Monday, April 05, 2021

Prayers For Migration For Political-Asylum / Refuge from ICC-Indicted and Therefore Illegitimate-President Uhuru's Political-Legal Abuse Jinn-Theocracy GoK's Endless-Persecution, Rape-of-Conscience by Gas Lighting plus A Sanctioned Psychiatric-System-Abuse Approach, And Mandatory Systems of Committment As Demonstrated In My Broad lawsuit Exhibition; Uhuru's imposed penilessness-pauperism's curtailed my datings-and-marriage still a bachelor at 43yrs as I wither and wane in virility below-the-poverty-line in 'Passive Male' 3D Existence; My eCommerce businesses are thus largely stalled for want of a Laptop and a Smartphone due to his [ Uhuru's ] 'Arrested Development' : Of urgency's my now 8.9yrs Kihara-Construction Accident Actual-and-Punitive Damages Case adding to backlog statistics with IPOA and ODPP Prosecution Counsel:- All related links are in brackets within the contents below. SOS.

Sent: Monday, April 5, 2021, 06:22:41 PM GMT+6

Dear Sir / Madam,                
                            I'm so exhausted I've jus' managed
to copy-paste the latest CTA developments status-quo. SOS.
ICC-Indicted Illegitimate-President for crimes against humanity and
atrocities Uhuru & co. are killing me miserably literally burying me
in broad day light for superstition in their
prehistoric-descendant-culture; for which he operates with a powerful
Mercedes Benz motorist witchdoctor licensed with a firearm by the GoK.
They're drowning me and my distress calls are muffled. My prayers are
in the cited links and their footnote signatures. Thank you in advance
for your considerations.      
 Yours Faithfully,          
 Erick Mango.               

 NB: Find related links here within:-
]. SOS. };

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