Monday, August 09, 2021

{8/08/21 at 1540hrs} The amicable OCS [a different one] smartly dressed in a suit and hat told me to present my case tomorrow with the ODPP Migori cause of the complex interconnected conspiratorial nature of my case touching on the President Uhuru and Raila. At first he'd asked me to report as formally with the report-desk which I told him was the one that had sent me there. So he lent me an ear as I briefed him on the criminal conspiracy & sex crime charges' various counts of each before suggesting midway I present my case to the DCI tomorrow Monday; but then my file caught his sight and he inquired of the contents for which I opened it for his perusal presenting him with different files chronicling the 14+ OBs interconnecting with the criminal conspiracies of which I updated him the more as he perused. That's when he finally told me the conspiratorial nature of my case was complex since it touches on Uhuru and Raila and thus directed that I present the same to the ODPP tomorrow.

Date: Mon, 9 Aug 2021 15:00:22 +0100

Dear Sir / Madam, 
                           SOS. The ICC-Indicted mass-murderer Uhuru's Jinn-Theocracy GoK together with his cocoon of witches occult including powerful Benz motorist licensed fire-armed holder Omari of JK Mombasa plus his paid pawns witches the gay-witch and quickie-prostitute [ substantiated ] have resorted to the extreme 1-meal-ration every 24hrs hunger-torture starvation contrary to Article 29 CoK-2010 including the UN Convention Against Torture simply cause I was scheduled to present the facts and evidence of my criminal-conspiracies & criminal-sexual-conduct charges against President Uhuru and his accomplices today to the ODPP Migori today. Assist get food and present my case soonest. Thank you in advance.
Yours Faithfully, 
 Erick Mango. 

NB: [ Bathing postponed till after supper ]. Get a taste of the direct connection btw the cyclic-ritual
hunger-torture starvations and sadist Uhuru's justice-obstructions as I haven't eaten nothing since morn. { 9/08/21 1400hrs } meaning [ As I prepare waiting to go present my case to the ODPP Migori ICC-Indicted mass-murderer Uhuru by proxy of his 'BrokeSide Dairy Jacket' paid-pawn witches are still trying to sabotage my submissions of evidence with the later taking breakfast and leaving for town while I gotta guess on my first ration { as if I'd asked to come to their abode }; Thus exploiting the hunger-torture starvations cyclic-rituals to wonna obstruct my presentation of facts and evidence of the case. SOS. {


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