Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.

Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.
Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law-This is an Online-Jobs Entrepreneurship / Business Services-Provider, Social Media Marketing / Virtual Assistant (Administrative) and Retail-Goods Affiliate-Marketing involving: (1.)-Community Paralegals for Legal Document Assistant (LDA) / Legal Technician / Court Document Preparers / Court Forms Providers as far as Activism-and-Lobbying for Causes go concerning Human-Rights-Advocacy for suppressed voices and the tax-overburdened oppressed laity including dis-inherited widows, orphans and the destitute; (2.)-French, English, Swahili Translator / Interpreter / Teacher / Tour Guide; (3.)-Publisher for Affiliate Marketing in freelance writing, blogging, transcription and podcasting;

Saturday, January 22, 2022

ODPP and IPOA Feedbacks Stalemates regarding my now 9.7yrs Kihara-Construction accident evidence-destruction / spoilation 10m+ damages case

Dear Sir / Madam,
                             My life's hanging on a string and hurriedly I don't know when I'll next update any part of my broad lawsuit which complicit ICC-Indicted Bori / GLBTQ-Occultist Uhuru and co. are sabotaging to protect their bosom buddies in cahoots with corrupt legal-fraternity officials aligned with the executive being used by Uhuru to manipulate the CoK-2010 in political-legal abuse bias to favor his criminal acts and omissions. With a withering virility at 44yrs I don't know when or even if I'll marry and thus pray your offices expedite pay of my 9.7yrs Kihara-Construction accident evidence-destruction / spoilation damages as chronicled below. Malfunctioning links will be rectified later. [ ]
                             Thank you in advance,
                             Yours Faithfully,
                             Erick Mango.

-I urge the CJ in accordance with the edict in Article 10 CoK-2010 to exercise her powers under Article 161 (2) (a) as read together with provisions of the Rules of Court Section 2 (1) regarding the National Policy Guideline on the Administration of the SOA No. 3 of 2006 ; and the Protection Against Domestic Violence Act 2015 ; including the Constitution of Kenya (Protection of Rights and Fundamental Freedoms) Practice and Procedure Rules 2013, otherwise referred to as ( Mutunga Rules ); as concerns Article 159(2) (d) of the Constitution that establishes provisions of the  administration of justice


Dear Sir / Madam,

                             I'm so exhausted by the ICC-Indicted mass-murderer Uhuru's GoK's endless-persecution I've just managed to copy-paste the latest CTA developments status-quo. SOS.
                            ICC-Indicted Illegitimate-President for crimes against humanity and atrocities Uhuru & co. are killing me miserably literally burying me in broad daylight for superstition in their prehistoric-descendant-culture; for which he operates with a powerful Mercedes Benz motorist witchdoctor licensed with a firearm by the GoK. They're drowning me and my distress calls are muffled. The title highlights the grievances. My prayers are in the cited links and their footnote signatures.

Thank you in advance for your consideration.

Yours Faithfully,
Erick Mango.

NB: Find some of the related links here within:- 

[  ]. SOS.




Re: SOS Aid Salvage KShs. 10m+ in Litigation Damages at Threat of Embezzlement by Corrupt IPOA and Compromised ODPP plus the Judiciary:- Rally-Up Drum-Support CTA for Your Divine-Intervention in Legal-Assistance to Navigate the Litigation Stalemate Against ICC-Indicted for Crimes Against Humanity Mass-Murderer and Economy-Cartels Thief Illegitimate President Uhuru plus His Govt. of Kenya as Demonstrated Below; Including Prayers for Migration for Political-Asylum / Refuge from the same Tyrannical Uhuru's Political-Legal Abuse Jinn-Theocracy Govt. of Kenya's Endless-Persecution, Rape-of-Conscience by Gas Lighting and A Sanctioned Psychiatric-System-Abuse Approach not-to-mention Mandatory Systems of Commitment As Demonstrated In My Broad lawsuit Slideshow Exhibition:-



Dear Sir / Madam,  

                            Ever since the legal-fraternity made the mistake of allowing ICC-Indicted characters eligibility to run for public office the tyrannical mass-murderer Uhuru & economy-cartels thief has entrenched himself fully fighting the judiciary keen to usurp its powers & independence over the supremacy of the constitution. Thus the illegitimate president infamous for abrogating the constitution including blatantly disregarding court orders numerously like's feared he may do with the recent ruling that quashed the BBI, begun on a wrong foot with the illegal & unconstitutional Executive Order No. 1 issued in January 2020 & published by a gazette notice on 11th May 2020 [ ] geared to undermine other independent arms of the govt. and constitutional offices shoving them under the control of state agencies including that of the AG & Cabinet Secretaries as mere stooges for his every whim, beck and call. 

                         This is the reason the 'Bill of Rights' has become inoperative  & unenforceable for my broad lawsuit litigation cases [ https  ] & for the overburdened  taxpayer electorate at large cause Uhuru's literally stripped us of any constitutional  protections cause he's overriding the set rules-of-procedure for enforcements of the same as demonstrated by the number of court orders he's blatantly kicked aside to the suffering and chagrin of the public. There's no longer any civilian mechanisms that checks public trust & confidence in the lame-duck constitutional offices including IPOA, ODPP & the Judiciary especially since he begun under-funding the crucial latter for its delivery of justice crippling its operations like decried with the immediate retired CJ  Maraga [ ]; and worse now with the compromised new CJ Martha Koome & the 34 judges cherry-picked for unconstitutional & illegal swearing-in under the accomplice witness of the now trying to sanitize CJ since legal-recourse & opposition to the same's been gaining trajectory by the day for wanting to compel the mass-murderer to swear-in the remaining six [ ] if public faith & trust in the judiciary's to be restored.

                      Otherwise, the judiciary's become a civil service beholden to the whims, becks & calls of the ICC-Indicted mass-murderer Uhuru without the backbone to stand-up to his political-legal abuses nor for its own independence. It's indeed this now eroded lack of faith & trust in the independence of such constitutional offices like IPOA & the ODPP as regards the feedback stalemate of my now 9yrs Kihara-Construction Accident evidence-destruction / spoilation case that I run to the civil society for your divine-intervention to expedite prosecution of the same to the full extent of the law's logical conclusion including fast-tracking a speedy-processing of my actual & punitive damages which could've now accumulated to the tune of anywhere btw KShs. 5m & KShs. 10m+ ;  given the actual damages as quoted by Owade Advocates before breaching contract & spoiling evidence as per the unremitted Akidiva Hospital Medical Examination Form was btw KShs. 300,000 & KShs. 400,000 ; meaning additionally to the punitive damages according to tort of compensation considering all factors therein you'll arrive at the million figures quoted above. Now you haven't put into consideration the damages accruing from the breach-of-contract by Owade Advocates factoring-in stuff like mitigation-of-loss, wasted-expenditure or loss-of-bargain; nor have you factored the damages accruing from the defamation by the Migori Police Station OCSs and co. 

                     Thus my KShs. 10m+ damages is threatened with embezzlement by a two-edged sword including acute corruption in IPOA & its accomplices at large as demonstrated with the recent arrests of three of its senior management staff  [ ] on the one hand & by the executive's shackling of the due-process-of-the-rule-of-law crippling operations & enforcement of constitutional protections including the Bill of Rights. Hence the irking silence by IPOA & the ODPP as regards the cited litigation feedback stalemate has inconspicuously made them willing accomplices of the ICC-Indicted mass-murderer and economy-cartels thief Uhuru's pre-empted illegal and unconstitutional Executive-Order as he goes on a tantrum demolishing all constitutional safeguards and restraints to turn them into puppet-departments under the AG and assorted Cabinet Secretaries. Mind you the Office of the AG has been noted by the US as inherently corrupt customarily shielding the executive & its economy-cartels cronies from prosecution; indeed the reason they sanctioned ex-AG Amos Wako, his wife & son.

                       The limping lame-duck judiciary though is trying to get back a hold on its footing  as it fights tooth & claw to regain its independence in asserting its role as the enforcer of the constitutional rule-of-law [ ] / [ ] which's a tall-order cause of the fear that's been struck down their spines compromising their integrity given two of the six judges he blocked among the 41 recommended by the JSC were party to the 5-judge-bench ruling that quashed the BBI enterprise; not to mention prior 'revisit'-threats by this ICC-Indicted mass-murderer Uhuru following the 2018 annulment of the presidential election by the Supreme Court when he attempted to assassinate the Deputy CJ Mwilu sending the first chill on the judiciary's spine which thereafter they couldn't even muster a quorum to hear a case challenging the holding of a repeat-election before the very issues that had led to the annulment in the first place were fixed. Hence concerned authorities including IPOA & ODPP are coiling their tails subserviently lest they be revisited by the ICC-Indicted mass-murderer and thus we pray you endeavor he be brought to book for precedent and prosperity once his tenure comes to term.  SOS.

                             Thus below are some of the exchange-correspondences I've held with the corrupt and compromised hitherto independent constitutional offices to the current litigation feedback stalemate. I pray your divine-interventions. 

                             Thank you in advance for your considerations and assistances.

                             Yours Faithfully,

                             Erick Mango.


First Formal Charge Complaints To IPOA { Seconded By ODPP Prosecution Counsel } Over A Furious Migori Police Station OCS Who Tampered-With / Destroyed A Kihara-Construction-Accident P3 Form Documentary-Evidence In A Cover-Up Conspiracy To Obstruct-and-Defeat Justice Involving Two-OCSs, An In-Charge-of-Crime, A Cop In The Deputy County Commissioner's Office and One Asst. Chief Onyango { End of Year 2020 Summary / Updated Version }. SOS.



 Dear Sir / Madam,

                              My names are Erick Otieno Mango, a 42yr old B.A. graduate, entrepreneur, research-scientist & web-developer; currently residing in Migori, Suna East, Chamkombe / Kakrao, albeit in a hostage-situation; and of phone numbers [ +254723047863 and +254764087863 ]. First let me attest that I would've filed the complaints earlier as indicated in your attached correspondence 'cept that I only got an internet-enabled Symbian phone on 20th Dec 2017 [ before which accessing the www was in the cybers and far-&-wide placed ] and came to access your correspondence recently on searching my mail before I updated myself with your site ; the reason I first tried to e-file this crime with the ICMS the very day it occurred [ ] ; for which the alert was first raised on social media [ ] before fully updating. Otherwise, cause of the GoK's political-legal abuses' arrested-development's imposed pauperism-pennilessness, I've duly urged the CJ courtesy of civil-society-groups to extend the Statute-of-Limits { as indicated in my broad lawsuit slideshow at}:-[  ] as concerns my broad lawsuit [  ] till such a time the Advocates-Complaints-Commission in the office of the AG pays-up my now 8.1yrs Kihara Construction Accident [ the subject-matter of this first IPOA Complaints as regards the Migori Police Station OCS Destroying the original P3-FormDocumentary Evidence ] punitive & actual damages / dues to enable me e-file my broad lawsuit with the ICMS. 'Twas on the 16th of December 2019 that I went to report at Migori Police Station ] the cyclic-ritual hunger-tortures by the Dysfunctional 'Turpins' 'Step Family' that I reside with  albeit in a hostage situation under forced-dependency when after protocol at the front desk & preliminaries at the Crimes Office, they gave me an appointment to see the OCS the following day on 17th Dec. 2019. Come the day the OCS found me waiting & he was surrounded by his aides who intimidatingly threateningly seemed preparingly ready to pounce-on-me at a bark from him. He asked for my file containing the 14 OBs & other documentary evidences indicating the torturous-abusive-hostage situation I reside unwillingly with the Dysfunctional Turpins 'Step Family' since the cops usually inquire into the root-cause, chain & consequences of everything whenever one visits them to register complaints. He then peruses & settles for the original Kihara Construction Accident P3 Form, which finding his target tears it into like 5 pieces he hands to one of his aides. The water-dipped last-attachment in this IPOA Complaint is testimony to the chaotic-skirmish the furious OCS caused when it fell on rain water in a ditch.

