Sunday, March 12, 2023

Testing Audio-Evidence Records : Prayers for Humanitarian Visa, Asylum Protection, Self-Determination and Rule-of-Law from Ruto, Uhuru, Raila, co-conspirators and their Jinn-Theocracy GoK Sanctioned political-legal abuse, delayed-denied justice, outlawing, endless-persecution, rape-of-conscience, gaslighting, mandatory-systems-of-committment and death; Prayers too for soft loans to draft, type-set, e-file and litigate my broad lawsuit. (NB: The above is meant solely for asylum-visa embassies and concerned civil-society-groups / authorities; the defendant pariah-state GoK and its agencies aren't party). Having gloomy Christmases / New Years in rags with ritual hunger-torture, stomach-constricting muscular-dystrophy predisposing 'Congenital Sucrase-Isomaltase Deficiency' starchy-sucrose diets' exploiting-starvations as witches' Zombie-Child-Physique making-of-archetypes prehistoric-descendant-culture Death-Cult's imposed penniless-pauperism wanes my virility in captivity unable to date

Thief Ruto's ACC / OAG AMACO-INSURANCE 10m+ Traffic Accident
Evidence-Destruction Damages Case Circus. { 10-03-2023 2156hrs:- Now
you've to leave everything and keep watch of the pawn-witches in the
outside kitchen from the dinning chambers lest I starved another 3rd
day with only half-a-loaf till supper. SOS. { 1516hrs:- The
pawn-witches' feral masons are still pelting me with stones with
impunity as I pee and I managed to record a small conversation as I
took one of the suspects to task even as he denied being the stone
thrower. I.O. Maroko for OB61/23/08/2021 doesn't pick his phone so you
can join the dots btw the sanctioned LGBTQ secret society and stalling
of the SOA / PADVA criminal proceedings. SOS. { 1149hrs:- Brunch was
unsustainable half-a-loaf till supper. SOS. { Need wardrobe urgently
due to oversewn 3-rug-jeans / 2-rug-jerseys, shoes worseningly
wearing-off. Photos-evidence exposition on-going as I repair Yahoo
Mail attachments. SOS. [

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erick Mango <>
Date: Sun, 12 Mar 2023 17:12:15 +0600
Subject: Stoneage phone testing audio posting

As formely Uhuru's and now Ruto's GoK suppress my 7-8 page statement
charges of OB61/23/08/2021 { } on SOA No. 3
2006 and PADVA 2015, even as they brood-sit pretty on my now 10yrs
8-months 10m+ damages { },
imposing me a pauperism-bachelorhood at 45yrs compromising my
dating-and-marriage, I routinely need bare-basics to meet
hygiene-decency stds including now: a wardrobe / shoes to replace
over-sewn/patched rags. Ain't living or working in
narcissistic-Godzilla-Raila's Luo-Nyanza. SOS #FreedBritney
#turpinfamily {
{ { {
{ {

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