Monday, March 08, 2021

Uhuru's ( @puktta ) 'my HM the Queen Elizabeth birthday- wish' 'Twitter-like' reach-out { @JasonBo19914761 } humbleness v. the reason I declared my love to her sweet daughter Ngina subliminally proposing and Facebook messaging her for an unreplied persuasion; SOS; Lend 50%-interest payable soft loans given IPOA and ODPP are now processing my accident evidence-destruction case, to replace rags, dev. eCommerce/Adsense:- How Sadist, 'Penis Envy' [rd: Sexology] ICC-Indicted Bori/GLBTQ-Occultist Sissy-Uhuru's 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket' 'Paid Pawns' the Compulsive-Neurotic, Sex-Pervet, Dysfunctional 'Turpin' Witches Exploit The Either Wichcraftly-Acquired or Genetically-Inherited DMD For Their 'Married But Gay' Gender-Conformity Mandatory 'Mixed Orientation Marriage' Committments Ends:- Molecular Phylogenetics v. Hominid Fossils analogy vis-à-vis Maternal Paternal DNA Testing v. ECGD/Step-Families' Cultural Evidence [ Original Birth Certificate Name 'Henry' changed to 'Erick' ]; SOS.

[ HM Queen Elizabeth II, Founding father / President Guka and HM Haile Selassie, 
Sweet Ngina Jomo Kenyatta's daughter  and my then bouquet for her ].

Dear Sir / Madam,               
                            It wasn't the first time there have
been other reach-out insinuations on Twitter but this was
unambiguously the most direct & megoodol'self finding it humbling
decided to follow Uhuru's Twitter account ( @puktta ); following his
'Like' for my 'HM Queen Elizabeth birthday wish' at my Twitter account
{ @JasonBo19914761 }. That was s'times last week when I'd some cash
for the cybers since my stone age Symbian phone's unupgraded browser's
interface isn't compatible with Twitter anymore. Thus did I notice
@puktta's 'Like' for my 'HM Queen Elizabeth's birthday' which I'd made
s'times last year around April I guess; what I can't tell yet perhaps
cause I'm always surfing in a hurry to beat the bills is when @puktta
reached-out with the 'Like.' Nonetheless, the point was made & I
returned the cordial gesture by following his account ; and going
further on Facebook by declaring my love for his sweet daughter Ngina
who surprisingly I discovered was still a bachelorette at 31yrs of
age which's a 12yr-gap compared by my 43yrs of withering old age
with whitening hair & waning-virility cause of @puktta's imposed
bachelorhood, 'passive male' existence, pauperism-pennilessness
curtailing my datings & marriage for want of resources. 'Twas a long
shot's all I can say but worth it anyway given it makes no sense sweet
Ngina being a bachelorette still at 31yrs; & ironically Single as per
her Facebook accounts at least till August or October 2020 and so
there was a good bet she still is per now; though a fake impersonna's
post dressed in blue standing in front of a black gate at one of her
Facebook accounts 'Ngina Kenyata' gave the impression of free-for-all
spoiled brat aligning with some of the sexually-offensive / insulting
comments I'd seen posted in her timelines [ and which ironically were
nonetheless 'invitingly' marked 'Liked' to my amazement ]. The reason
megoodol'self treated her with tender, loving, care in my seducing &
proposing to Jomo Kenyatta's grand daughter. It didn't 
escape my wonder that Uhuru's other kith jealousy Judy Macharia the
loo-bat [substantiated] could've manipulated the post's event to
thwart my winning sweet Ngina's heart who's grand dad Jomo Kenyatta,
the founding father of the nation I'm proud-of as much as the
sacrificed-&-betrayed freedom fighters who got banished to exile in
Ethiopia cause of irreconcilable differences with the home guards &
the community at large. And from the loo-bat's UoN experiences, I
appreciate sexual orientations vary as much as quantitative traits &
thus that some girls prefer sexual promiscuity akin to men, and raw
sex in a rush, and the natural animal bend-over position to the new
adapted sleeping which they may consider inconveniently
time-consuming, cumbersome & not full-depths penetrative. Reviewing
JK's swearing-in ceremony at independence I realize the oath was in 2
parts with the latter swearing to bear allegiance to the bequether of
the Kenya Republic / State Civilization, HM Queen Elizabeth the Second, 
her heirs and successors according to the law. Indeed the complexities inherent in this modern
civilization handed on a silver platter to JK & the home guards was
built from scratch from the Kenya jungle as elsewhere by the superior
evolved brains of the European who colonized other Genus Homo's
sub-species' lesser-evolved brains including Asians, Arabs & Africans
and thus the credit in the 2nd part of Kenya's independence oath to HM
Queen Elizabeth II. It's from that observation that I take leave to
pledge my resignation dispensability to the GoK & the incumbent
@puktta that I wouldn't mind working at his service & of HM Queen
Elizabeth II 'according to the law;' notwithstanding pursuing my broad
lawsuit in consistency with the Constitution of Kenya in letter &
Of course HELB issues will have to be ironed-out in court &
prerequisite GTI training undertaken before any deployments. Still I
wouldn't work in narcissistic-godzilla-Raila's Luo Nyanza. And my
8.8yrs Kihara Construction actual & punitive damages would've to be
paid as well before any deployments. Of course I'm all set to go into biz
with my 8.8yrs damages, migrate, marry & settle down; though I wouldn't
pursue any legal proceedings against @puktta if he campaign-
endorses megoodol'self to his sweet daughter Ngina's hand in marriage;
being the appealing orator we've seen in campaigns. Otherwise, my
sexual selection priorities as has been stated categorically before
includes European, European-American or African-American ladies. This
letter will thus also be copied to @puktta [
courtesy of his humble reach-out at @JasonBo19914761 . I pray your
divine-interventions to fast-track my 8.8yrs damages [
]. Also intervene for my 1.5l bottle piped water [

[ NB: Stone age Symbian unupgraded browser developed time-consuming to
resolve interface technicalities so the whole letter comes in two
parts. Regards, ] :- Issue was resolved and letter edited-merged into one.

Thank you in advance. 
Yours Faithfully, 
Erick Mango. };

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