                 They said they'll 'dispose better' of the torn-P3 when I asked for the torn pieces! He then inquires on the 'status quo' since my last complaints as regards the interconnections between the cyclic-ritual hunger-tortures and the homosexual-&-incestuous sexual harassments with the Dysfunctional Turpins 'Step Family' asking whether, "he'd now fucked me," in a derogatory manner meant to chide my complaints as 'nonsense' before the Station. The furious OCS continues to throw tantrums I guess cause I'd made an earlier complaint to the OCPD & made clear intentions to file a suit against him and 3 others plus Asst. Chief Onyango co-conspirators regarding subvert conspiracies. He decries my overwhelming evidence then insults my sanity claiming, he thinks I must be "Mentally disturbed" which underscores the same covert operations to sabotage my pursuits for justice [ in premonitioned intentions to execute Sanctioned Psychiatric System Abuse ] by "falsely accusing" me in mean Defamation-proclamations to his Station. As demonstrated in the introductory link, he refers to the co-conspirator IC as 'my friend' before echoing her words in asides to his aides said, "This guy's back again!" The OCS claims I must be 'mentally disturbed' basing that as the reason my cases are rotting despite my informing him it's rather cause I'm denied the resources to process the same. He then dismisses me saying 'I don't know the law' & that I go look for a lawyer; in a sarcastic manner suggesting to see if I'll find one insinuating the GoK's political-legal abuse as regards 'Sanctioned Psychiatric System Approach Abuse.' Those were circumstances surrounding the criminal acts & civil-misconducts on that day 17th Dec. 2019. I can identify the OCS while IPOA can identify him as per the duty-records of that date; his 5 or 6 aides plus the other officers present at the Crimes Office & elsewhere on that date can testify 'under oath' to my allegations. Hence, first & foremost I petition IPOA to independently investigate & pursue criminal & civil charges against the mentioned OCS promptly and that the perpetrator be brought to justice and if convicted, sentenced according to the nature of his crimes and civil-misconducts ; as well as put in place safeguards to prevent such wanton abuses in the future in alignment with the objectives of the NPS Act which give effect to the Provisions of Articles 238, 239, 243, 247& 244 of the Constitution of Kenya as concerns the National Security Council ; not to mention the IPOA Act [ No. 35 of 2011 ] that gave birth to its 'Civilian Complaints Accountability Mechanism.' I seek IPOA's declaration that the mentioned OCS's 'Tampering / Destruction of Evidence' was high-felony cause of its gross intent to interfere with the orderly administration of law & justice since 'twas an original-record by the first officer who filled-in the P3-Form on the day of the accident as evidence in criminal-regulatory investigations ; and more so cause of the associated apparent conspiracy in cahoots with Owade Advocates and Commissioners for Oaths who'd intentionally alleged 'loosing' a crucial component of the Kihara Construction Accident case-file particulars including the X-Ray in both "Spoilation & Tampering of Evidence" geared to exonerate Kihara Construction the defendant even as it underscores Owade Advocates criminal acts & misconduct since its meant to lay grounds to create "Reasonable Doubt" for Kihara Construction so as to justify the potential to "Dismiss Motions and / or Achieve Mistrials" when their accident case is court processed for determinations. Hence, the OCS's obvious "Obstruction / Perversion of Justice" is associated in addition to the above deduced more serious underlying crime involving the corrupt lawyers, cops, Asst. Chief Onyango & co. in a widespread conspiracy. I seek IPOA's finding of 'Abuse of Powers and Office' & that the OCS and his mentioned co-conspirators accomplices be held responsible and accountable for violating the constitution as regards evidence law amongst other crimes. I seek IPOA's declaration finding that the OCS acted unprofessionally, verbally harassed me as regards "DEFAMATION" when he "FALSELY ACCUSED" me of being "MENTALLY DISTURBED" and that he be compelled to substantiated for the same and/ or publicly apologize & retract his statement as well as bear liability for the damages. I seek IPOA's declaration that the aforementioned OCS "DISCRIMINATED ME" based on malicious, framed, imposed, vicious "Sanctioned Stigmatization-Stereotyping of the Psychiatric System" and that he bear liability for the same. I seek IPOA's finding that the OCS misconducted himself to treat me in a "DEROGATORY" manner that "DEPRIVES HUMAN DIGNITY" [ contrary to Article 29 of the Constitution of Kenya ] and impacts PSYCHOLOGICAL torture in a CAMPAIGN TO DISCREDIT MY COMPLAINTS ; & that he be held liable for his criminal acts and civil misconducts. Couldn't complain by filling-form cause of reCAPTCHA. 

Thank you in advance.

Yours Faithfully,                                                                                                                          

Erick Mango.


IPOA Rejoinder on The First Formal Complaints-Charge Filing:- CTA Rally-up Support For IPOA-Interventions As Regards GoK Institutional Systemic Corruption Impunities. SOS.


Greetings Eric Mango,


Kindly get in touch with me on 0799 862244.


Kind regards.

Joel Kimari

Complaints Management Officer

Independent Policing Oversight Authority (IPOA)

Kisumu Regional Office

P.O Box 3560 - 40100,


Tel: 0799 862244; 020 4906361




Dear Sir / Madam,                  

                           It's been 1 month 2 weeks+ since I formally filed my first complaints [ ] with your supposed Civilian Complaints Board as was established by an Act of Parliament [ The IPOA Act No. 35 of 2011 ] which envisioned a robust civilian accountability mechanism and that promotes public-trust & confidence in the NPS ; for otherwise, who'll be held responsible & accountable whenever the notorious, corrupt Kenya Police violate as customary with impunity the rights to life and dignity among others in the 'Bill of Rights?.' Unlike my previous engagements with IPOA when your interventions was prompt & swift like showcased with the IPOA PDF attachment, this time round it's a 'dead end' and thus this rejoinder enquiring to be privileged with information as to the status-quo to pre-empt any speculations & assumptions. What's worse your portal's dysfunctional and won't open to any filings online ; citing unspecified portal-errors & asking complainants to 'try again' some other period. The same applies to your 'toll free' phone. No.1559 which hits a dead-end upon ringing ; at least the last times I tried ; unlike during with the pdf-attachment period [ 2016 ] when one of your prudent officer, a certain Mr. Kamau would call me the complainant to give directions / instructions as well as to follow-up on the status-quo as designated by the IPOA Act No. 35 of 2011 that constituted IPOA ; to oversight the streamlining to the new Kenya's constitutional dispensation provisioning regulation of the set-out 'object functions' of the NPS as per Article 244 including fostering & promoting relationships btw IPOA, the NPS and the public at large ; not to mention compliance with constitutional standards. of human rights, fundamental freedoms & dignity plus trainings to respect the same in observing standards. of professionalism, competence, integrity & discipline ; as well as practice transparency & accountability to prevent corruption. 

                      Your dead-end portal-breakdown / silence has raised my eye-brows to speculations & assumptions which I hope you'll put to rest by duly informing me of the status-quo. Such include : Was IPOA part of the constitutional commissions & independent offices listed by ICC-Indicted and therefore illegitimate president Uhuru's infamous unlawful and improper Executive Order No. 1 issued in January and signed in May 11 designed to implicitly infringe on their autonomy by placing them under state-agencies / ministries so as to usurp their powers geared to weaken their functional and institutional-independence for muzzlings and underminings through that unconstitutional restructuring-&-function-assignments which are thus null-and-void? Is IPOA now under Uhuru's armpit and therefore a mere stooge, appendage, toothless public watch-dog that promotes crimes against humanity? Otherwise, I pray you process my case in letter & spirit to the latter. 

Thank you in advance. 

Yours Faithfully,

Erick Mango.


IPOA and ODPP Prosecution Counsel Feedback Stalemate, Suspense, Speculation v The Executive Uhuru's Interference Precedence Fears:- Uhuru's 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket' 'paid-pawns' start extreme starvation 1-meal-a-day at supper hunger-tortures by peristalsis-triggering boiled tubers unlike roasted or cooked cause I begun resuming exercise therapy yesterday; SOS; Almost walking naked; Need washing and bathing bar-soap bad. SOS; Lend 50%-interest payable soft loans given IPOA and ODPP are now processing my accident evidence-destruction case, to replace rags, dev. eCommerce / AdSense:- How Sadist, 'Penis Envy' [rd: Sexology] ICC-Indicted Bori / GLBTQ-Occultist Sissy-Uhuru's 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket' 'Paid Pawns' the Compulsive-Neurotic, Sex-Pervert, Dysfunctional 'Turpin' Witches Exploit The Either Wichcraftly-Acquired or Genetically-Inherited DMD For Their 'Married But Gay' Gender-Conformity Mandatory 'Mixed Orientation Marriage' Commitments Ends:



Dear Sir / Madam,                

                            I'm so exhausted by ICC-Indicted Uhuru's GoK's endless persecution, dehumanization, cyclic-ritual, hunger-torture starvations by proxy of his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket' paid-pawns 'physiology food-witches' akin to the Maasai cattle-bleeding for instant energy rejuvenations such that I feel I could drop dead anytime one of these fine days. [  ]. In Fact it reminds me of Tupac's song, "I wake up in the morning and I ask myself, is life worth living or should I blast myself!" Simple cause Uhuru's been brood-sitting on my now 8.9yrs Kihara-Construction damages till late last year 2020 when ODPP Prosecution Council engaged mepoorol'self with a letter asking I send them through the Post Office the relevant documentary evidence hard copies pertaining to the case; this following on IPOA assigning the same to their Kisumu Regional Office Complaints-Management-Officer, a Mr. Joel Kimari who by 23rd November 2020 told me on phone the case had been referred back to Nrb Hq. & that I should expect a call for feedback from them regarding a breakdown on the proceedings program. Thus mepoorol'self waited for the end-&-new year festivities hangover to pass the whole of January [ bidding time hoping they'll call me ] before I flashed [ can't afford airtime credit to call ] Joel Kimari again on Friday 5th Feb 2021 to no avail making me flash again on 16th Feb 2021 at 1133hrs when he called me back at 1245hrs promising follow-up for the Nrb Hq. feedback & that they'll update me soon. Mepoorol'self waited another month before flashing again last week on the 16th & 17th March 2021 both to no avail till this week starting Monday 22nd, to Tuesday 23rd & today 24th Wednesday, all without any response so far! Previously I'd written to the ODPP Prosecution Counsel c/o one Penina Wawira Ngondi on the 11th of February 2021 asking for feedback on the status quo as the victim / petitioner / complainant committing  enthusiasm to participate in the proceedings any time called upon including forwarding any necessary documents they may require further; to no avail to date making mepoorol'self wonder whether IPOA have taken-on the same turn to now remain mum too. Of course without feedback the other foremost speculation's that ICC-Indicted Uhuru outta vested interests being one of the key defendants incriminated in my broad lawsuit [ ] by his political-legal abuses might've interfered with the independent constitutional-offices proceedings like he's done the last 8.9yrs with the AG regarding my accident case [ under who the Advocates-Complaints-Commission shifted-to following intense corruption allegations ] known to customarily shield the executive in Kenya from prosecution [ demonstrated by US sanctions against ex-AG Amos Wako, his wife & son ] till IPOA & the ODPP Prosecution Counsel intervened starting 27th October 2020 and now this suspense stalemate. SOS. 

