Wednesday, April 10, 2024

ICC-Indicted mass-murderer (Terrorist) and World Renown Thief Ruto in Haiti Aid Cash Grab.

As formerly Uhuru's and now Ruto's GoK suppress my 8-page statement charges of OB61/23/08/2021 on SOA-and-PADVA { } even as Ruto brood-sits pretty on my now 11yrs 10-months 10m+ damages ( ) imposing me a pauperism-bachelorhood at 46yrs compromising my dating-and-marriage, I routinely need bare-basics to meet hygiene-decency standards including a wardrobe / shoes to replace over-sewn / patched rags. Ain't living or working in narcissistic-Godzilla-Raila's Luo-Nyanza. SOS. #FreedBritney #turpinfamily ] Photo-evidence exposition:-{ ) or ( ) Related Links:- { ) ) https://startrextraterrestrials.wordpres

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