Saturday, March 30, 2024

298. Rude, Filthy Quickie-Whore's (Substantiated) "Snailshells-Dagaa / Omena"-Mix Unwashed Dishes Impunity v. Zombie-Occultism: Prayers for Humanitarian Visa, Asylum Protection, Self-Determination and Rule-of-Law from Ruto, Uhuru, Raila, co-conspirators and their Jinn-Theocracy GoK Sanctioned political-legal abuse, delayed-denied justice, outlawing, endless-persecution, rape-of-conscience, gaslighting, mandatory-systems-of-committment and death. Prayers too for soft loans to draft, typeset, e-file and litigate my broad lawsuit. (NB: The above is solely meant for asylum-visa embassies and concerned civil-society-groups / authorities; the defendant dictator-state GoK and its agencies aren't party). Having gloomy Christmases / New Years in rags in continuous cyclic-ritual hunger-torture, stomach-constricting, muscular-dystrophy predisposing "Congenital Sucrase-Isomaltase Deficiency" starchy-sucrose diets' exploiting-starvations as witches' "Zombie-Child-Physique making-of-archetypes" prehistoric-descendant-cultu

29-03-2024 1946hrs: Got some respite & water secured for some more time while managing to see 3-4 days. SOS [25-03-2024 2300hrs: Slept half-hungry on paltry greens & ugali to avoid the 'dagaa-snailshells'-mix. SOS [24-03-2024 2137hrs:-Rude, filthy quickie-whore continues withe unwashed dagaa /omena today snail-mixed you chew slowly to avoid crushing the shells as you spit other caught-ups; & the gay-dodo pimp jus' eats dumbly. Managed to snap the filth today. SOS [Links & photo-evidence exposition:-{ }or{ }or{ }or{ }or{ } NB: Ruto World Renown Thief-{

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