Friday, March 19, 2021

Selective-Evolutionary-Pressure COVID-19 v. Natural Selection:- A new dawn for TZ and Africa at large with a first female President but will they make a paradigm-shift to the WHO new-norms? Will President Suluhu be a 'Suluhisho' to TZ's SAR nCoV2 havoc-mayhem or will she merely fidget a 'Suluhu'-Draw in Blind-Faith fantasy-worship of her predecessor's denial-approach to the pandemic?

Hello? SARS nCoV2 is indeed a deadly virus wrecking havoc & lives
left, right and center. It's categorically a 'selective evolutionary
pressure-condition' exogenous-virus pathogen exerting pressure on our
helpless hard-hit Homo sapiens sapiens species populations' cells &
tissues to evolve or else get ignorant individual-members deselected,
pruned or weeded-out by Natural-Selection. This is where the mRNA
vaccines come in leveraging normal biological processes to
reprogramme-instruct body cells to produce unharmful coronavirus
signature-proteins which in turn initiate-catalyzes the specific
T-Cells & Antibody-'immune response' needed for protection-defense in
case of exposure-encounters. Thus the mRNA vaccines stops-prevents
transmissions, i.e. people infecting each other till the globe attains
a level of herd-immunity for which all government-states need to pull
hands together. Masks, social distancings & sanitizers manners precede
mRNA vaccines in adopting the new norms. Will President Suluhu
deliver? };

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