Monday, May 15, 2023

212. Food-Poisoning Witch-Huntings: Prayers for Humanitarian Visa, Asylum Protection, Self-Determination and Rule-of-Law from Ruto, Uhuru, Raila, co-conspirators and their Jinn-Theocracy GoK Sanctioned political-legal abuse, delayed-denied justice, outlawing, endless-persecution, rape-of-conscience, gaslighting, mandatory-systems-of-committment and death; Prayers too for soft loans to draft, type-set, e-file and litigate my broad lawsuit. (NB: The above is meant solely for asylum-visa embassies and concerned civil-society-groups / authorities; the defendant pariah-state GoK and its agencies aren't party). Having gloomy Christmases / New Years in rags with ritual hunger-torture, stomach-constricting muscular-dystrophy predisposing 'Congenital Sucrase-Isomaltase Deficiency' starchy-sucrose diets' exploiting-starvations as witches' Zombie-Child-Physique making-of-archetypes prehistoric-descendant-culture Death-Cult's imposed penniless-pauperism wanes my virility in captivity unable to d

14-05-2023 1559hrs: Been down with flu the whole of this past week &
today the incubation-period hit in town catching me offguard with a
rising slight fever. Bought a pack of Loperamide tabs to contain the
diarrhoea symptoms which greased ma poop on Friday leaving a sour
taste in ma rectum & excreated the progressing peristalsis's gaseous
pinch of poop though the fever's rising but moderating too. I pray for
spare cash to buy anti-fever tabs and water which's scheduled &
prooving elusive running only like twice or thrice weekly. Had to lie
down on ma return from town to ease the fever & joint-pains.
Otherwise, the witches'-nest's lead by the compulsive-neurotic psychic
vampires the quickie-prostitute & gay-husband (substantiated) have
upgraded their food-poisoning threats and you gotta be extra cautious
buying bites along the road or in food-kiosks... for the mark-timing
to exploit poisoning-execution as was proclaimed by ex-Chief Amara.
It's open-food kiosks or road-bites serving as you peep from the

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erick Mango <>
Date: Mon, 15 May 2023 13:56:23 +0600
Subject: Poisoning witch-hunt

As formely Uhuru's and now Ruto's GoK suppress my 8-page statement charges
of OB61/23/08/2021 on SOA-and-PADVA { } even as
Ruto brood-sits pretty on my now 10yrs11-months 10m+ damages { } imposing
me a pauperism-bachelorhood at 45yrs compromising my dating-and-marriage, I
routinely need bare-basics to meet hygiene-decency stds including a
wardrobe / shoes to replace over-sewn/patched rags. Ain't living or working
in narcissistic-Godzilla-Raila's Luo-Nyanza. SOS #FreedBritney
#turpinfamily ] Photo-evidence exposition {
<> } or {
<> }
Related:- {
{ { {

{ { ) )

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