Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.

Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.
Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law-This is an Online-Jobs Entrepreneurship / Business Services-Provider, Social Media Marketing / Virtual Assistant (Administrative) and Retail-Goods Affiliate-Marketing involving: (1.)-Community Paralegals for Legal Document Assistant (LDA) / Legal Technician / Court Document Preparers / Court Forms Providers as far as Activism-and-Lobbying for Causes go concerning Human-Rights-Advocacy for suppressed voices and the tax-overburdened oppressed laity including dis-inherited widows, orphans and the destitute; (2.)-French, English, Swahili Translator / Interpreter / Teacher / Tour Guide; (3.)-Publisher for Affiliate Marketing in freelance writing, blogging, transcription and podcasting;

Thursday, June 06, 2013

THE LAW : Prosecuting Raila : Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Ritual Psychopath Murderer.

Hi everybody this is a continuation of yesterdays submissions. Well, the counting whistle goes every 20 or so minutes whereby everybody wakes-up,is required to sit in a frog-jump posture to make room for eveybody's counting,with arms clasped around the knees in rows/files. Old worn-out blankets and sacks serve as beddings on which one lies squeezed either back-to-back or front-to-front and the squezzing is so tight the remandees squel and howl in pain with evey turn and twist out bursting into yells which always threaten to mutate into fist fights with those one is lying in between brought about by the pull and push,stretch and struggle,tear and wear before anybody can manage to turn either to the left or to the right/hand-side;it's basically a juggernaut affair and just when one starts to get a wink of sleep again under these very cruel beastly circumstances,the whistle to count and confirm numbers goes-off allover again and the detainees have to also start allover again. You can't help waking in the morning aching allover your body having been hobbled-up and squeezed like sacks of potatoes or better still,more appropriately like herd of cattles beeing taken for a dip by their barbaric/savage shepherds. Breakfast composed of gravel/porridge is served at around 1000hours and temporary remandees or those caught unawares have to wait for the others/jailbirds to borrow their utensils.Let me tell you something my very Lords and aladies :from the unhygienic,crowded,stinking and dirty conditions, I swear you wouldn't put anything in your mouth the first day especially if you hope to be done in a day or two;and so didn't I. The last meal I'd had was at arrest lunchtime on 07/06/2012;I skipped the 8th,June 2012 as well and was only compelled by hunger pangs and fading hopes of bail/redemption/freedom to put something in my mouth on the 9th/06/2012;after such an event one begins to observe the meal times all by themgoodselves.A hunger strike to standardize conditions is unthinkable in Kenyan prisons,nobody would notice,let alone give a damn! Water is rationed and scrambled for at specific given times and if a newcomer is lucky,they may borrow a container before rationing time's over whereby one would then go on to preferrably bath in the open remand-cell compound [where they have a hall for church-goers] or choose to bear the stench from the dirty stinking batrooms.Lunch's either boiled cabbages/kale/beans soup of which you can count the leaves which never exceed 4 or 5 stripes anyway and/or 30 grains of beans. Super's composed of the same and is served early at around 1800hours whereafter you are ushered into the remand cells to start roast.The guards in conjunction with longterm remandees who have nothing to loose can choose to selectively be very provocative just so as to tempt one to engage in an exchange of name-callings or fist fights which would only go to serve their thinly-veiled interests to spiral an unsespecting detainee further down the the abyss of endless charges and accusations and incarcerations and solitary confinements. Indeed I witnessed just such a scenario where a fighting pair were hand-cuffed right within from the cells and frog-marched for further interrogations and counter-measures including the ones mentioned above. I managed to hold to my cool all along amidst the unberable circumstances hoping not to be diswayed to any more bit of that hellfire which is Shimo prisons. This is because I was observing care after becoming more concious and aware of the gigantic magnitude of the serial workings of O.D.M.'s kingdom secret society membership. My shoes and bic pen had been stolen the very 1st day thanks to the ingenuity of the guards working in collusion with jailbirds/longterm remandees to swinndle newcomers of anything worth a cent or barter trade within the prison precincts. Thus I was barefoot on bail day, the 11th of June 2012 at around 1400hours. Ikenya and Swaleh, the municipal cops were the ones assigned that duty and they paid a bail of KSHS 1,000,smiling with glee for they expected anybody to be gratefull after doing time in such a plethora of an abyss. Barefoot accompanied by the 2 municipal cops, we boareded a 'matatu' [ a public transport vehicle ] all the way to 'markiti,' a colonial colliqual loosely translated for market, took a 'tuk-tuk' to the Municipal Court where I was sat to wait for Ikenya and Swaleh in collusion with the court officials to go through the process of illegally reversing/clearing the initially framed charges whereby I was duly,honestly surprised at the scorn and arrogance the municipal and court officers went about the matter,i.e. by simply tearing and shredding the charge sheets right before my very widening-unbelieving-eyes by then just so to brag on me of how they are powerful vested with the privilege to give and take life/rights/freedom at their pleasure, and every whim,beck and call. Later, logistics.

