Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Incomplete Pending Petition Print-Out Submission to ODPP Migori Subject to resources; SOS. :- I Erick Mango charge President Uhuru Kenyatta and ex-Premier Raila Odinga with co-conspirators including two OCSs at Migori Police Station, ex-Chief Amara, current Chief Onyango of Suna East Migori, AP Police Owino, Peter Mango, Pamela Mango and others pawns on the ground as listed on the statement below with Criminal-Conspiracies to defeat justice and interfere with witnesses, commit misdemeanors, felonies including defilement and murder contrary to Sections 117, 393, 395, 157, 224; These charged together with "A Series of Sexual-Crimes" contrary to the Sexual-Offenses Act Cap.63 Articles 162 (c), 165, 2 (4), 23 (3) (d), 145 (1), 144 (1) (3), 5, 12, 20 (1 ) (2), including indecent-acts / assaults as regards incestuous-and-homosexual harassments Penal-Code CoK-2010:- [ I urge the CJ in accordance with the edict in Article 10 CoK-2010 to exercise her powers under Article 161 (2) (a) as read together with provisions of the Rules of Court Section 2 (1) regarding the National Policy Guideline on the Administration of the SOA.

I Erick Mango charge President Uhuru Kenyatta and ex-Premier Raila Odinga with co-conspirators including two OCSs at Migori Police Station, ex-Chief Amara, current Chief Onyango of Suna East Migori, AP Police Owino, Peter Mango, Pamela Mango and others pawns on the ground as listed on the statement below with Criminal-Conspiracies to defeat justice and interfere with witnesses, commit misdemeanors, felonies including defilement and murder contrary to Sections 117, 393, 395, 157, 224; These charged together with "A Series of Sexual-Crimes" contrary to the Sexual-Offenses Act Cap.63 Articles 162 (c), 165, 2 (4), 23 (3) (d), 145 (1), 144 (1) (3), 5, 12, 20 (1 ) (2), including indecent-acts / assaults as regards incestuous-and-homosexual harassments Penal-Code CoK-2010:- [ I urge the CJ in accordance with the edict in Article 10 CoK-2010 to exercise her powers under Article 161 (2) (a) as read together with provisions of the Rules of Court Section 2 (1) regarding the National Policy Guideline on the Administration of the SOA.


[1.]:- The latest turn of events has been brought forth by a conspiratorial pattern of continuous violations of the law by the mentioned accused in the title notice-of-motion above concerning a repeated series-of-crimes in which the most recent happened on the 5th of August 2021 for which went to  formally file the  complaints after drafting on Saturday  the 7th August 2021 at Migori Police Station at a snail's pace cause of the exhausting extreme hunger-torture ritual-cycles I was still recovering from; and where the Front-Desk told me to go to the crimes office who directed me to return on the morrow [ 8/08/2021 ] cause of renovations that were taking place.      

[2.]:- The amicable OCS on Sunday the 8th August 2021 [ a different one ] smartly dressed in a suit and hat told me to present my case the following day with the ODPP Migori cause of the complex, interconnected, conspiratorial nature of my case touching on the President Uhuru and ex-Premier Raila. At first he'd asked me to report as formally with the 'report desk' which I told him was the one that had sent me there. So he lent me an ear as I briefed him on the criminal conspiracy & sex crime charges' various counts of each before suggesting midway I present my case to the DCI the following Monday; but then my file caught his sight and he inquired of the contents for which I opened it for his perusal presenting him with different files chronicling the 14+ OBs interconnecting with the criminal conspiracies of which I updated him the more as he perused. That's when he finally told me the conspiratorial nature of my case was complex since it touches on Uhuru and Raila and thus directed that I present the same to the ODPP Migori on the morrow.

[3.]:- It took a while as I prepared waiting to go present my case to the ODPP Migori cause ICC-Indicted mass-murderer Uhuru by proxy of his 'Brookside Dairy Jacket' paid-pawn witches [ defendants Pamela and Peter Mango ] still tried to sabotage my submissions of evidence with them  taking breakfast and leaving for town while I’d to guess on my first ration { as if I'd asked to come to their abode }; Thus did the defendant parties exploit  the hunger-torture starvations cyclic-rituals to wonna obstruct my presentation of the facts and evidence of the case.

[4.]:- I finally made it to the ODPP Migori on Tuesday  10th August 2021 where the Secretariat after preliminaries led me to the Prosecution Counsel whom I briefed adequately also regarding my charges of criminal conspiracies and criminal sexual conducts both on numerous counts and incriminating President Uhuru  and ex-Premier Raila  as Chief-defendants / architects amongst adversely mentioned co-conspirator accomplices and others. The lady Prosecution Counsel told me they deal with printed submissions / complaints and advised me to print-out the soft copies I'd relayed to civil society groups including the legal fraternity then submit the same to her. I asked for more time due to wanting resources which could be elusive since I would’ve to flash friends and well-wishers for soft loans / spare cash to bullet and print-out the soft copies.

