12th March 2025 2245hrs: Estranged, jealousy witches the quickie-prostitute & gay-pimp (substantiated) start death-row hunger-tortures in the rain-&-cold after filling their bellies in the out-kitchen before the gay tops it with "mala" from the bedroom in the dinning chambers as if I'd asked to come to their abode and thus I slept hungry after the whore (substantiated) also followed locking the door inside confirming an organized supper-less torture night! Hence I'd to wait for the gay who returned to unlock the door but was threateningly armed with a slasher-sword (sharpened on both sides) like in past cases. Then there's that mentioned chick from across the fairest food kiosk who apparently one of the twin bro.s (dumb / animist said in Luo "Adware," i.e. "I want him / her" in the cafeteria yesterday) then, with his two mason colleagues, tracked me as I came to eat on-the-out for the hot tea sweating me; and then again on the junction leading to my residence where I passed between them sitting. Thus another customary sex / marriage insult.
NB: Such pagan-animist-witches recreate scenes and impose impressions-&-intentions for your imagination & public perception which if you don't dispel-of then they take it as a green light "Yes" to effectuate / implement their imposed witchcraft images, impressions-&-intentions.
Then there's the owner of the fairest-food-kiosk who ultimately like cited earlier "...that the witches manipulate the food kiosks..." { https://erick-mango.blogspot.com/2022/10/137-chiefs-poisonmachete-death-prayers.html }or
{ https://startrextraterrestrials.wordpress.com/2022/10/19/137-chiefs-poison-machete-death-prayers-for-humanitarian-visa-asylum-protection-self-determination-and-rule-of-law-from-uhuru-raila-co-conspirators-and-their-jinn-theocracy-gok-sanctioned-politi/ }
seems to have been caught-up by the bribes of the mentioned antagonist-puppeteers for she sullenly feigned refusing to return me change for a bill of 60/- outta 100/- saying in Luo, "Tokidhi?!" meaning, "Why don't you jus' go?!" I was shocked, couldn't believe my ears she was asking for something small and picking a fight on established change for which I was then supposed to have time to entertain haggling with her over! An outgoing, social, old woman bent at the back she's always sitting making "chapatis" unless she's being rode on a border-border (motorcycle) & so sometime early-this or late last-year she took time to wanna know me before exclaiming she knows the "Mangos' " who's residence-quarters I reside and then going-on to amicably introduce her brood to me from the 1st married daughter, to the 2nd single mother Sarah, followed by two boys Kanono & Sila, then the last girl nicknamed Lady.
So on picking that fight I ignored it smiling sheepishly and instead circumnavigated to jus' saying I was jobless under the cover of shock that she wanted to keep the grab for herself as if I was a rich fellow! Had wanted to ask her whether she was sick upstairs but got the better of me with regards to mannerisms esp. to the aged like her though the point was taken: ...that the witches'-nest society-puppeteers led by the "Mangos / Turpins" had made use of their disposition to exploit them to pester me to get fed-up with them & quit surviving on the fairest-prices food kiosk... The next food kiosk a mile-or-two away sells beans / "chapos" @ at 20/- & "mandazis" at 10/- unlike the fairest where it's @ at 10/- & at 5/-. Hence, it's obviously now jus' a matter of countdown time now before the savage ferals cut me-off survival-rates foods for death-row hunger-torture starvations proper! Sos.
Thus with this update after typesetting another piece of the judicial review civil appeal yesterday I pause the cybercafé visits today saving for the mentioned emergencies including the now escalated-to-death-row hunger-tortures or to substitute for the "maggots-cockroaches-snail shells-soil"-mixed health-hazard dishes and/or the subsequent medical infections.
NB: The quickie-prostitute allegedly went to a funeral today morning 13th March 2025 which could be another calculated disappearance (since people usually go to burials on Saturday, earliest Friday for a sleep-over) to see to it that I deplete all my meagre saved-cash-for-the-emergencies on food and thus organize maximum hunger-tortures by the "Penis Envy" [rd. Sexology] jealousy, married-but-gay dodo-pimp masking his dysfunctional deficiencies starting today the whore (substantiated) has left "Nyoyo-or-Mdhokoi" you wouldn't be able to touch as it take over the kitchen for their disgusting, puky, regurgling custom manners!
6th March 2025 1215hrs: Stiff-necked-fool hyena-scavengers slaughter dead sheep of overnight diseased swollen-extended stomach so you can bet there'll be plenty of steaks to go around though I won't be touching any for 1-2 months. [3rd March 2025 1750hrs: Woke up with a bout of semi-diarrhoea so I took two Loperamide Hydrochloride tabs as a matter of preliminary caution only to develop fatigue & painful, kinda stiff body joints in the afternoon I'd to skip exercise and lie down for rest only to wake up with a progressing fever & a vomiting feeling! Suspect typhoid. Pray for something small to cover the hospital. lab diagnosis if symptoms persist as last coins deplete. ] 2050hrs: Managed to eventually go to town testing the gauge and/or recovery of the infection though on return around 2000hrs & going to change before resuming the main hse for supper I find the jealousy, estranged witches have tabled & already dinning so I slept hungry (as if I'd asked to come to their abode) on top of the medication & recuperation.
https://erick-mango.blogspot.com/2025/02/british-gulag-in-kenya-and-judas.html ]
https://erick-mango.blogspot.com/2024/10/348-basic-hygiene-bathing-and-washing.html ]
https://erick-mango.blogspot.com/2024/10/344-pychic-vampire-witches-leave-cut.html ]
https://erick-mango.blogspot.com/2022/10/137-chiefs-poisonmachete-death-prayers.html ]
https://erick-mango.blogspot.com/2024/08/334-organized-murder-human-sacrifice.html ]