Wednesday, June 05, 2013

THE LAW : Prosecuting Raila : Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Ritual Psychopath Murderer.

Hi everybody. I was thus arrested on the 7th of June 2012 and remanded the same day and got bailed-out on 11th of June 2012. I got to know of my charges on arrival at Shimo prison situated in North Coast Mtwapa area. We'd been assembled at The Courts basement parking whereby we were boarded into a bus with a capacity of 60+1 for the sojourn to Shimo prison. The bus windscreens are grilled and only air can get in but I nonetheless managed to to wave at a friend at the post office as we wound our way across town gesturing that I was in that weird prison bus to remand for an unknown case. Shimo is a big prison covering the area of say 4 or 5 Olympic stadiums put together surrounded by insurmountable perimeter walls made of huge concrete blocks which will make any newcomer sigh with complete resignation of the impossibility of freedom behind those walls. There are around 4 or 5 different gates before 1 finally accesses the remand cells: one opens the main prison where there's an open desk-office dealing with bail with an adjacent chamber for visitors,the other opens into the prison compound,another into the prison precincts itself. I learnt of my framed/ imposed charges, {i.e. loitering rubbed and changed to community nuisance }at the prison reception, a chamber office just inside the prison compound as 1 is required to leave/book their personal effects including belts,mobile phones,wallets,monies,documents e.t.c. for safe keeping. Thus you can imagine my Lords and Ladies the irony of some of These Courts and some of these custodians of The Law who proclaim to follow The Law though only in letter {for purposes of bending/exploiting/abusing to suit their narrow thinly-veiled interests} but fail to render any attention to the spirit of The Law whereby it's supposed to serve the people forming its constitution for and of them;but then such service is a reserve of the high and mighty since for small fish of 'petty ridicule' they are simply fried and tossed from 1 side to the other without even bothering to inform them of their alleged charges, framed or otherwise, as the case may be. This is another instance yet again my Lords and my Ladies of abuse of powers and privileges vested in the office of the municipal council of Mombasa police as well as negligence/ignorance on the part of the magistrate 4 just murmuring to herself and thus not being audible enough for purposes of sufficient court proceedings; and/or on the part of the court for not providing/ensuring sound microphone facilities for purposes of the same. They abused,infringed,and violated my rights 1st as a 'wrongfully' accused person and secondly to not inform me of my alleged charges, framed or otherwise consequently resulting into wrongful/illegal remand/imprisonment. There are about 8 remand cell each measuring about [35 by 15]meters and each filled beyond capacity [overflowing] with between 200 and 300 fellows depending on the surge of new remands convicts. The inmates are subjected to constant counting to confirm numbers,the stinking toilets serve overcrowded inmates as extra space. Later logistics.

THE LAW : Prosecuting Raila ; Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Ritual Psychopath Murderer.

