Thursday, August 05, 2021

Quickie-prostitute [substantiated] is back and resumes marktimming-trackings; Racist Uhuru and Raila; Marriage sexual-selection jealousies; { ICC- Indicted mass-murderer Uhuru's GoK's political-legal abuses has imposed me penilessness- pauperism passive-male 3D-existence and is thus effectively discriminating me in the matter of my 10m+ Kihara- Construction accident evidence-destruction/spoilation case gathering dust with ODPP-and-IPOA similar to the racial-hierarchy caste-system like in India or the US which's jus' evolving into a more rationally-equitable society as demonstrated by the recent voting along policy-issues for the rule-of-law and adoption by the Supreme Court of a universal-health-insurance cover both which cut across the racial-divide regardless: Support human rights to reclaim my life, my wife, my kids, my family, my money, my biz/jobs, my way. ; Guilty Uhuru, Raila, GoK & co. are scared of the rule-of-law and due process so they front kangaroo courts; SOS.

Sent: Thursday, August 5, 2021, 05:36:26 PM GMT+6

Dear Sir / Madam, 
                            [ The filthy quickie-prostitute [substantiated] is
back this morn. [2-08-2021] so you can expect the health-hazard,
cockroach / maggot-infested, market-stench overstayed rotting fish they
relish; soiled / snailed omena / dagaa. When the gay-witch takes over the
kitchen [unlike the Maragoli whom it's taboo for males to stray into
the kitchen] he jus' cooks meat & potatoes or chicken or eggs, 'cept
he'll disgustingly selfishly filthy them with re-gurgles so you don't
touch them. Waiting for first bites [1230hrs] :- [1-08-2021] Morn.
'twas 4 tiny rounded 'mandazis' and water you remain famished-with the
whole day as you feel the energies drain off your body; then the
belching gay witch makes sure supper's late towards 2100hrs extending
the excruciating hunger-tortures. The milk he takes 350ml he still
enjoys with meat and potatoes while I'm only left with appr. 150ml
plus the ugali and water [as if I'd asked to come to their abode] yet
sadist Uhuru's GoK's brood-sitting pretty on my 10m+ in damages.
                          Thus by 3rd August the self-bleaching, quickie-prostitute was back to
her tracking-marktimming witch mode at the pitlatrines jus' as I was
headed to bath from collecting water at the well like's demonstrated
in the latest attachments; for which the goal's to psychologically
mind-associate her filthy whore's vagina with my penis in
psychic-witchcraft as is highlighted in the footnotes of 'The Witch
Trials of Salem.' As I'm writing they had their breakfast like usual
early in the morn. before the gay-witch left for town while I gotta
guess my first ration well past noon [ 1215hrs ]. My prayers are for a
speedy processing of my 10m+ damages [
] & [ https//
] for which sadist Uhuru & his GoK are discriminating against me along
imposed racist-hierarchy caste-system as summarized in the title.
Guilty, they're scared stiff of the rule-of-law & due process
so they're trying to front kangaroo courts in conspiracy attempts to
wonna sabotage my broad lawsuit [ 
incriminating them and their licensed firearm witchdoctor in Jomvu Kuu Mombasa plus the one
procured virtue of Mombasa County Cop Ikenya in Migori the day before
the accident of 14th June 2012 ; not to mention the 14+ OBs at Migori
Police Station pending processing for want of fee / costs due to the
delayed injustice of my 10m+ Kihara Construction accident
evidence-destruction/spoilation case [
]. The racism of sadist Uhuru was brought to the fore when he
myopically and unreasonably with fallacy vehemently decried and banned
the innocent global holiday of 'Boxing Day' of 26th Dec. as the world
prepares to usher-in a new year; opting to replace it with indigenous
culture in a mad opposition to what the thickets of his mental
apparatus erroneously think is White or European culture!

Still haven't eaten nothing yet since morn. as the belly-full
witches prolong the hunger-torture perhaps till supper to
restart the 1-meal ration starvations every 24hrs. I'm
flashing friends & well-wishers hourly for spare cash
for bites: SOS [ MPESA:- +254723047863 or +254764087863 ]. 
The updates I was writing may have to wait till a future date.


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