Monday, September 30, 2024

343. Under Siege By Married-But-Gay Raila's Luo-Nyanza Homosexual Pawns (Pollsters: Kisumu Leads Kenya in Homosexuality) and Who Together With Boyfriend-Uhuru are Penis Envy (Rd. Sexology) GLBTQ-Occultists / Human-Sacrifiers; Plus Complicit-or-Pocketed Migori Police Station's or Gay Cops (Rd. IAU REF: ODPP/HQ/CAM/1/001) For Outlawing-or-Covering SOA-and-PADVA Crimes Amid Manipulated Sorcery-Abuse With Mostta The Food-Kiosks and Political-Legal-Pauperism-Abuse With Migori Police Station / ODPP Halted-Stalled Recorded OB Cases Inc. OB61/23/08/2021 and My Broad Lawsuit As A Whole Pending Resolution To Privately Prosecute and My Liberation "Constitutional-Merit and Statute-Administrative-Law" Civil Appeal Against The CAJ, ACC/OAG, Peninnah Ngondi Wawira Prosecution-Counsel/ODPP and Thief-President Ruto: Prayers for Political Asylum / Refuge, Humanitarian Visa, Self-Determination and Rule-of-Law from Ruto, Uhuru, Raila, co-conspirators and their Jinn-Theocracy GoK Sanctioned political-legal abuse, delayed-denied j

28/09/2024 1836hrs: Under siege by married-but-gay narcissistic-godzilla Raila's Luo-Nyanza homosexual-pawns (Pollsters: Kisumu leads Kenya in homosexuality); and who together with his boyfriend-Uhuru (substantiated) are Penis-Envy (rd. Sexology), Hausa-Bori GLBTQ-Occultists as well as human-sacrifice satanic-ritualists (rd: #FOCAC ): their gay puppet hyena-packs have resumed tracking me on my ways to-&-from town & also up to the Turpin witches' abode, coming up-close behind like pickpockets (cited in complaints drafts) insinuating to wonna indecently touch my butt in slightings to provoke me into a gang-fight trap (machete-death sanctioned by ex-Chief Amara) or else I acquiesce, melt-into-jelly & turn-the-other-cheek to join their homosexual cult. SOS] } }or{ } #UNGA

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