Hi everybody. Since The Luo of Nyanza have been forced,coerced,mislead and programmed {since 1982} to "act like 1" and put all their presidential ambitions/aspirations "eggs" in the proverbial " 1 basket," they have remained stuck politically to playing 2nd fiddle and as a consequence have retrogressed to infantile modes of politics which would be better described as "democratically immature" whereby they have always been surprised to find themselves in non-starter situations albeit with "teething presidential ambitions/hopes." Our dear,sober neighbors and brothers The Kikuyus are comparatively politically mature always reading the signs of the times and doing their best to side with history. They also appreciate the brazen fact that elections are a "mathematical probability" thing subject to a host of factors including: family values,principles,character,personality,behavior,compassion and the advertisement/marketing and sales of ideologies,manifestos,visions,dreams,e.t.c. That is precisely why in the just recently concluded bitterly contested March 4th presidential elections,they tendered 4 {half} of the 8 presidential lady and gentlemen candidates. Rural-Urban migration since Kenya attained her independence in 1963 saw the coming together and intermingling of the 42 tribes of Kenya in major cities/towns in search of jobs and exposure "to the goodies of civilization." The Luo of Nyanza and other like-minded tribes amongst the 42 formed "Clan Welfare Associations" to specifically cater for morgue, travel/transport and funeral expenses in the event of the passing-away of a member of the clan/tribe who had migrated from the "reserves." The C.W.A. members at the district/provincial levels help campaign for their presidential-candidate son-chieftains at the helm by appealing/penetrating the indigenous and the metropolitan at/of those respective regions. Thus, a tribe or ethnic community will have as many C.W.A.s' as there are clan members in those regions with individual /family membership spread allover at random and sometimes occupying certain regions more prominently than others. These C.W.A.'s in turn formed the bed-rock of the "electorate-voter building-block units for the formerly largely tribal parties ran by chieftains at the tribal helm. In these ways did the respective tribal chieftains fill-in the national presidential ballot chart by 1st rounding-up/herding their tribesmen before eventually appealing to the national character and content. The problem is that as the major tribes' chieftains gradually shed-off their ethnic-leanings to wholly embrace nationalism/democracy whereby consequently setting their tribes men free to embrace national democracy, Rgf adamantly refused to let his tribesmen have any democratic space and/or freedom and blindly tied them to him by hook and crook using coercion and threats.He acts like he owns the tribe, monopolizing their presidential ambitions/dreams. The charismatic doyen/father of opposition politics in Kenya, the late Jaramogi Oginga Odinga deemed it fit to slot Raila the junior post of "director of elections" whilst befitting the erstwhile James Orengo the senior post of "vice chairman," thereby seconding him as chairman to "Ford Kenya," the 1st original opposition party after the then president Moi opened the floodgates to "multiparty politics". Of course as you can guess this did not go down well with Raila who as we all know has the common "BIG MAN SYNDROME." Since he could not fathom the glaring fact that J.O. was seen by non other than the doyen/father of opposition politics to be politically more senior/mature than him and thus merit the 2nd senior most post after the doyen/father of opposition politics himself, he walked-out in a huff after the demise of the doyen to start his own party when disciplined Ford Kenya party members/officials stuck to their guns saying no party post is special and that one no matter who had to follow laid down election/nomination procedures to ascend/merit any post. Thus, begun his {Raila} political "prostitution and cohabitation" forming 1 party after the other and merger after merger due to his myopic political correctness, plugged ears and "swollen head." He always nominates himself flag-bearer decrying unopposed right. The point here my Lords and my Ladies is that this mummified-relic has been approaching national elections with this misplaced tribal mind-set of being the unopposed warrior-military-King and divine King- maker. He presupposes the nation shares in his blind self-vested-interest presidential ambitions and thus always wants to run for the presidency unopposed without democratic conviction and that is why he run all-over himself with the 1982 attempted coup. Later, logistics.

Saturday, June 01, 2013

THE LAW : Prosecuting Raila : EX-Treason Convict and Serial Ritual Psychopath Murderer.

Hi everybody. I will continue with the consequence of events as they enrolled-on following the arrest. I was handcuffed amid pleas for restraint arguing that I was no criminal,hurled into the 3-cycle motor car [commonly referred to as tuktuks] where I was placed corned by the trio. We argued as I tried to reason with them whilst they led me to the Mombasa municipal council cells whilst they debated amongst themselves which charge to prefer against me as I have already explained in an earlier blog. I tried making frantic calls but to no avail;they were definitely in full control . By 1400hrs,the afternoon session at the magistrates chambers begun whereby they took place hurriedly and in what appeared to be a helter-skelter manner. Up to then I didn't know that I was later to be remanded at the notorious Shimo-La-Tewa prison cells for I thought I would be remanded at the municipal's cells while I negotiated a win-win situation but it appeared they'd already planned to stick to a carefully premeditated,orchestrated,choreographed,organized coordinated script whereby there was no turning back. The Lady Magistrate spoke in such low tones 1 wouldn't here the framed,political-order alleged charges even though I stretched my neck to keep in touch with the proceedings I was amongst the 40 something men and women from all walks of life and we were sat squeezed in benches lined horizontally facing the prosecution to answer bogus framed charges according to 'time-of-arrest' of the day in order of 1st to last. There were those who answered charges in groups like those who'd been arrested in drinking dens quenching their anguish with the affordable illegal and/but potent liquor. The trick, I came to learn later from jail birds who'd seen it all is that: for petty charges such as the 1 mentioned above, 1 is advised to agree to the charges whereby they are usually then given some fine and sometimes [depending on the magistrates temperament or how they woke-up that day] they may then be sentenced to community service for several days which in jail-bird speak is of course [would be] preferable to doing any bit of time,anywhere. Anybody would nod in agreement. I refuted the 'all the inaudible framed charges' I nor The Court couldn't hear....[ me thinks The Courts should come-up with microphone facilities] thinking the magistrate was going to see reason in/of my explanation and rather demand a "reasonable" explanation from the charge0framing political-orderlies but was then rudely re-awakened into the practicality of The Law illustrating that the hearing is usually only to confirm the charges and hear the accused's plea;whereby if they deny/refuse the charges,technically that translates into being remanded for like 2 weeks before the 2nd hearing and so forth and hence forth. I was thrown to Shimo prison for the worst of my 5-days that year 2012 just so the secret society agents of Raila could teach me a lesson to coerce my consent [which afterwards anyway, anybody in their rightful thinking senses would have had to consent to] given the unbearable physical and psychological torture 1 had undergone from the initial/later medical-witchcraft crimes,atrocities and general crimes against humanity;especially if it was now becoming clearly more apparent to be culminating in such a series of force circumstances. Later logistics.