                     That speculation's also fed with some of the BBI's 'bad apple' constitutional-amendment anticipations that certain constitutional-offices will be shifted to fall under some of the executive's ministries thus eroding their independence so as to set the stage for the executive to exploit their constitutional mandates; an unpopular approach demonstrated by electorate's objection when LSK took ICC-Indicted Uhuru to task threatening to impeach him for jus' such an illegal Executive Order that intended to put the JSC under his armpit for every whim, beck & call. I'd indeed expressed such speculations fears in a rejoinder to IPOA in ] for which I CTA civil society groups to intervene in your divine mandates to fast-track the same for prosecutions to the full extent of the law to expedite a speedy processing of my Kihara-Construction 8.9yrs actual & punitive damages ].                       

                  For resolutions I'd thus urged the former CJ retired Maraga to review-extend the 'Statute of Limitation' law [ ] as regards my broad lawsuit pending ICMS e-filing which's stalled cause of murderous, heinous, ICC-Indicted Uhuru's political-legal abuses brood-sitting on my now 8.9yrs accident damages courtesy of his AG c/o the Advocates Complaints Commission till IPOA & ODPP Prosecution Counsel intervened starting 27th October 2020; and now this stalemate even as I wither in old age with whitening hair & a waning virility still a bachelor at 43yrs cause of jealousy, sadist, 'penis envy' [ rd: Sexology ] Uhuru's imposed pennilessness-pauperism curtailing my datings & marriage. SOS. Otherwise, the latest attached photos illustrate the physiology-food-witches exploiting Uhuru's forced dependency with peristalsis-triggering boiled cassava tubers unlike roasted or of late cooked as I discovered recently; the same applies to unthrashed-maize & beans [ nyoyo / githeri ] unlike thrashed [ mdhokoi ]. I'm almost walking naked accordingly to Uhuru's endless persecution 'gas lighting'-GoK & the Dysfunctional Turpin Witches 'making of archetype' manipulation-strategies to wonna defame my image in the eyes of the public swaying their minds that I supposedly could've run outta mine; cause they've imposed mepoorol'self a 'passive male,' hand-to-mouth 3D existence below-the-poverty-line. SOS. Jus' like roasted sweet potatoes they quit roasting after realizing I can eat a pile unlike boiled, so have they quit today cooking the cassava tubers I realized on the 22nd March 2021 I can take without any gastrointestinal peristalsis-triggering like illustrated on the latest attached photos. The same applies to cooked potatoes which surprisingly if fried like as in chips again triggers me peristalsis without fail like I discovered way back in Mombasa making me abandon eating chips to date! Another thing's table sugar which I quit ages back  for like now 2 or 3 yrs cause it effectuates me a shortening-of-breath & the same applies to the soft drink Fanta or alcohol spirits made of sugar cane like Kenya Cane both which I since put a stop to taking. If Uhuru & co. kill me before pay of my damages since it appears they're scared of facing the proceedings of my broad lawsuit before the authority of independent law courts [ ] signifying their irrefutable guilt, then my prayers regarding the division of my estate is in the footnote signatures; besides the other prayers I present the civil society for their divine interventions. Need bathing & washing bar-soap bad. Also I said before that I don't give a hoot 'bout Uhuru's Jinn Theocracy GoK jobs cause my hands are full 'cept as per these conditions since he reached-out recently in [ ]

NB:- The last photo's of yesterday's supper of paltry unsustainable greens meant for one, the gay witch; divided for two. Surviving on water. SOS.

                    Thank you in advance. 

                    Yours Faithfully,        

                    Erick Mango.


Exchange Correspondence  Between The ODPP and I as Regards:-    Feedback request inquiry on the submitted 'Hard copy documents' concerning the 'COMPLAINT AGAINST OCS - MIGORI POLICE STATION;' plus the status-quo on the declaration-findings, restitutions regarding my complaints prayers and/or my requisite participation in the proceedings.

On Friday, December 11, 2020, 02:31:33 PM GMT+6, Peninnah Wawira <> wrote:

The office of the DPP acknowledges receipt of your email dated 4th December 2020.

The attached documents are however blurred hence not legible. This is to request you to kindly attach clear copies of your documents so as to adequately advise you on the matter.







On Sat, Dec 12, 2020 at 12:46 PM Ym2006 <> wrote:

Dear Madam, 

                    I was wondering whether it'll be convenient to send the documents through the post office ; or alternatively if you could have a clearer view / download of the same from my slideshow exhibition highlighting my broad lawsuit at ]. 

                   Thank you in advance for your consideration. 

                   Yours Faithfully, 

                   Erick Mango.


On Tuesday, December 15, 2020, 12:19:09 PM GMT+3, Peninnah Wawira <> wrote:


Good morning Erick.

I have checked the documents in your website but some are still not clear. kindly send hard copies of your documents to our post office box number 30701-00100 NAIROBI



Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2020, 01:19:54 PM GMT+6

Subject: Re: [ Hard copy documents on the way :- ] COMPLAINT AGAINST OCS - MIGORI POLICE STATION

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Erick Mango,        

                                                                                                                                      P.O. Box 1184,

                                                                                                                                     Suna, Migori.

Office of The DPP,

Prosecution Counsel,

P.O. Box 30701-00100,



Dear Madam,

                     Find attached the hard-copy photocopies of the documents concerning the Complaints Against Migori Police Station OCS including  [ I'm on my way to the Post Office. NB: I'll clarify any further details you may need and would appreciate if your impeccable office exhausted any felonies I may have omitted ] :-                                                                                                                          

[ 1.]- The Police Accident P3 Medical Examination Report for the Kihara-Construction accident case of OB 12/17/9/202  and OB 28/14/6/2012. This is the copy whose original the OCS tore for the ulterior-motive conspiracy to obstruct and defeat justice ; Which conjunctively with Owade Advocates who refused to hand-over the Akidiva Memorial Hospital Medical Examination Report demanding a fee of KShs 3000 first after tearing the contract-form yet he wanted me to sign an affidavit that they'd handed me all the contents of the aforesaid case file, thus elaborates the conspiracy. The same Owade Advocates who I also prefer charges of breach of contract and of client confidentiality, corruption, incompetence, negligence and  spoilation of evidence cause they refused to hand-over the accident X-Ray claiming arrogantly falsely that they'd lost it! 

[2.]- The fully-filled Kenya Police Road Accident Abstract Form of Anaco Insurance Policy No. AM5/080/0712121/20 from 18/5/2012 to 17/5/2013 for vehicle registration No. KAS 535K and signed on the 27/4/2016 ; and


[3.]- The half-filled Kenya Police Road Accident Abstract Form signed by the Traffic Commandant 0n 18/9/12 and Owade Advocates on the 20/9/2012 as shown.


Thank you in advance,

Yours Faithfully,

Erick Mango.



 From: Ym2006 <>

To: Peninnah Wawira <>

Sent: Thursday, February 11, 2021, 02:30:23 PM GMT+6

Subject: Re: Feedback request inquiry on the submitted 'Hard copy documents' concerning the 'COMPLAINT AGAINST OCS - MIGORI POLICE STATION;' plus the status-quo on the declaration-findings, restitutions regarding my complaints prayers and/or my requisite participation in the proceedings.


Dear Madam,                       

                   Happy new year. My concerns regard first and foremost the confirmation of reception of the hard-copy photocopies of the documentary evidence you'd asked for since given 'twas manually sent via the Post Office, I held sincere fears the antagonists could've intercepted to interfere or totally destroy the same in continuation of their ill-motive conspiracies to obstruct the course of law for purposes of defeating justice. 

                  Last but not least I wish to inquire on any requirements of my participation as the complainant-victim in the due process of which I would be duly glad to. 

Thank you in advance. 

Yours Faithfully,     

 Erick Mango. ] ]

Respectfully submitted,

Erick Mango.

Self-representing Activists-lobby advocate

Phones: +254723047863 or +254764087863

E-mail :

I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing was, this 26th day of November 2021 served by e-mail upon :-

Retributions-and-Protections / Declarations, Reliefs and Restitutions Sought

-The costs of this complaints / suit / petition be provided for ;
-A court order to subpoena all files and/or documents relating-to, pertaining or reflecting on the admission, medical examination, treatment including counseling, therapy, psychotherapy, psychiatry, rehabilitation or any other mental-health-treatment up to discharge imposed on my person by Portreitz Hospital Mombasa c/o the govt. of Kenya.
-A declaration that crimes were committed and rights-and-freedoms violated continuously since 2012 ;
-A declaration that I'm entitled to compensation by way of damages for violations of my fundamental rights ;
-Court and investigators interrogate the doctored-charges and the circumstances with the rationale and justification to demonstrate they were framed ;
-A declaration-finding be issued that the Uhuru's GoK witch-doctor Omar's abduction & enforced disappearance backed-up by uniformed police same as his then Mombasa-Municipal-Council ( now Mombasa County ) witch-hunter policeman Ikenya & co. policemen's doctored framed manufactured charges, arrest, detention, prosecution, jailing, bailing up to forced-transportation / relocation and OB Booking at Migori Police Station by defendant 11 (c) violated my constitutional rights, was an abuses of the court processes and was therefore unlawful, wrongful, illegal, null and void ab initio ;

-An order of certiorari be issued to quash the framed-charges and unlawful proceedings / malicious prosecution ;
-Maximum sentences and fines for convicts ;
-An order of protection from the defendants ;
-An order of prohibition be issued prohibiting the defendants from proceeding with the consequences of the status-quo arising from the wrongful, unlawful arrest to forced transportation to Migori since June 2012 ;
-Injunctions barring further violations, discriminations, infringements ;
-Compensatory and punitive damages ;
-Compensatory redress for aggravated-damages for defamation / injury to my reputation ;
-Full and unqualified apology and amends plus withdrawals of slanders ; including statements in the widest possible   circulation and an unconditional  admissions of liabilities for slanders ;
-Lost pay ;

