Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.

Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.
Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law-This is an Online-Jobs Entrepreneurship / Business Services-Provider, Social Media Marketing / Virtual Assistant (Administrative) and Retail-Goods Affiliate-Marketing involving: (1.)-Community Paralegals for Legal Document Assistant (LDA) / Legal Technician / Court Document Preparers / Court Forms Providers as far as Activism-and-Lobbying for Causes go concerning Human-Rights-Advocacy for suppressed voices and the tax-overburdened oppressed laity including dis-inherited widows, orphans and the destitute; (2.)-French, English, Swahili Translator / Interpreter / Teacher / Tour Guide; (3.)-Publisher for Affiliate Marketing in freelance writing, blogging, transcription and podcasting;

Friday, September 06, 2024

338. Filthy Quickie-Prostitute of Unwashed, "Soil-Snailshells-Cockroaches-Maggots"-Mix Dishes Is Back and Withe Gay-Pimp Witches (Substantiated) Continue Hunger-Torture Starvations in The Cold-and-Rain Amid Manipulated Sorcery-Abuse With Mostta The Food-Kiosks and Political-Legal-Pauperism-Abuse With Migori Police Station / ODPP Halted-Stalled Recorded OB Cases Inc. OB61/23/08/2021 and My Broad Lawsuit As A Whole Pending Resolution To Privately Prosecute and My Liberation "Constitutional-Merit and Statute-Administrative-Law" Civil Appeal Against The CAJ, ACC/OAG, Peninnah Ngondi Wawira Prosecution-Counsel/ODPP and Thief-President Ruto: Prayers for Political Asylum / Refuge, Humanitarian Visa, Self-Determination and Rule-of-Law from Ruto, Uhuru, Raila, co-conspirators and their Jinn-Theocracy GoK Sanctioned political-legal abuse, delayed-denied justice, outlawing, endless-persecution, rape-of-conscience, gaslighting, mandatory-systems-of-committment and death. Prayers too for soft loans to draft, typeset, e-fi

06/09/2024 0936hrs: Slept half-hungry in the cold-&-rain as quickie-prostitute & gay-pimp witches (substituted) continued hunger-tortures with 4-slices of bread in the morn. & unsustainable greens at night while they supplement with snacks in the bedroom & stored food in the outside kitchen as if I'd asked to come to their abode for sex pervert murderers I've estranged. SOS [05/09/2024 1352hrs: Quickie-prostitute's (substituted) back though you know the difference's more of filthy, health-hazard, unwashed, "soil-snailshells-coackroaches-maggots"-mix dishes or less scheduled rations. NB: Second week 24/7-zombie-occultism indoors; need bathing-washing bar-soap, a shave & toothpaste. SOS [ }or{ }or{ }NB: Ruto World Renown Thief-{

Tuesday, September 03, 2024

337. Death-Trap Ticking Like A Time-Bomb As Gay-Pimp Nightrunner Witch Plays With Starvation Strategies While Water-on-Debit Starts Morrow Subject To The Good Lady Water-Vendor's Will Though Manipulatable By The Witches'-Nest As They Do-Abuse With Mostta The Food-Kiosks and Likewise The Recorded Migori Police Station / ODPP Halted-Stalled OB Cases Inc. OB61/23/08/2021 and My Broad Lawsuit As A Whole Amid My Resolved Private Prosecution Pending My Liberation "Constitutional-Merit and Statute-Administrative-Law" Civil Appeal Against The CAJ, ACC/OAG, Peninnah Ngondi Wawira Prosecution-Counsel/ODPP and Thief-President Ruto: Prayers for Political Asylum / Refuge, Humanitarian Visa, Self-Determination and Rule-of-Law from Ruto, Uhuru, Raila, co-conspirators and their Jinn-Theocracy GoK Sanctioned political-legal abuse, delayed-denied justice, outlawing, endless-persecution, rape-of-conscience, gaslighting, mandatory-systems-of-committment and death. Prayers too for soft loans to draft, typeset, e-file and litigate