Monday, May 27, 2013

THE LAW : Prosecuting Raila : Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Ritual Psychopath Murderer.

Hi everybody. I would like The Judiciary in explaining/addressing the term "the parents of my siblings" and thereof excluding "I," i.e. myself to issue a court injunction/order so as to {intended to }restrict,relinquish,abdicate and relieve me { "I" }of any foreseeable further/future attempts of any presupposed/presumed cultural,social,political, ritual,traditional customary-bound responsibilities,practices,exercises and/or relationships from "the family of the parents of my siblings" and/or any other political/cultural kinship's thereof. I would like to request The Judiciary/ Courts to recognize this as a legal separation because what relationship exists is only biological which has undergone grievous,irreparable irreconcilable damage since they { acting as puppet-pawns in conjunction/collusion with the secret-society membership of Raila's movement } are the chief cause and impediment to my development vis-a-vis the means and ends of Raila achieving his political goals. Being part and parcel of Raila's power of darkness,they by necessity like others of his secret society membership are steeped in mysticism/secrecy whereby they have to masquerade/pose as meek,holier-than-thou with the airs of a Bishop so as to cover-up the savage beastly acts involving the binding of their own to captivity/ slavery/dependency in an open lee-way legal frame work as well as to hide their devotion to witchcraft/sorcery,mystic customs,traditions,beliefs, mathematical astrology and the cultural ways of long-gone ancestors of the past which is incompatible/irreconcilable neither with humanity and civilization nor progress as is the case with the present whereby the world is fast becoming a global village envisioned to standardize in terms of "The Universal Declaration of Human Rights" of The U.N.'s Charter. They are "devotees of the traditional fertility/reproductive cults" and masters as well as accomplices of Raila's secret society membership and practitioners of precise mathematical astrology vicious-mendacious-rhetoric animism. Thus they and the extended family kinship act on behalf of Raila as custodians/key holders of executing sacrificial rituals in relation to ordaining life and/or death and as such any further tolerance of relationships with them aids the perpetuating/perpetrating of the repeated cycles and patterns of the a fore-mentioned crimes.They act as Raila's home- turf , stronghold household unit within/amongst the extended families of the clans of the tribe eagerly jubilant to spear-head and champion any of his {Raila's} framed political-order charges on his behalf for my not cooperating or consenting thereof to their customary/cultural primitive,retrogressive,imposed and lay mentality to interpreting life and the world. Allowing them such a free legal frame work on which to operate from/upon lets them the plunder/privilege to consistently intend to commit medical crimes targeting to paralyze my spinal chord and/or cripple me to a wheel chair in collusion with Raila's secret society membership under the pretext of addressing "some sexual offense acts" just because "I" don't consent nor cooperate with their dim/myopic fertility/reproductive cults agendas or world views/interpretations. Later logistics.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

THE LAW : Prosecuting Raila : Ex Treason Convict and Serial,Ritual,Psychopath Murderer.