-Pre-and post-judgement interest ;
-Move for additur

Background of The Charges
Sadist 'Penis-Envy' [ rd. Sexology ] Married-But-Gay Uhuru-Raila Bori / GLBT and Lamu / Bondo-Usenge Occultist's Jinn-Theocracy / Organized-Crime / Economy-Cartels GoK Political-Legal Abuse of Office and Power To Subvert Justice By Turning Me In To A Cabbage Like Matiba To Embezzle My Damages : Uhuru's Loo-Bat, Emi, Their Jewish Extended-Family Characteristic Manipulation of Events v. Hired Public Health Psychiatrists Murderers ; Prayers For Political-Asylum / Refuge From Endless-Persecution / Mandatory Systems of Commitment and Rape of Conscience. SOS.
Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2019 18:53:13 +0600

Dear Sir / Madam, 
                            Last Friday I wasn't sure 'twas me the Migori Police Station OCS referred to as Mark or Mike Papa ; I'd succinctly gave him my correct names as Erick Mango. Today he stuck to that nickname again before the OCPD I wonder where & with whom they discuss me to come-up with that nick name and what plans they have in store for me. What I can ascertain is that they're prejudiced and have framed charges against me already. I trekked early to the County Commissioner's office where by the time he reported past 1300hrs the secretary had already referred me to the Dep. County Commissioner. Was surprised the County Commissioner was Nelson Marwa who formerly headed Msa & he was accompanied by AP cop Owino of my Chamkombe neighborhood whose 'sweet 16' daughter Joy like I'd laid in the open had been openly-nudging & inviting for seduction. Marwa whose security detail included George Okoth of Mombasa indicated in precedent records to have allegedly 'misplaced' my 'Becherelle Fondamental and Dictionary' souvenir from Belgium pen-pal before forfeiting them unlike Changmwe merchant Ooko I'm yet to sue. George Okoth was an in-law married to a cousin Jackline though he hails from Kabuto Nyatike like the family I've DIVORCED, ESTRANGED and DISOWNED. Unless some quarters people have incestuous-sex with their step-mothers & homosexual-sex with their biological fathers and it's ok, to me its strange and thus my informed drastic decision to severe relations with them. The Dep. County Commissioner's aid listened to my case before he got joined by the supposed Police County Commander who after listening and asking some questions referred me to the OCPD. One persisting query's what at 41yrs I'm still doing being 'baby-sat & fed' at the parents of my siblings house ; to which I aptly quote the summary of my lawsuit including the 14 OBs at Migori Police Station that I was illegally arrested & detained before I acquiesced and gave consent to accompany Uhuru's cop Ikenya to Migori from Msa including the self-bleaching, indecent-exposure, quickie-prostitute-witch step-mother cum matriarch currently holidaying with her biological kids in Msa. Then of course the accident to which ICC-Indicted Illegitimate President Uhuru & co. is still sitting-on 7.3yrs up to date ; after Sanctioning my Arrested-Development through Ikenya & Death by either a machete-hacking gang or poisoning including rat-poison through Chief Amara. The reasons including why thus I reiterate to never live or work in Raila's Luo-Nyanza to the bitter end. The Police County Commander at the Dep. County Commissioner's officer asked whether I was 'disturbed' raising my suspicions. They referred me to the OCPD who in turn referred me back to the OCS who while waiting at the queue the OCPD came, knocked & asked him why he's
refusing to assist / process my case ; to which calling me by the
mentioned nickname he replies he once handled my case, called the
sex-perverts before I 'let him down' thus quoting that as a basis to
outlaw and disregard me!
                         Simply cause when they'd asked me what action to take I'd told them
to strongly reprimand them & warn them that failure to cease their
compulsive neurotic incestuous & homosexual sexual harassments
including the other assault charges, then I would let the majesty of
the law take it's full course. Of course I was expecting my 'open &
shut' accident damages case to conclude any time soon to leave them in
peace. The OCS referred me to go to the Kenya Red Cross for a letter
he'd allegedly written them concerning me to bring it back to him
further exhausting my emaciated energies. I haven't eaten nothing
since morn. and they may give me daily appointments as they abuse &
exploit the law. KRC Coordinator head s'body Ondieki said they'd never
received any such 'alleged' letter & sent me back to the OCS
instructing me to ask him to call them for verifications before
exhausting me for nothing. I'll be washing my clothes / rugs on
Wednesday thus I beseech the civil society to ask them to be
scheduling any appointments 1day-apart from each to allow me gather enough trekking
energies. The KRC Coordinators head Ondieki said they deal with PSS [
psycho-social support ] which's short of their
psychiatry-assassinations like they did to Matiba. I haven't
misconducted myself in any manner & the County Commander should thus
substantiate for his defamations that 'I look disturbed'. Money musta
oiled palms. The OCS should also desist from calling me by nicknames &
address me by my legal names. I'm on my last 2MB data bundles and thus
any further alerts as I pursue justice will be relayed via. Facebooks
free mode. My vows are constant to the bitter end. I've jus' written
this outside the Migori Police Station as I await for further
instructions from the OCS. 
Thank you in advance. 
Yours Faithfully, 
Erick Mango.

Outlawing, Out-casting, Golo, Kutolewa : Subversion Of Justice Circus ; Uhuru's Organized-Crime / Economy-Cartels ; OCS Threatens Arrest and Throws Idiot Insult ; An Extension Of Justice Nyaga ; In-charge of Crime Revisits KRC Issue Meaning They Wonna Turn Me InTo A Cabbage Like Matiba To Embezzle My Damages ; Prayers For Political-Asylum / Refuge From Endless Persecution / Mandatory Systems of Commitment and Rape of Conscience. SOS.
Date: Wed, 28 Aug 2019 15:44:24 +0600
Dear Sir / Madam, 
                             The Migori Police Station OCS has
flagrantly abused his office & powers throwing me the insult of
'idiot' and threatening to arrest me claiming I'm disturbing him at
his station. He's obviously repeating Justice Nyaga's words and by
extension Sanctions like Chief Amara did my Death and Ikenya my
Arrested Development. I could only thank him very much before telling
him I'll forward the same to the OCPD. He's drunk with the money of
corruption as I witnessed a Chinese character who'd been accompanied
by a cop from Masara excuse himself from the cop before returning
inside to 'thank him' in low whispers as a 'token' of gratitude. Money
exchanged hands like it certainly has in my case. The same applies to
Judges & Magistrates of which one was convicted of 'robbery with
violence' & is still serving time. Thus Justice Nyaga musta been
compromised as well including his colleagues quoted by the
ex-Judiciary 'mouthpiece' driver called Ndama who said they won't pay
me my damages till they successfully customarily married me to their primitive,
prehistoric-descendant-culture Luos. The antagonists including Bori /
GLBT Uhuru & co. led by his 'Evil-Eyes' Mamangina and their
combination-groupie-orgies loo-bat kin Judy Macharia aka 'Mpenzi-Jinn
or Fundi-wa-Mitaa', Emi plus their Jews extended-family are dying of
jealousy cause they don't measure-up to whites / Caucasians or
European real ladyship standards which they're trying to ape so hard
yet they still practice animal-sex as their mainstream
                        Their Jews extended family presence in my case is
corroborated by the fact that after the Msa 'Portreitz affair' the
Central Police cop enforced bible-study lessons at the house of the
dysfunctional Turpins like I'm a lost sheep. I've stated categorically
that I'm an ATHEIST and as far as Religion goes as concerns Culture,
I'm rather a Constitutionalist and thus all references of my case to
Raila's Luo-Nyanza Kangaroo Courts are null & void. I don't and refuse
to recognize any other pretenses to the law 'cept the National Constitution and I
demand the due process of the law as regards a fair hearing entitled
to all & sundry on earth. I also ask concerned authorities to charge
the Migori OCS with abuse of office and power and also begin the legal
procedures of disrobing Justice Nyaga for I guess after mentioning him
yesterday he's pulling strings as an illustration of his 'Godzilla'
powers. I told him I'll forward my grievances to the OCPD to which he
retorted, "Go anywhere, you're an idiot". Whispers reaching my ears as
I jot this missive outside the Migori Police Station are mentioning
Raila strings. Raila who sacrificed his own son Fidel evidence by his
remorselessness the very next day when he went to chair an ODM meeting
after sending the corpse to the morgue. Raila who killed UoN comrade
Karl Marx relocated like me to his rural descendants home in Kisumu.
Raila who I also suspect called the shots on Tom Mboya & Robert Ouko
given they were all murdered in their rural homes ;
                        Raila who killed and caused the worst PEV-2008 mayhem in Kabuto
Nyatike resulting into refugees spilling into comrade M7's Uganda ;
the circumstances under which they crossed over being left to
anybody's imagination. Raila the primitive with communist-tendencies
who threatened Settlers properties in Laikipia and elsewhere. Did I
mention the In-charge of Crime revisited the KRC issue meaning the
antagonists are still laying grounds to turn me into a cabbage like
Matiba to subvert justice and embezzle my damages? I'm of the quarters
that decry psychiatry as a pseudoscience & weapon of Sanctioned Abuse
by antagonists. I'll hear non of it. They even tried it on Trump, the
genius. I have muscular dystrophy meaning I'm of a different womb from
my step-siblings. I DIVORCED, ESTRANGED and DISOWNED these
dysfunctional Turpins / step-family. Remember Victor their last son
also locked the back-door as recorded during the assault meaning they
got a sinister motive. I demand my rights to Sexual Selection &
freedom of conscience & the arrest of the OCS for insults / defamation as well
as due procedure to disrobe Justice Nyagah & sue him for abuse of
office & powers ; as well as a fair trial and hearing as regards my
14OBs. I'm now headed to the OCPD to relay what occurred with the OCS
after refusing the feedback of the Asst. Chiefs no. [ 0725777305 ] to
find the Chief & insulting me. I pray the intervention of the civil
society for my bill of rights lest Uhuru's Organized Crime Economy
Cartels illegally again like his Ikenya arrest and detain me. Also
remember to corroborate Uhuru's kiths the loo-bat Judy Macharia & Emi's
plus Omondis presence / trackings in Migori & their mission. I'm
afraid Uhuru might attempt to assassinate me by his corrupt cops like
he did the Dep. CJ. 
Thank you in advance. 
Yours Faithfully, 
Erick Mango.

