Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.

Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.
Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law-This is an Online-Jobs Entrepreneurship / Business Services-Provider, Social Media Marketing / Virtual Assistant (Administrative) and Retail-Goods Affiliate-Marketing involving: (1.)-Community Paralegals for Legal Document Assistant (LDA) / Legal Technician / Court Document Preparers / Court Forms Providers as far as Activism-and-Lobbying for Causes go concerning Human-Rights-Advocacy for suppressed voices and the tax-overburdened oppressed laity including dis-inherited widows, orphans and the destitute; (2.)-French, English, Swahili Translator / Interpreter / Teacher / Tour Guide; (3.)-Publisher for Affiliate Marketing in freelance writing, blogging, transcription and podcasting;

Wednesday, May 01, 2024

309. Satanic-Ritualists The Quickie-Prostitute and Gay-Pimp (Substantiated) Start Exploiting The Starvation Hunger-Torture Rituals For Poisoning Or Their Filthy, Puky, Regargling Manners: Prayers for Humanitarian Visa, Asylum Protection, Self-Determination and Rule-of-Law from Ruto, Uhuru, Raila, co-conspirators and their Jinn-Theocracy GoK Sanctioned political-legal abuse, delayed-denied justice, outlawing, endless-persecution, rape-of-conscience, gaslighting, mandatory-systems-of-committment and death. Prayers too for soft loans to draft, typeset, e-file and litigate my broad lawsuit. (NB: The above is solely meant for asylum-visa embassies and concerned civil-society-groups / authorities; the defendant dictator-state GoK and its agencies aren't party). Having gloomy Christmases / New Years in rags in continuous cyclic-ritual hunger-torture, stomach-constricting, muscular-dystrophy predisposing "Congenital Sucrase-Isomaltase Deficiency" starchy-sucrose diets' exploiting-starvations as witches' "Zombie-Child

30/04/2024 2019hrs: The difference's the same as psychic-vampire-witches the quickie-prostitute & gay-pimp (substantiated) continue the energy-emaciating, human-sacrifice, hunger-torture starvation rituals with unsustainable pinches of kale-greens & omena / dagaa. The cannibal-witches reverse any mass you may have gained ensuring you remain withe intended zombie / child's physique by these energy-drainning defencelessnes, stomach-constricting starvation rituals for their SOA & PADVA crimes as if I'd asked to come to their abode. Slept half-hungry. SOS [Links & photo-evidence exposition:-{ }or{ }or{ } NB: Ruto World Renown Thief-{ } }SOS

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