Hi everybody. I would like to categorically state that I will be using the term "the parents of my siblings" excluding "I" for obvious reasons as we proceed forth with the submissions of evidence for the above filed case due to inherent,ingrained and irreconcilable domestic,household,tribal,customary,ethnic beliefs,rituals,traditional differences which will continue to be more self-evident and explanatory as we continue with the proceedings. The a fore-mentioned "parents of my siblings" are puppets of Raila,part and parcel of his secret society powers-of-darkness since every preconceived move [especially the derogatory,dehumanizing crime of attempting forced, ritual, traditional customary marriage and the vampire-horrific,cabbage-turning medical crime attempts which almost paralyzed my spinal-chord which would have crippled me to a wheelchair ] made by Raila is sanctioned by them;this viewed from the inter clan kinship marriage and political history interconnecting links. This is in the view that after all I am headed anyway,to legally cutting-off relations with them so as to completely overhaul Raila from my back since they are his puppets so as to get-off the threat of living under the blade,shadow or dark clouds of being confronted with repeated cycles of arbitrary arrests and animal- later power interruptions.

Monday, May 20, 2013

THE LAW : Prosecuting Raila : Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Ritual Psychopath Murderer.

Hi everyone. I would like to add that the other point my Lords and my Ladies inferring from the immediate preceding blog above is that this mummified-relic has been approaching the national elections still with his tribal mind-set of being the unopposed warrior/military King divine King-maker who does not need to adhere to the laid down rules and procedures of qualifying and/or meeting the criteria for eligibility for either nomination to party-flag bearer post or election to the office of The President. He presupposes the nation shares in his myopic aspirations and always wants to run for the presidency unopposed in such a state of democratic conviction but predictably usually runs allover himself what with his toy robot soldier/militant antics and an-tactics. The other point is that he has an attitude thinking all Luos are his personal property treating Luo Nyanza as his household where all the clan members are his offspring of whom he can violate/infringe on their human rights at peril,handle,treat,sacrifice or dispose-off at will since he has got a firm grip/hold on the Luo C.W.A.s' regarding their affairs as he would his domestic,cow pen affairs and thus holding his political bedrock captive and in political-slavery [subservience],subject to his blessings ,endorsements,ire,wrath and/or imposed,allegiance,loyalties,oaths,rituals,cultures and traditions. I will now continue with the order of events surrounding the arrest,the confirmation-of-hearing-charges,the 5-day remanding at Shimo-La-Tewa Prison,the bailing and the throwing/discarding of charges,the prelude/preparation for deportation,the "removing of that something/jinn," followed by the accident and the consequential events resulting in the current animal-husbandry/zero-grazing mathematical-astronomy convent-laboratory circumstances of a continuation of crimes of witchcraft. I will also demonstrate/illustrate the induction and conditioning mechanism attempts to coerce 1 to customary,ritual,traditional arranged marriage as well as the induction and conditioning mechanism attempts to coerce 1 to fall into their premeditated,orchestrated,choreographed,organized vicious-mendacious-rhetoric animism traps [ now a long-term observed/measured/established,repeated cycles/patterns of consistency-of-intentions of these induction/ conditioning mechanisms ] of tricks,methods,recipes and strategies by female agents of the mummified-relic's secret society membership posing/masquerading as pleasure-seeking,sexual-healing,willing-lovers working working-in cahoots/collusion with their male counterparts of the same secret society membership of the warrior/ military toy robot-soldier mummified-relic. These energy-emaciating,blood-drinking/letting,back-bone crippling,spinal-chilling/paralyzing,double-speaking tricks,methods,recipes and strategies are usually cast as a prelude to committing a medical crime and include : 1.}the carrot and stick method; 2.}the Pavlov dog-experiment method; 3.}prank calls of the duchess-of-Cambridge fame method; 4.}cry-wolf method; 5.}the widow spider method and finally 6.}the carnivorous plant method. I would like to mention that there is an observed-established apparent obsession and hidden criminal agenda ulterior-motive with my sexuality specifically targeting my reproductive organ the phallus whose intention has been observed in the consistency of these induction/conditioning mechanisms driven by medical agents usually hovering like vampire vultures waiting for their trick traps to yield the unsuspecting prey-victim for targeted procedures of medical crimes. There will be an interlude during the narration of deportation evidence-submission to bring-in the historical-political interconnecting link between Raila the political ogre/monster,god of Luo Nyanza tribe/ethnic community,warrior-military King and "the family of my siblings and I on 1 side; while on the other side I will demonstrate the inter clan kinship marriage interconnecting link between Raila's spouse Ida and the maternal side of the family of my siblings and I. Thus, I will begin with the order of events at the Mombasa Municipal Council Magistrates Court adjacent to the old town of Fort Jesus situated along the Likoni ferry channel's gateway to East and Central Africa port of Mombasa. Later, limited funds.

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