Uhuru's Organized-Crime Economy-Cartels Subversion of Justice Circus : ex-CJ Mutunga's Threat To Resignation / Premature Retirement ; Dep. CJ Assassination Attempts ; Sly New Chief-Onyango Impersonation Airs v. Distortion of Info. Regarding Office Location ; Zombie-Cults v. AP Cop Owino ; Charges Against Migori OCS At OCPD ; Prayers For Political-Asylum / Refuge From Endless-Persecution / Mandatory Systems of Commitment and Rape of Conscience. SOS.
Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2019 16:33:38 +0600
Dear Sir / Madam, 
                             I pray your civilized-interventions
to see to the 'upholding of the rule of law' strictly within the
parameters provided-for in the constitution without engaging any
Kangaroo Courts or Faith-Beliefs thereof not to mention the
pseudoscience of psychiatry with its 'healing myth' used as a
'political weapon' by hired public-health assassins-agents Sanctioned to
Abuse ; like they did & therefor turned the late Matiba [ RIP ] into a
cabbage before running-down and shutting his businesses including
5-star hotels and prestige schools. I finally charged the Migori OCS
to the OCPD for harassment, defamation & abuse of office and powers as
regards 1st the manner he was physically handling me yesterday almost
pushing me-off as he asked what I was doing there & claimed that I was
disturbing him at 'his station' further threatening that he'll arrest
me if I go back there again ; all along pushing me with his left arm
on my right shoulder as he showed me out! Defamation as regards adding salt to injury when he threw the insult 'idiot' at me after he'd ceased calling me by the nickname 'Mike or Mark Papa' ; and finally abuse of office & powers when he refused the feedback he'd sent me the day before to find Chief Onyango to accompany me back to the station
with him. Like reported I'd managed the Asst. Chief's no. [ 0725777305
] since I'd been informed he was preoccupied with the National Census
& my bidding was the OCS would coordinate with the Asst. Chief to get
the Chief since like you're aware of my imposed 'pauperism station'
below the poverty line I can't afford credit to call! The OCPD called
the OCS instructing him to listen to & deal with my case though on
hanging-up he added as if on 2nd thoughts that I go locate the Chief &
ask him to accompany me to the OCS! Weary as I left I betted on
flashing the Asst. Chief to connect me with the Chief so I could
schedule a meeting to save energy on the trekking & bouncing.
Fortunately he had credit & so we had a long chat before he cut-off & called again whenst he 'claimed' he was the same Chief 
Onyango I was searching all along ; further confusing me. He clarified repeating the same & asked me to wait for him at the Police Station.
So I went & sat on the waiting wall where all people with issues sit
in-wait for different cops dealing with different cases ; more or less
like a clinic & got down to continue reading some scholarly work by
s'body Woodson titled 'The Mis-Education Of The Negro' after I'd read
elsewhere dear Lauryn Hill had named 1 of her track's album [ Girls
you know you better watch-out... ] after the book's tittle. Sly Chief
Onyango came guns blazing and while I was expecting him to arrive on
foot strolling assuming he was nearby or on board a motorcycle,
instead a car drove to a speedy halt in front of me sitting on the wall
given all other people had left & the motorist inside in a neat
tailored coat with a woman passenger motioned me with his index finger
to come-over before he blurted-out, "What's your problem?"
                           My adrenalin shot-up and I thought this must be 1 of Uhuru's
Organized-Crime Economy-Cartels 'hit-man' cops & he's goin' to show me
'how they do it' ; perhaps shoot on the forehead 3 times or bundle &
throw me into the cells for 'detention without trial' like during the
'Nyayo Torture Cells' eras ; or worse, he would order my arrest before
taking me to the 'gay catholic-fathers cult' of Abrahamic Religions
'Human-Sacrifice-Ceremonies' Death Rituals Liturgy at St. Joseph Omboo
Catholic Mission ; in repeat of the 'Portreitz affair' to turn me into
a cabbage-proper like Matiba in alignment with Uhuru-Raila 'Sanctioned
Abuse' by hired Psychiatrist Assassins. I told the 'stranger' motorist
with personification-airs that I was waiting for 1 Chief Onyango
before with the appearance of 'rolled-up sleeves' he briskly pushes
open the car door & motions me to follow him inside the Police Station
where he leads me to the In-charge of Crime & notions me to sit down!
By now my mouth is dry before it dawns upon me that this 'stranger' motorist is the Chief Onyango! Their brief interrogation left me blubbering mostly as I regained my re-compose.
The IC inquired the circumstances under which I came to reside in my
current location & I narrated how I was illegally arrested along
Haile Selassie Avenue in Msa at an open air food kiosk at midday where
I was having lunch before cop Ikenya with 2 others in civilian posing
as customers joined my bench & told me after I was done that I was
under arrest and that somebody called 'Caro' wanted to see me at the
Municipal HQs. My inquiries as to 'arrest over what' fell on deaf ears
& they insisted I would know ahead when we reach the Municipal Police
Station ; of which upon reaching I found the 'self-bleaching,
indecent-exposure, quickie-prostitute-witch step-mother cum matriarch'
who'd apparently sent them & Ikenya explained that they wanted me to
go upcountry to the rural house of this quickie-witch. I refused
flatly & that's when he said they'll teach me a lesson in jailing
me till such a time I would acquiesce & give-in to their demands. Thus did
they go ahead to frame charges asking btw themselves what to charge
me-with before tearing the 1st draft & writing another. Mind you on
the way they'd hand-cuffed me after showing their cop IDs. I was
thrown in the cells, turned a plea of 'not guilty' in the afternoon's
municipal court session & thereafter boarded on a jail bus with other
felons & transported to Shimo-La-Tewa Prisons. 
                           After 3 days of the harrowing jail experience with its unhygienic conditions, lice,
stinking toilet & over-crowdedness ; I gave my consent when Ikenya &
his colleagues came visiting and so they paid bail of around 1000/-
before I was released like already narrated in precedent records in my
blog at [ ] ; jus' put-in any of the
key words including 'shimo, kiosk, ikenya, jail, Selassie etc.' in the
'search this blog' feature / function. IPOA & Kenya Police Service
opened a file when I forwarded them charges of the illegal arrest & detention then closed it again I think after being compromised by the incriminating evidence linking Uhuru the
ICC-Indicted Illegitimate-President and his Organized-Crime
Economy-Cartel. I pray civil-societies demand re-opening of the file &
prosecution of the culprits. In fact I suspected they planned to
assassinate me as demonstrated in my blog the following morn. at
0400hrs after sleeping-over at Ikenya's when accompanied by 3 other
KDF-guys soldiers allegedly returning to barracks after 'leave' &
while still dark on route to board 'matatus' to town, Ikenya left
shortly to go back to pick something he'd allegedly forgotten and I
was left with 3 suspicious alleged 'KDF-guys' in the dark in the
thickets of Bamburi. I demand concerned authorities investigate &
prefer respective charges to lay the matter to rest. I narrated the
relocation, a witchdoctor involved in arriving in Migori & the
accident that ensued as I accompanied Ikenya the following morn. to go
visit colleagues he'd trained-with at the Migori County Offices. Thus was I forcibly brought here against my will & I maintain that I'm not living or working in Raila's Luo-Nyanza
and that I've DIVORCED, ESTRANGED and DISOWNED the compulsive-neurotic
'psychic-cannibal-vampire-witches' Dysfunctional 'Turpins' who're
living fossil-relics of the 'Europe Salem Witch Trials'! Period. Chief
Onyango then asked me to wait outside where I know regained my full
composure for I thought Uhuru, his loo-bat & Emi plus their extended
Jew kins had pulled strings characteristic of their 'manipulation of
events' to sway the public mind and that they were finally gonna pull
the curtains on me! Thanks heavens. The impersonating-airs Chief
Onyango soon came out, asked me to enter the car requiring I should
show him my area of residence then we drove-off ; 'cept along the way
he branched-off to a Pastor's parish where he introduced me to a body
of 4 men & a woman whom at that point in time I clarified I wasn't a
'believer' afraid they might wonna induct me into blind-fellowship faiths. Hence, I take this opportunity to ask concerned authorities hold-brief with Chief Onyango and instruct him
to adhere to the parameters of the law as regards the National
Constitution. I won't take any of the Jewish swollen-egoes
conspiracies to rule the world! Chief Onyango then drove us to his
office which happened to be the same office I'd been told belonged to
the Asst. Chief at Kakrao Old Market. The very fact that roadside
dwellers biz-owners had mis-informed me the new Chief's Office were at
some place or school called Magina raises eyebrows to the suspicion
that some character closely following on my case musta been
stage-managing events ; most probably Uhuru's loo-bat & Emi plus their
Jewish kins not to mention 'Evil-Eyed' Ivory-Trader Mamangina given
the contagion-animism name 'Magina'. The Chief then drove us back to
Chamkombe where he sought the Dysfunctional Turpins and found the
quickie-witch on phone who at the time was at the next-door
neighbor's. She came, opened heir main-house where the Chief forwarded the issues / status-quo. The quickie-witch gave her opinion before calling him outside for a
'close-up' while I briefed the woman Chief's colleague as to the
'un-openness' of the deliberations. The quickie-witch then re-entered
the house & said the Chief was calling us outside. Outside the Chief
took sides beginning with asking me to 'love' the quickie-witch who's
incestuously sexually harassed me again & again besides having
'fractured my phallus' in childhood as recorded including other crimes
like putting kerosene in my meals to interfere with spermatogenesis ;
coordinating for my abduction & sojourn with fellow witches at
Randa-Kitembe Tanzania courtesy of cousins Manuar & Olala ; making a
mockery of my dates by always wanting to come in-btw and/or to
determine my marriage customarily ; indecently flaunting her nudity on
my face, etc. I told him flatly no that I'd DISOWNED them and there
was no going back. The Chief said if he doesn't come for my case
today, then I should go to his offices Friday at 0900hrs whenst he's due to
arrange a meeting btw the OCPD, OCS, the Dysfunctional Turpins and I ;
of which I agreed gladly. Period. 
                          The neighborhood cop AP Owino's supposed 'sweet 16' daughter Joy is back with her nudgings exploiting the acquittance ; she waylaid me yesterday on my way to the Police
Station when on spotting her I feigned indifference & sank to my phone
to avoid her in vain. She proceeded to cordially greet me, "Hab-a-ri
yako," to which I replied, "Fine thank you!" I noted nonetheless
tale-tell signs of a 'bimbo' given her greeting was kinda
'slow-motioned' to my surprise. Prior to our acquaintance she'd timed
me as I rushed-out to go meet one of the quickie-witches' nurse
brother Okoth calling me, "Wee" for attention whenst surprised, I
turned, extended my hand for a handshake before asking her to excuse
me since I was running to meet somebody travelling by the roadside &
that I thought she'd brought a phone for charging. I ask concerned
authorities to ask AP Owino to reign his daughter's leash & to undertake to
develop her brain to maturity before setting her to lure
sexually-starved males ; my life's been complicated with enough cases.
Suspicious Joy may be a bimbo in line with Luo's
prehistoric-descendant-culture of retarding unsuspecting victims to
cultural-epithet zombie-stooges like indicated in precedent-records
exhibited by Mama Osoo of Msa 4 inherited wife of the quickie-witches'
late father & 1st cousins with Ida, Raila's wife mother whose 2 kids
are kept retarded-zombies like her 1st born who never came to see the
light of the day always kept locked indoors in a special-room till his
death & interment. Late cousin Elkana wife's sister who keeps a son
called 'Daddy' locked indoors & sometimes in chains in alleged
alignment 'ritual zombie worship of the dead' & cousin Rispa who keeps
another zombie called 'Babuu' echoing the same 'rebirth' rituals. So
the nincompoops could be premeditating a customary marriage for their
bimbo befittingly to an unsuspecting victim slated for Matiba-like cabbage zombie
incarceration by hired 'vicious-mendacious-rhetoric'
psychiatrist-assassins. Stop AP Owino. Last but not least it's evident
the Indicted ICC Illegitimate-President Uhuru heads Organized-Crime
Economy-Cartels in Kenya like demonstrated by ex-CJ Mutunga who was
threatened live throuh a letter addressed to him by the same
antagonists to resignation & early-retirement as he broadcasted to the
public in a press conference. The economy gangsters have also
attempted to assassinate the Dep. CJ. Mutunga had a Judicial Review
Project of 'Bringing The Judiciary To The People' as demonstrated in
the countrywide 'Judiciary Marches Week' before it was swept under the
carpet following the threat to his life & resignation. I managed to
wash my rugs yesterday night though I'm yet to sew one of the torn
trousers at the groin area. I'm still disheveled & need a shave &
toothpaste badly. 
Thank you in advance. 
Yours Faithfully,
Erick Mango.