03/09/2024 1038hrs: The starvation-ends justify the means so the gay-witch's substituted me "mala" for bread at supper I take with water as it devours heavy meat & ugali while in the morn. it's half-a-loaf which him he supplements with stored snacks as usual as if I'd asked to come to their abode. And I used last coin for water today starting morrow it's on debit subject to the good lady vendor's will manipulatable by the witches'-nest led by the gay. SOS [02/09/2024 0812hrs: Feeling like my heart's sinking cause the witches have hanged my life on a string which I'm afraid they may snap anytime one of these starved nights in my sleep never to wake up withe rising sun. S'thing small for bites pls. SOS] }or{ }or{ }NB: Ruto World Renown Thief-{

Monday, September 02, 2024

336. Gay-Pimp Evil-Eyed Nightrunner-Witch's Human-Sacrifice Deathrow Hunger-Torture Starvations and Indirect-Incest Manipulations To Have Sex Withe Schoolgirl-Maid-Sisters He's All Slept-With Pending My Liberation "Constitutional-Merit and Statute-Administrative-Law" Civil Appeal Against The CAJ, ACC/OAG, Peninnah Ngondi Wawira Prosecution-Counsel/ODPP and Thief-President Ruto: Prayers for Political Asylum / Refuge, Humanitarian Visa, Self-Determination and Rule-of-Law from Ruto, Uhuru, Raila, co-conspirators and their Jinn-Theocracy GoK Sanctioned political-legal abuse, delayed-denied justice, outlawing, endless-persecution, rape-of-conscience, gaslighting, mandatory-systems-of-committment and death. Prayers too for soft loans to draft, typeset, e-file and litigate my broad lawsuit. (NB: The above is solely meant for asylum-visa embassies and concerned civil-society-groups / authorities; the defendant dictator-state GoK and its agencies aren't party). Having gloomy Christmases / New Years in rags in continuo

01/09/2024 2029hrs: Guys it's deathrow one day you eat the next day you don't. The gay-pimp nightrunner witch dodo's cooked his meat he's feasting on as usual and which you can't touch cause of their filthy regargling manners as if I'd asked to come to their abode. Thus going to bed hungry since the morn. 5 slices of bread. He's also back to sending the schoolgirl maid sisters he's slept-with to marktime me when I wonna go bath in the washrooms yesterday in the manner of his quickie-prostitute female-husband wife (substantiated) to sexually mind-associate their vaginas with my penis for which I'd to admonish it. Flashing pple the more. S'thing small for bites pls. SOS] }or{ }or{ }NB: Ruto World Renown Thief-{

Sunday, September 01, 2024

335. Gay-Pimp Nightrunner Evil-Eyed Jealous Witch's Energy-Emaciating Hunger-Torture Starvations Marktimmed As Well To Compromise My Clothes-Washing In Mudslinging Smear-Campaign Making of Archetypes Pending My Liberation "Constitutional-Merit and Statute-Administrative-Law" Civil Appeal Against The CAJ, ACC/OAG, Peninnah Ngondi Wawira Prosecution-Counsel/ODPP and Thief-President Ruto: Prayers for Political Asylum / Refuge, Humanitarian Visa, Self-Determination and Rule-of-Law from Ruto, Uhuru, Raila, co-conspirators and their Jinn-Theocracy GoK Sanctioned political-legal abuse, delayed-denied justice, outlawing, endless-persecution, rape-of-conscience, gaslighting, mandatory-systems-of-committment and death. Prayers too for soft loans to draft, typeset, e-file and litigate my broad lawsuit. (NB: The above is solely meant for asylum-visa embassies and concerned civil-society-groups / authorities; the defendant dictator-state GoK and its agencies aren't party). Having gloomy Christmases / New Years in rags in

01/09/2024 1710hrs: Managed strenuously all the same to wash two pairs against the witches' mudsling-smear intentions. SOS [1043hrs: Jealous, evil-eyed, gay-pimp witch dodo continues hunger-tortures with 5-slices of bread till supper rendering washing of only a pair of clothes. SOS] 31/08/2024 2317hrs: It finally opened & tabled bread around 1030hrs. SOS [0950hrs: Still recuperating from the deathrow hunger-torture starvations in long stretches and the jealousy, filthy-gargling gay-pimp witch has locked himself in the mainhouse (heard a tap from inside) stuffing his tummy and/or already ate and left for town as if I'd asked to come to their abode. This compromises as well my clothes washing morrow in alignement witheir smear-campaign making-of-archetypes rituals as I wait starving guessing when or if I'll have any bites today. SOS] }or{

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