[5.]:- Fast rewind to June 2012 where I was wrongfully and unlawfully arrested,  detained,  prosecuted,  jailed & relocated / evicted / transported  to Migori by Uhuru’s Mombasa Municipal Council police conveniently-animistically called Ikenya plus Swaleh and another third one violating my rights to liberty.


[6.]:- The first defendant’s the President of Kenya and C-in-C of the KDF President Uhuru Kenyatta whom I

           together  with ;    

[7.]:- The second defendant ex-Premier Raila Odinga ;  and

[8.]:- The third defendant Peter Mango ; { the plaintiff’s alleged father pending estrangement proceedings } plus

            his wife below ;

[9.]:-  The fourth defendant Pamela Mango ; I charge all { i.e. defendants nos. 6-9 }

                       {a.}- Criminal-Conspiracies to defeat justice and interfere with witnesses,

                                   Commit misdemeanors and felonies including murder and defilement as

                                   regards sodomy contrary to Sections 117, 393, 395, 157, 224 of the Penal

                                    Code; as read together with

                      {b.}-  "A Series of Sexual-Crimes" contrary to the Sexual-Offenses Act Cap.63

                                     Articles 162 (c), 165, 2 (4), 23 (3) (d), 145 (1), 144 (1) (3), 5, 12, 20 (1 ) (2),

                                      including indecent-acts / assaults as regards incest and homosexual-

                                      harassments Penal-Code CoK-2010;                                 

                       {c.}- Witchcraft contrary to Section 2 of the Witchcraft Act Cap. 67 

 [10.]:- The fifth defendants are 3 Mombasa Municipal Council Police including Ikenya, Swaleh and another

               Whom all three I charge with :-

                        {a.}:-  Wrongful and unlawful arrest, detention, prosecution, jail, & bail ; while
                        {b.}:- For Ikenya additionally I charge him with forced relocation / eviction / transportation  to         
                                  Migori plus

                                  {b1.}:- Criminal-Conspiracies to defeat justice and interfere with witnesses,

                                              Commit misdemeanors and felonies including murder and defilement as

                                              regards sodomy contrary to Sections 117, 393, 395, 157, 224 of the Penal Code; 

                                               as read together with ; 

                                  {b2.}:- "A Series of Sexual-Crimes" contrary to the Sexual-Offenses Act Cap.63

                                                Articles 162 (c), 165, 2 (4), 23 (3) (d), 145 (1), 144 (1) (3), 5, 12, 20 (1 ) (2),

                                                including indecent-acts / assaults as regards incest and homosexual-


harassments Penal-Code CoK-2010;  and

                                    {b3.}:-  Witchcraft contrary to Section 2 of the Witchcraft Act Cap. 67 

 [11.]:- The sixth defendant’s OCS-1 ; 

 [12.]:- The seventh defendant’s OCS-2 ;

 [13]:- The eighth defendant’s ex-Chief Amara of Suna East Migori  ;

 [14]:- The ninth defendant’s current Chief Onyango of Suna East Migori  ;

 [15.]:-The tenth defendant’s Administration Police Owino of Chamkombe Kakrao ;

            all whom { i.e. defendants no. 10-14 }  I charge with :-

                         {a}:- Criminal-Conspiracies to defeat justice and interfere with witnesses,

                                  Commit misdemeanors and felonies including murder and defilement as

                                  regards sodomy contrary to Sections 117, 393, 395, 157, 224 of the Penal

                                   Code; as read together with,

                         {b.}:- "A Series of Sexual-Crimes" contrary to the Sexual-Offenses Act Cap.63

                                     Articles 162 (c), 165, 2 (4), 23 (3) (d), 145 (1), 144 (1) (3), 5, 12, 20 (1 ) (2),

                                     including indecent-acts / assaults as regards incest and homosexual-

                                     harassments Penal-Code CoK-2010;

[16.]:- The eleventh defendants are the Mombasa 'JomvuuKuu GoK fire-arm licensed Benz witchdoctor Omar'

             Plus the two policemen in uniform whom I charge with :-

                       {a.}:- Abduction and enforced-disappearance contrary to Article 258 Cap. 63 ;  and

                       {b.}:- Witchcraft contrary to Section 2 of the Witchcraft Act Cap. 67 

[17.]:- The twelfth defendants are brothers Paul Mango and Joseph Olala whom I charge with :-

                       [a.]:- Criminal-Conspiracies to defeat justice and interfere with witnesses,

                                  Commit misdemeanors and felonies including murder and defilement as

                                  regards sodomy contrary to Sections 117, 393, 395, 157, 224 of the Penal

                                   Code; as read together with,

                       [b.]:- Threat to life contrary to Section 223 (1) of the Penal Code ; and

                       [c.]:-  Attempted human-trafficking contrary to the 'Counter-Trafficking in Persons Act' No. 8 of

                                 2010   Cap. 61 CoK-2010 and the UN Convention Against Organized Crime supplemented by

                                the  'Palermo Protocol' 

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