Subversion Of Justice : Asst. Chief Onyango personification, Corruption, Obstruction Of Justice and National Census in Cover-up of Uhuru's Organized-Crime Economy-Cartels. Prayers For Political-Asylum / Refuge From Mandatory Systems of Commitment / Endless Persecution and Rape of Conscience. SOS.
Sent: Saturday, August 31, 2019, 3:57:27 AM GMT+6
Dear Sir / Madam,               
                            Indeed when I went to the 'Kakrao
Old Market' offices today a village elder confirmed Onyango was the
Asst. Chief office-d in 'Upper Kakrao' & that the Chief himself had
offices in 'Lower Kakrao' at a place called Magina. Thus I first &
foremost prefer charges of 'Personification' against Asst. Chief
Onyango & a 2nd charge of 'Abuse of Office & Powers' as regards
exploiting the same & failing to carry-out duties besides 'Abetting
Crime by Complicity' with the sex-criminals and finally 'Obstructing
Justice'. Having the self-bleaching, indecent-exposure,
quickie-prostitute-witch step-mother cum matriarch's mobile no. on
Wednesday he'd called her & addressed her personally as 'my dear'
meaning they've got personal relationships / affair and thus the bias
& reluctance to execute justice in following the laid-down due
procedure of the law. He didn't show-up today at 1500hrs as he'd
alleged nor at night whenst I hoped he would include me in the
'National Census' exercise.
                          These are the injustices the laity face against Uhuru's
Organized-Crime Economy-Cartels. I demand concerned authorities 'call
for his arrest' & 'relieve him of his duties' immediately forthwith &
handover the case to the correct 'office bearer' of the title of
'Chief of Kakrao' & not Asst. Chief. He's buying unavailable time to
blatantly break the law as well as kick me-off the national census
which formally ends tomorrow. You can see the hand of the ICC-Indicted
Uhuru's Contagion-Animism Witchcraft in evading the Chief's Office in
'Magina' which sounds like 'Mamangina' which nobody seemed to have
been able to locate to have me directed to the Asst. Chief Onyango [
0725777305 ] who's corruption you're witnessing 1st hand. Money has
exchanged hands & that's why he's dragging his feet on the case. I
demand my civil rights as enshrined in the national constitution &
that the correct Chief as req. by the OCS & OCPD be obliged to follow
the due process of law to the latter. 
Thank you in advance.    
Yours F. 

Trousered-Apes' Monkey-Biz Justice Circus : Asst. Chief's Personification, Obstruction of Justice, Abetting of Crime, Corruption, Bias ; Uhuru's Organized-Crime Economy-Cartels Lawsuit Association in Bell's-Pub GSU Attack v. Accident Damages ; National Census ; Prayers For Political-Asylum / Refuge From Mandatory Systems of Commitment / Rape of Conscience / Endless Persecution. SOS.
Date: Sat, 31 Aug 2019 16:11:33 +0600
Dear Sir / Madam, 
                            I pray your civilized-interventions
for a fair hearing & trial before the Authority of an Independent Law
Court starting with the correct Kakrao Chief being obliged to toe the
laid-down procedures in summoning / handing-over the
compulsive-neurotic sex-pervert dysfunctional Turpins to the cops as
referred to by Migori Police OCPD courtesy of the OCS whom the latter
I've also implicated & charged in the crimes. The OCS had specifically
required one Chief Onyango who the Asst. Chief [ 0725777305 ]
impersonated & claimed the office to be the one at Upper Kakrao. Thus
there's been an intentional distortion of info. & up to now I can't
tell the real Chief from the Asst. and my suspicion's that 'Magina'
where the real Chief's supposedly located is veiled cause of the
underlying 'contagion-animism witchcraft' similarity to Uhuru's
witch-mother 'Mamangina' which may be complicates their
'Jinn-Theocracy GoK' witchcraft Runnings! 
                            The National Census ends today & the Asst. Chief's yet to make true his word including forwarding the matter to the cops as stipulated. He's dragging his feet on the same cause he musta been compromised given he calls the 'self-bleaching indecent-exposure,
quickie-prostitute-witch step-mother cum matriarch' [ substantiate-able
technical descriptive terms ] with the personal pronoun 'my' dear
meaning they've hewn a close / intimate relationship. The 2nd reason's
connected to the Jinn-Theocracy GoK psychology / interests as is
veiled in 'Magina' which equals Mamangina' not to mention the
'paid-pawns' as indicated by the 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket' & the larger
lawsuit altogether should I be paid my 'actual & punitive damages' to
file related suits as instanced by the Bell's-Pub Attack allegedly by
one of Uhuru's GSU on leave as whispered by informed sources! Thus
it's a Herculean-task taking-on Uhuru's Organized-Crime
Economy-Cartels with ltd resources of an imposed pauperism station
'below the poverty line. Remember they threatened ex-CJ Mutunga to
resignation and early retirement simply cause if his Project 'Bringing the courts
to the people' had seen the light of the day it would've destroyed the
est. fabric by which ICC-Indicted Illegitimate President Uhuru's
Organized-Crime Economy-Cartels enact laws & establish the court
procedures by which they're tried making the law courts their
'ports of call' where the overburdened 'Wanjiku-laity' tax-payers are
sheep & the soiled-magistrates hyenas! Then how do you ever expect to
get justice if you're the ploughing-oxen? Thus did the est. also
attempt to assassinate Dep. CJ in what's been lauded / speculated as a
'battle supreme' for heir to the powerful seat of Chief Justice. It's
a war btw good & evil whereby the judiciary, police & indeed the whole
GoK is divided in the middle with everybody taking sides as befits or
is allotted them by philosophy / persuasions or design. The
neighborhood's witches' secret-society's still exploiting my
sexual-starvation with underage girls sending them-over when I'm
supposedly alone in the Dysfunctional Turpins compound. It's recorded with
Safaricom how they used to try it with the neighborhood's wives
including a banana-ripe yellow Kisii who once exposed me her nudity
from the rear pretending she was washing with an 'above-the-rim' skirt
revealing the canal opening into her interior thickets making my heart
skip a beat as my blood rushed with starvation. She used to hawk
clothes including panties for men & ladies where I've been privy to a
neighborhood smith ask her for a 'ngotha' which's Swahili for the
inner-linen though in Luo the same word means 'f¤%k me'. Thus kinda
she'd mark-timed to subliminally send a message of her availability.
Jus' cross-check the records with Safaricom. Of late another next-door
neighbor Kisii wife's trying hard apparently with her husband to
compromise me but I choose to hold my horses knowing the witches'
secret-society can't be trusted, those are traps & they're witch-hunting. 
Thank you in advance. 
Yours Faithfully, 
Erick Mango.

Moody 'In-charge of Crime' Explodes In Alignment With 'ex-Invalid OCS' Over Last Time's Move To OCPD As She and co. Send Me Back To The Stereotyped Prejudiced Nincompoop Asst. Chief : Uhuru's Organized-Crime Economy-Cartels Trousered-Apes Monkey-Biz Subversion of Justice Circus ; Prayers For Migration For Political-Asylum / Refuge From Endless-Persecution / Rape of Conscience and Mandatory Systems of Commitment. SOS.
Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2019 20:22:38 +0600
Dear Sir / Madam, 
                            I pray your civilized-interventions
for the due procedure & rule of law to be observed as stuff get
murkier with the 'In-charge of Crime' exploding when I found the OCS's
Office locked and I inquired after him in her next door Office to
which she first exclaims, "It's you again" and goes on berating
mepoorol'self 'bout how the matter was presumably supposed to be
settled by the Asst. Chief who'd been there last time. She goes-on to
disprove of me that I shouldn't have gone to the OCPD in the first
place since 'Hao wakubwa hawatakusaidia,' i.e. 'Those big people won't
help you'. Now if the 'ex-invalid OCS' had refused the feedback he'd
sent me for & called me an idiot adding that I was disturbing him in
his Station and threatened to arrest me as he pushed me away;
literally therefore outlawing & out-casting me from the precincts of
the rule of law, where was I supposed to go to? Turn into an 'ascetic
wanderer & go to the forests? I think due protocol necessitated
that I move up the ladder to the next Office which happened to be the
OCPD's. She didn't wait to hear that the stereotyped, prejudiced,
nincompoop Asst. Chief had sent me again to the OCS & that I was only
enquiring of his whereabouts with a whole new charge. Nonetheless, she
directed me with another cop to the 'Statements Office' where I
explained to the gentleman the circumstances surrounding the scenario
to his comprehension before he asked whether I had the Asst. Chief's
no. which on giving him he called & they conversed over the phone
before finally directing me to go back to the Asst. Chief whom he said
will assist me. I didn't forget to tell him of the Asst. Chief's
insulting views that I 'shouldn't bother 'bout getting 'finger-f%&k<d
since I was wearing jeans.' Him & the 'IC' had said if there were any
arrests to be made the Asst. Chief had to write a formal letter & that
my issue was a 'family matter' unless they were dealing with assault
involving P3s & Medical Forms which in effect means I'll present
the 2 P3s & Medical Forms incriminating the dysfunctional sex-pervert
Turpins. I asked to be allowed to go there tomorrow given the fatigue
of the distances and the fact the office would've been locked by now.
Thus I pray you ask the Asst. Chief to check his cool & stop being
emotional in threatening me with 'pointing fingers.' Also ask him to
use logic & reason reason therefore in sticking objectively to the
facts. Ask him to write the required letter to arrest, book & arraign
the dysfunctional sex-pervert Turpins for Migori Police Station to 'set
the rule of law' rolling vis-à-vis his stereotypes & prejudices. 
Thank you in advance. 
Yours Faithfully, 
Erick Mango.

