequent un naturalization of the traditional family values.Mind you the French gay community wasn't trying to force it down the throats of the French straights, rather they were just happily and care freely acclaiming their right to the legalization of their lifestyle. I can't help wondering how The French straights would have reacted had the gay community tried to force their weird lifestyle down their throats in their house-holds. By despicable and beastly I mean the insinuations and manoeuvrings are subliminal i.e.unspoken but nonetheless effectively communicated through body language,manoeuvrings,gestures insinuations et al. It is a "billy-goat" affair. Language of gays playing bulls trying to cow unsuspecting innocent victims. By the time I wrote that letter, the father of the family of my siblings had jumped from the silent insinuations and beckoning to openly mathematically back-tracking me always immediately behind me through precise calculations,closing the distances like a beast about to mount a fellow beast. That is why I speak of rising bile levels and provocations of physical conflict. Them straights anywhere I am sure will agree on these reactions. Except for my observant tolerant responses,in any other circumstances my Learned Lords and Ladies,would anybody blame a straight fellow if they should act upon their instincts/nerves, turn upon their assailants and say,bash their heads-in or give them several jabs to sink their face-in? And that's exactly the kind of reaction the secret society of Raila's ODM are trying to trap me into.What with the ODM mob-community waiting for the alarm to be raised for the air is pregnant with expectation. They've managed to wreck my life and still they are trying to circumnavigate the mentality of the rest of the world that I am that bad disrespectful guy who would even beat up the old folks of his siblings. Mind you there ain't no case of dementia,they are simply conniving,calculating, paid-up pawns old stone age savages capable of moving the mob-psyche against their antithesis or that of their leader. They are only posing as holier-than-thou retired innocent old folks with an air of Bishop. Along the same length and breath is another ODM character called Abala,a shoe-shiner at a square adjacent to the Migori post office;a long-time friend introduced to me by an Engineer comrade named Emanuel with whom we were at college together. In this public square there's an ODM secretariat office which I've grown to avoid over the time I've been in Migori for them different political ideologies as expressed in earlier blogs above. I prefer to while-time in a recreational park across a path facing the square except for instances when I have to make the short-cut across the square to the other side on business. Abala surprised my unsuspecting innocent self to the core when just recently on taking the short-cut we met and on greeting him by the formal handshake, he goes ahead and does a silly homosexual gesture trick with the greeting palm all the while appearing to be very busy exchanging formalities with his mouth. Can anybody imagine that this fellow I've known all the while I've been in Migori in slow motion pulls my hand en capsuled in formal greetings and brushes it against his penis inside his trousers all the while pretending to be busy mouthing formal greetings. The subliminal message was effectively communicated. He's a married gay. a bisexual. On one of the group drinking sprees,he'd confided to us that he'd once caught his wife pants down with his brother in bed getting freaky and that because it was his good brother,the was nothing he couldn't do and he let it be at that. Now that I know he is a bisexual gay,I am left with no doubt that that's the way they live,them bisexual married gays.. He's an accurate prototype of the father of the family of my siblings. They are only married for reproductive purposes but both couples keep their boyfriends. No sooner had the above event chronicled than the father of the family of my siblings completed the jig-saw puzzle just the night before I wrote the letter to The HRW when dinner had been put on the dinning table;he let me know that all the hunger games,food and water-poisoning threats and attempts,animal-husbandry/zero-grazing strategies were geared to inform me of the impending Lamu-Bondo Usenge cultural heritage;that I was being intentionally meant to join the married-but-gay bisexual cultural heritage. This message the father of the family of my siblings effectively subliminally communicated to me via the weird arrangement of the culinary which were placed on the far end of the the opposite side of the table which stood at his waist whereby to get the plates and the serving spoons, you had to come close to his waist line inches above the mark of his penis inside his trousers. Period. I would never let my kids or spouse anywhere near them or their vicinity lest they would corrupt and disorient their sexuality. The evidence is voluminous. Later, logistics.

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