Why Psycopath-Homicide 'Human-Sacrifice-Ceremony' Death-Ritual Psychic-Cannibal-Vampire Parasitic-Witches and 'World's Homosexual Capital' Jews Suck : Uhuru's Organized-Crime Economy-Cartels Trousered-Apes Monkey-Biz Subversion of Justice Circus Puppeteered By His Loo-Bat Kith Jewish Extended-Family ; Asst. Chief Dismissively Says He'll Call ; Prayers For Migration For Political-Asylum / Refuge From Endless-Persecution / Rape of Conscience and Mandatory Systems of Commitment. SOS.
Date: Fri, 13 Sep 2019 20:49:22 +0600
Dear Sir / Madam, 
                            I pray your continuous, relentless,
informed, exposed, progressive and civilized pursuit interventions for
observance of the rule of law & its due process with regards to my
most recent charge of 'hunger torture & incestuous plus homosexual
harassments' against the compulsive-neurotic, dysfunctional sex-pervert
beast criminal Turpins of the 'married but gay'
prehistoric-descendant-culture sexual-orientations as has been
numerously substantiated under Raila's Lamu / Bondo-Usenge & Uhuru's
Bori / GLBT Occultism ; including the 14OBs interconnected to the
larger lawsuit & its 'Charge Sheet' as a whole as documented in [ ] ; vis-à-vis the 'Kenya chapter' developing, primitive, imposed, lay,
retrogressive, 'shithole' 3rd world state. Thus the sly Asst. Chief
dismissively with a wave of his hand said, "He will," in reply to my
message from the OSC who'd asked him to call him. The sly 
Asst. Chief never left his car on arriving going-on to call 2 of his
Village Elders Council when I'd to quickly catch-up with him seeing he
was itching to speed-away to relay the OCS's message which he waved
away with the reply quoted above. The bureaucracy protocol requires he
answers to 'calls of duty' from his superiors without fail &/or with
the urgency emitted both which he's fragrantly dismissed before or
'dragged his feet-on' like in this latest scenario meaning higher
vested-interests / bureaucracies are at play headed by the
ICC-Indicted Illegitimate President Uhuru known to have refused to
part with incriminating evidence 'lying-in-state' more-or-less as
'classified files' while bidding his time behind the cloak of
'security of tenure'. Thus did the Migori DPP use the same line of
reasoning asking 'how I expected the AG courtesy of the State to
process my damages when I intended to enjoin them in a subsequent suit
with the same proceeds!' Thus I take this opportunity in this moment
in time to beseech the fully progressing evolved & developed states and minds
as regards biocultural techno-evolution with 'transition to behavioral
modernity,' creative-synthesis [ i.e. IQ ], and moral-sensibilities in
mind for urgent migration overseas far from these evolving
trousered-apes' rotten 'shithole' 'Kenya chapter' State's monkey-biz
to start a new life afresh with all the freedoms of the 'Bill of
Rights' as envisaged in the UN's Charter on Human Rights. Uhuru is
calling the shots directly here shielding his bossom-buddy Eng.
Emmanuel Edgar Sirma who as recorded in precedent-blogs confessed to
having been kissed once [ at least ] by a white-male in Nairobi's
Carnivore Club ; Uhuru's former hang-out. Emmanuel who goes ahead to
fondly relish the memories saying, "It's because he's very mhandi,"
i.e. colloquial for sheng meaning, "He's very handsome." Thus it's
where the gay Jews come-in as demonstrated in [ ]
                           Part of the reason the dangerously evil scheme-y Jews got hounded
globally before they settled in their current abode for which Tel Aviv
rapidly became the world's center of homosexuality reminiscent of
their old times in Sodom & Gomorrah. Uhuru's loo-bat kith with their
Jewish extended-family practice Abrahamic Religions of 'Human
Sacrifice Ceremony' Death-Rituals proper the reason they're
descriptively world-renown aptly for their characteristic trait of
'manipulating national events & swaying public minds' They're indeed a
prehistoric witches descendant since their Chief serpent witch Moses
of the plague fame not to mention the witches catchword 'abracadabra'
after their Abrahamic religions celebrating human sacrifice rituals
like reflected in Catholic Liturgy. Thus their 'contagion animism
witchcraft' like quoted's traceable from their Uhuru's
combination-groupy-orgies loo-bat kith name Judy Macharia unashamedly
aka 'Mpenzi Jinn or Fundi-wa-Mitaa' ; other quoted Jew names embroiled
in my case include the aforementioned Emmanuel, Benjamin, Emi, Ema. Uhuru's GSU
incriminated in the Bell's-Pub attack is implicated virtue of the GSU
Reece-Unit being trained in Israel ; thus a direct hand albeit
subliminally. The antagonists exploit the fact of the presence of only
3 persons in the crime-house-scenario including the 2 sex-pervert
criminals & I ; which takes us back to square 1 when I'd asked
ex-Chief Amara 'whether I was to wait for sperm-exhibit to present as
evidence in the event of a culmination of the sly gay witch-father's
indicated, premeditated intentions demonstrated in his cyclic,
incessant homosexual-harassments linked to the hunger-tortures &
Luo-physiology-expertise peristalsis-triggering 'homosexual-selective-diets'? 
Or what other kinda evidence apart from
my repeated testimonies now reinforced with photo-exhibits courtesy of
a camera-phone would the openly vested-interest, stereotyped &
prejudiced antagonists find permissible? Hence, the sly Asst. Chief
last first time failed to coordinate summoning the sex-pervert criminals to the OCS & OCPD as he'd given his 
word and thus had to exclude me in the National Census jus' so to
evade the issue rescinding on his word & duties which made the
sex-pervert beast criminals all the more stiff-necked to resume proper
esp. the sly gay-witch-father as depicted in the photo-snaps their
rude wanton homosexual-harassment postures & position on the dining
table narrowing the path to the 'hand-washing' sink in preparation for
his 'finger-f%&king' insults which the nincompoop Asst. Chief wondered
why I should bother given I had jeans on that I wasn't naked! The
quickie-prostitute-witch resumed her mark-timings & trackings to the
pit-latrines. 'Back to square 1 involved a case in Makadara Law Courts
Nairobi where an alleged pastor was charged with sleeping-with & even
successfully managing to impregnant one of his very own 2 biological
daughters. Why should an ordinary broad daylight witch be shielded
from the law? Cause I can't get pregnant? Or for want of sperm
evidence. I pray for the rights to a fair hearing & trial before the
Authority of an Independent Law Court. The stereotyped, prejudiced
Asst. Chief will obviously try to Obstruct Justice once again either
in not 'calling the OCS' or following 'higher-orders from above' as
regards Bori / GLBT Uhuru calling the shots to shield his bossom-buddy
Eng. Emmanuel & by extension his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket' 'Paid-Pawns'
the compulsive-neurosis dysfunctional sex-pervert criminal Turpin
beasts. I'll take a grace-period of one week before I'll be obliged to
visit the Migori Police OCS once again in making follow-ups for due
justice of my cases ; so that means till next Monday 23rd. Thus I pray
your unperturbed, relentless & civilized Amicus Curiae &/or Probono
assistance on the 23rd Monday if the antagonists wouldn't have
implemented the rule of law with regards to its due process as
concerns the status-quo of my case. I demand the sex-pervert criminals
be arrested, booked & arraigned before the Authority of an Independent or Competent Law Court 
like known sex-crime clergy have been ; and more so
including for all the other charges in the 14OBs. Also ask the
'In-charge of Crime' to stop 'subliminally threatening' me with her now
customary line of, "It's you again" 'with wide open arms' as if to
say, "What are you doing here" or "What do you want here" ; whenever I
make follow-ups to the police station ; otherwise, she oughta tell the
civilized-world her stereotyped & prejudiced connections to the
ex-Invalid-OCS & Justice Nyagah since those are the echoes of their
proclamations. Tell her to follow the law as well or stay at home
during her moody days. Thus I demand the sex-perverts be arrested,
booked and arraigned before the Authority of an Independent Law Court
even as the Clergy who impregnated his daughter or the 'wolves in
sheep's' skin' Catholic Clergy-Fathers who prey on alter-boys! I've
DIVORCED, ESTRANGED & DISOWNED the dysfunctional sex-pervert Turpins
neither am I living or working in Raila's Luo-Nyanza. 

Sly Double-Speaking Asst. Chief Changes Tone and Throws Ball Back To In-charge of Crime Migori Police Court For A 'Formal Letter In Writing' : Uhuru's Organized-Crime Economy-Cartels Subversion of Justice Circus ; Prayers For Migration For Political-Asylum / Refuge From Endless Persecution / Mandatory Systems of Commitment and Rape of Conscience. SOS.
Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2019 18:21:09 +0600
Dear Sir / Madam, 
                            I pray your continuous, relentless,
informed, progressive, exposed and civilized intercessions &
interventions for due observations of the process of the rule of law
to be observed with regards to my most recent charges of
'hunger-torture and incestuous & homosexual harassments' as well as
all the other 14OBs recorded at Migori Police Station which're
altogether intricately interconnected against the
compulsive-neurotic, dysfunctional Uhuru's 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket'
'paid-pawns' Turpins. The above mentioned & co. as has been
demonstrated are psychic cannibal vampire living-fossil relic witches
reminiscent of the 'Europe Salem Witch Trial Convicts' not to mention
the 'Kenya chapter' real life-time blood-sucking convict vampire
Onyancha illustrated by the 'KTN Case Files' documentary. Raila's
tribal Asst. Chief changed tactics in the 'brotherly talks' he'd
scheduled for today & cancelled tomorrow's meeting he'd scheduled to
'write the formal letter for the arrest of the aforementioned sex-pervert criminals instead going on a
cyclic-deliberations demanding 'sufficient evidence' claiming the
photo-exhibits aren't substantial enough & defending the culprits in
claiming unless I present him a court-stamped certificate of
'DISOWNING' them, he can't write a letter to arrest them since I live
under their roof & eat their food adding that they can pee / urinate
anywhere in their residential compound / homestead. It's like he never
was party to the 'IC' proceedings the first time we met there when he
was called where I enumerated the illegal circumstances under which by
order of the Indicted ICC Contagion-Animist and Illegitimate Bori /
GLBT President Uhuru on behalf of his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket' fellow
'married but gay' occultists, the dysfunctional Turpins ; one of his
cops animistically conveniently called Ikenya & 2 others illegally
arrested me at an open-air food kiosk I was lunching along Haile
Selassie Avenue Msa before saying some Caro wanted to see me &
continuing to add that "They wouldn't let me engage in any income generating
activity / biz or fixed-income employment." The rest is as already
presented in precedent missive records my learned, informed,
progressive, exposed, complex, civilized society members vis-à-vis the
developing third-world 'Kenya chapter' archaic, retrogressive,
imposed, lay, primitive, 'shithole,' prehistoric-descendant-culture
society since the emergence of anatomically-modern-humans from the
jungle to property ownership in formal society as regards transitions
to behavioral modernity including moral-sensibilities. I demand thus
that Migori Police Station use the same paradigm-basis of evidence
threshold they used the first time they'd deemed it substantial to
indict the sex-pervert culprits to similarly indict them again now
given the criminals have proved consistent and systematic
compulsive-neurosis in their schemes & strategies of 'cyclic-ritual
hunger-tortures coupled with incestuous and homosexual-harassments' to
coerce me into their Raila's Lamu / Bondo-Usenge & Uhuru's Bori / GLBT 'married but gay'
prehistoric-descendant-culture sexual-orientations. The machete &
slasher-sword assaults they since stopped though still palpable in
ex-Chief Amara's sanction can be followed-up within the inclusive
14OBs for which I got a Medical form pending a P3 cause of wanting
resources to process the same for which I'd been waiting for my
accident's actual & punitive damages to carry out. Along the same
length & breadth reliable sources have whispered that it kinda appears
the 'IC' who'd exploded with unreasonableness on behalf of the
ex-'invalid OCS' over my last move to the OCPD both belong to a clique
that hails from Busia and as such have vested interests in shielding
one of their own, Uhuru's Nairobi Carnivore Club bossom buddy Eng.
Emmanuel Edgar Sirma in relation to the Bell's-Pub Uhuru's GSU attack
who's Medical Form & P3 I got knowing I'll be coming for them once my
damages get processed. Thus I'm trekking headed to the In-charge of
Crime Migori Police Station to relay the sly Asst. Chief's feedback whenst I
pray you impress upon her on behalf of concerned authorities to set
the ball of the rule of law rolling so the clogged wheels of justice
get in motion. I want the sex-pervert culprit parasites arrested,
booked & arraigned before the Authority of an Independent Law Court to
get them off my back once and for all. I'll then formally proceed to
legally DIVORCE, ESTRANGE & DISOWN them once brooding Uhuru pays-up my
damages as per my vows including to never live or work in Raila's Luo
Nyanza to the bitter end. Otherwise once I deplete my data bundles all
alerts will be via Facebook's 'free data' mode please. 
Thank you in advance. 
Yours Faithfully, 
Erick Mango.
NB : I found lunch today a whole 'okoko' fish which ain't fresh to
their rot-food relish tastes despite filthy cash riches they floss ;
I served it soup-less & only ate the inner meat after peeling-off its
skin. I couldn't touch the greens which though the sly food-poker
gay-father served & ate I suspected he must have regurgitated some as
per his custom.

GoK State Terror : Conspiracy To Sabotage Migori Police Station 14 OBs and Broader Lawsuit By Its 4 Top-Cops plus Asst. Chief Onyango Enjoined In My Foremost Suit ; ICMS E-Filing Technicalities ; Numbered Days v. Last Will ; Prayers For Migration For Political-Asylum / Refuge From Endless Persecution, Rape of Conscience and Mandatory Systems of Committment. SOS.
Date: Wed, 18 Dec 2019 13:36:02 +0600
Dear Sir / Madam, 
                            ICC-Indicted International-Criminal
Uhuru's 2008-PEV's culpability is obvious save for the 'classified
files' directly incriminating him his GoK refused Ocampo citing legal
defense, the logic behind their delay-denying me my now 7.6yrs
Kihara-Construction punitive & actual damages c/o the AG like
reiterated in precedent records by Migori DPP who'd asked how I
expected the same GoK I intended to sue with the same proceeds to pay
me. And now Migori Police Station 4 top cops plus Asst. Chief Onyango
I intend to sue led by their Snr. OCS are pulling the same monkey
tricks when in yesterday's appointment amid interrogation surrounded
by his aides intimidatingly & threateningly ready to pounce on me at
his barks he asks for my file containing the 14 OBs & doc. evidences
which perusing & noting the old dates he settles for one P3 he seemed
to have been targeting and tears it into like 5 pieces which he then
hands to one of the aides ; another transcript scattered to land in
the rain water which the torn-P3 aide picked before I could. When I asked
for the torn-P3 pieces they refused saying they'll dispose of it
better & much as I'd come to complain on the cyclic-ritual-occultist
hunger-torture the OCS inquired more on the last recent interrelated
charges of homosexual harassment asking whether he'd now 'fucked me,'
i.e. the 'married but gay,' sly, food-poker husband of the
self-bleaching, indecent-exposure, quickie-prostitute-witch
matriarch-wife [ technical substantiated descriptive terms ].
Interrelated cause they've made clear it's 'food for sex' given
they're exploiting my LGMD which less food & exercise I thin-fast &
sag and that's when at my emaciated weakest their homosexual &
incestuous sexual harassment peak. This furious OCS raising tantrums
at the overwhelming evidence including my pending suit against him &
co. then goes ahead to insult my sanity again claiming he thinks I'm
mentally disturbed subliminally lending their covert intentions to
sabotage my pursuits for justice by evoking Uhuru's 'sanctioned psychiatric abuse' like they did Matiba before embezzling him to bankruptcy shutting down his
hotels & prestige schools biz ; Uhuru's 'paid pawns' & co. are
targeting my Kihara Construction damages & estate. At one instance
this OCS refers to the IC's office saying 'my friend is not there'
which jus' makes me wonder what exactly he has in mind ; can't wait
for my day in court cross-examinations. He adds again pointing at the
IC's office where there's a gathered-group saying, 'those are my
peers,' which jus' doesn't make any sense to me. In asides to his
aides in one instance he says, 'this guy's come back again' in the
same sense the IC used to exclaim, 'It's you again!' I left the
station a dejected fellow esp. to his references that I 'must be
mentally disturbed & that's the reason my cases were rotting dating
back several years' ; despite my insistence that it were rather
because of a 'lack of resources' to process the same pending which
I'll do once I get the dire resources. He told me to go look for a lawyer ; with the meagre
coins I had I rushed to the cybers to try to squeeze-in an ICMS e-file
for my foremost suit which I processed duly up to the 2nd last stage
where technicalities to do with 'uploading files & payments' arose
since no files or documents could upload nor the price-list menu
open-up. I tried all means including the cyber's administrator who
couldn't make neither tails-nor-heads of the same ; to no avail. Had
to log-off seeing I'd run outta the meagre cash praying hopelessly the
data would be saved up to where I'd reached to cut costs next time I
came. Wonder if 'twas a one-time technicality or whether other 'self
court-representing' citizens have come across the same or whether
there's a software which's yet to be updated or what the Judiciary &
CJ Maraga have to say for their supposed 'state of the art' ICMS
advanced project. Retrospectively, my days are now officially numbered
given Uhuru's obviously calling the shots as regards his 'Kenyatta Animism Zombie Occult' prehistoric-descendant-culture popular in West Africa [
] & thus the reason the cops refuse to take action making me resolve
to never take any hunger-torture complaints there again ; only other
criminal offences. I'll only tell the world & the civil society
through my social networks of which if 'KTN Uhuru-Onyancha's,'
'Brokeside Dairy Jacket' 'paid pawns,' compulsive-neurotic,
sex-pervert, dysfunctional Turpins manage to kill in this cold, my last
prayers are that I be buried in a public cemetery far away from these
psychic cannibals & Raila's Luo Nyanza probably in a cosmopolitan
province. As we speak today's ration's 3 slices of bread & tea till
super for which the gay-witch's taken 4 slices besides 'animistic uji'
& boiled-cassava I left untouched cause of the peristalsis-triggering,
energy-emaciating effect boiled tubers unlike roasted have on me. My
anti-Narcissistic-Godzilla Raila Luo Nyanza work-life vows including the sex-pervert,
dysfunctional Turpins I've DIVORCED, ESTRANGED & DISOWNED are
irreconcilable to the bitter end. I don't want them in life and in
death neither should they be seen in my funeral. Survival soft loans /
spare cash will be repaid with a 50% percent interest once Uhuru's AG
pays-up my Kihara-Construction 7.6yrs punitive & actual damages. Find
attached copies of the documentary evidences including the now torn
half-filled original P3. 
Thank you in advance. 
Yours Faithfully,
Erick Mango.

Furious, Rude, OCS Tampers With P3 Documentary Evidence, Tearing It Says 'I Must Be Mentally Disturbed' Citing Long-Overdue Medical Examination Forms &amp; P3s. SOS.
Date: Tue, 17 Dec 2019 13:12:01 +0600
NB : Full details in due course.

Migori Police Station : Meeting The OCS Tomorrow 17th Dec. 2019 ; Today's Chronology of Events ;
Date: Tue, 17 Dec 2019 00:56:11 +0600
Dear Sir / Madam,
                             I'll try to be brief cause I'm
juggling like a dozen balls & my hands are filled considering gotta
catch-up with backlogs whenever I pop back into internet. Had to go
report at Migori Police Station the savage-occultist
psychic-cannibal-vampires, 'KTN Uhuru-Onyanchas' 'paid pawns,'
compulsive-neurotic, sex-pervet, dysfunctional Turpins' impunity as
regards cyclic-ritual, hunger-torture games in alignment with Uhuru's
'Kenyatta-Animism-Zombie-Occult,' prehistoric-descendant-culture akin
to [ ]. The Migori Police Station Front Desk worked the preliminaries amid
mockeries as to how come a 42yr old's being baby-sat which agreeing
the nonsense I explain the logic I've been singing repeatedly
narrating Uhuru's cop Ikenya's unlawful arrest, detention & jailing
on condition I consent to accompany him & the quickie-prostitute-witch
wife-matriarch [ technical substantiated descriptions ]
to their rural home in Migori ; which I'm forced to consent-to after 3
hell-days in Shimo 'shithole' Prison literary. And that otherwise,
can't wait to grab my Kihara-Construction 7.6yrs punitive & actual
damages sat-on by ICC-Indicted International-Criminal Uhuru courtesy
of his AG. You know how the saga goes. The Front Desk sends me to the
Crimes Office where after a lady cop's interrogation she sends me to
KRC to get either a letter or a 'phone call to the OCS' in which case
they'll attach the letter supporting my hunger-torture OB before
'proceeding with the law,' lending me to ask megoodol'self whether
that's 'standard police procedure' or abuse of office. Nonetheless, I
oblige but KRC say they only deal with refugees & perhaps stuff to do
with shelter ; & that in any event they wouldn't wonna commit to
court processes should it come to that. Back to the Station the lady
cop says I see the OCS morrow 17th. The issue is last time one of the
OCSs I intend to enjoin in my suit of a barrage of charges  
had falsely alleged he'd written a letter to KRC regarding counselling
or psychotherapy which I completely refuse to the covert
Matiba-cabbaging attempts of the junk-science's 'sanctioned abuse' by
hired psychiatric-assassins' with a goal therefore to embezzle me of my
Kihara-Construction damages and my estate as such ; a letter KRC
denied ever receiving signaling a conspiracy to execute Uhuru's
psychiatric sanctioned abuse. I got 2 OCSs in my suit plus the IC, a
cop in the Dep. Commissioner's Office & Asst. Chief Onyango. Assist
ensue the course of the law & get my Uhuru-imposed pauperism, 'passive
male' existence back to track on life. 
Yours Faithfully, 
Erick Mango.

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