Wednesday, March 24, 2021

IPOA and ODPP Prosecution Counsel Feedback Stalemate, Suspense, Speculation v The Executive Uhuru's Inteference Precedence Fears:- Uhuru's 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket' 'paid-pawns' start extreme starvation 1-meal-a-day at supper hunger-tortures by peristalsis-triggering boiled tubers unlike roasted or cooked cause I begun resuming exercise therapy yesterday; SOS; Almost walking naked; Need washing and bathing barsoap bad. SOS; Lend 50%-interest payable soft loans given IPOA and ODPP are now processing my accident evidence-destruction case, to replace rags, dev. eCommerce/Adsense:- How Sadist, 'Penis Envy' [rd: Sexology] ICC-Indicted Bori/GLBTQ-Occultist Sissy-Uhuru's 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket' 'Paid Pawns' the Compulsive-Neurotic, Sex-Pervet, Dysfunctional 'Turpin' Witches Exploit The Either Wichcraftly-Acquired or Genetically-Inherited DMD For Their 'Married But Gay' Gender-Conformity Mandatory 'Mixed Orientation Marriage' Committments Ends:

Dear Sir / Madam,                
                            I'm so exhausted by ICC-Indicted
Uhuru's GoK's endless persecution, dehumanization, cyclic-ritual,
hunger-torture starvations by proxy of his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket'
paid-pawns 'physiology food-witches' akin to the Maasai
cattle-bleeding for instant energy rejuvenations such that I feel I
could drop dead anytime one of these fine days. [
]. Infact it reminds me of Tupac's song, "I wake up in the morning and
I ask myself, is life worth living or should I blast myself!" Simple
cause Uhuru's been brood-sitting on my now 8.9yrs Kihara-Construction
damages till late last year 2020 when ODPP Prosecution Council engaged
mepoorol'self with a letter asking I send them through the Post Office
the relevant documentary evidence hard copies pertaining to the case;
this following on IPOA assigning the same to their Kisumu Regional
Office Complaints-Management-Officer, a Mr. Joel Kimari who by 23rd
November 2020 told me on phone the case had been referred back to Nrb
Hq. & that I should expect a call for feedback from them regarding a
breakdown on the proceedings programme. Thus mepoorol'self waited for
the end-&-new year festivities hangover to pass the whole of January [
bidding time hoping they'll call me ] before I flashed [ can't afford
airtime credit to call ] Joel Kimari again on Friday 5th Feb 2021 to
no avail making me flash again on 16th Feb 2021 at 1133hrs when he
called me back at 1245hrs promising follow-up for the Nrb Hq. feedback
& that they'll update me soon. Mepoorol'self waited another month
before flashing again last week on the 16th & 17th March 2021 both to
no avail till this week starting Monday 22nd, to Tuesday 23rd & today
24th Wednesday, all without any response so far! Previously I'd
written to the ODPP Prosecution Counsel c/o one Penina Wawira Ngondi
on the 11th of February 2021 asking for feedback on the status quo as
the victim / petitioner / complainant commiting  enthusiasm to participate in the proceedings any time called upon
including forwarding any necessary documents they may require further;
to no avail to date making mepoorol'self wonder whether IPOA have
taken-on the same turn to now remain mum too. Ofcourse without
feedback the other foremost speculation's that ICC-Indicted Uhuru
outta vested interests being one of the key defendants incriminated in
my broad lawsuit [ ] by his
political-legal abuses might've interfered with the independent
constitutional-offices proceedings like he's done the last 8.9yrs with
the AG regarding my accident case [ under who the
Advocates-Complaints-Commission shifted-to following intense
corruption allegations ] known to customarily shield the executive in
Kenya from prosecution [ demonstrated by US sanctions against ex-AG
Amos Wako, his wife & son ] till IPOA & the ODPP Prosecution Counsel
intervened starting 27th October 2020 and now this suspense stalemate.
                              That speculation's  also fed with some of the BBI's 'bad apple' constitutional-amendment
anticipations that certain constitutional-offices will be shifted to
fall under some of the executive's ministries thus eroding their
independence so as to set the stage for the executive to exploit their
constitutional mandates; an unpopular approach demonstrated by
electorate's objection when LSK took ICC-Indicted Uhuru to task
threatening to impeach him for jus' such an illegal Executive Order
that intended to put the JSC under his armpit for every whim, beck &
call. I'd indeed expressed such speculations fears in a rejoinder to
] for which I CTA civil society groups to intervene in your divine
mandates to fasttrack the same for prosecutions to the full extent of
the law to expedite a speedy processing of my Kihara-Construction
8.9yrs actual & punitive damages [
]. For resolutions I'd thus urged the former CJ retired Maraga to
review-extend the 'Statute of Limitation' law [
]  as regards my broad lawsuit pending ICMS e-filing which's stalled
cause of murderous, heinous, ICC-Indicted Uhuru's political-legal
abuses brood-sitting on my now 8.9yrs accident damages courtesy of his
AG c/o the Advocates Complaints Commission till IPOA & ODPP
Prosecution Counsel intervened starting 27th October 2020; and now
this stalemate even as I wither in old age with whitening hair & a
waning virility still a bachelor at 43yrs cause of jealousy, sadist,
'penis envy' [ rd: Sexology ] Uhuru's imposed penilessness-pauperism
curtailing my datings & marriage. SOS. Otherwise, the latest attached
photos illustrate the physiology-food-witches exploiting Uhuru's
forced dependency with peristalsis-triggering boiled cassava tubers
unlike roasted or of late cooked as I discovered recently; the same
applies to  unthrashed-maize & beans [ nyoyo / githeri ] unlike thrashed [ mdhokoi
]. I'm almost walking naked accordingly to Uhuru's endless persecution
'gas lighting'-GoK & the Dysfunctional Turpin Witches 'making of
archetype' manipulation-strategies to wonna defame my image in the
eyes of the public swaying their minds that I supposedly could've run
outta mine; cause they've imposed mepoorol'self a 'passive male,'
hand-to-mouth 3D existence below-the-poverty-line. SOS. Jus' like
roasted sweet potatoes they quit roasting after realizing I can eat a
pile unlike boiled, so have they quit today cooking the cassava tubers
I realized on the 22nd March 2021 I can take without any
gastrointestinal peristalsis-triggerings like illustrated on the
latest attached photos. The same applies to cooked potatoes which
surprisingly if fried like as in chips again triggers me peristalsis
without fail like I discovered way back in Mombasa making me abandon
eating chips to date! Another thing's table sugar which I quit ages
back  for like now 2 or 3 yrs cause it effectuates me a shortening-of-breath
& the same applies to the soft drink Fanta or alcohol spirits made of
sugar cane like Kenya Cane both which I since put a stop to taking. If
Uhuru & co. kill me before pay of my damages since it appears they're
scared of facing the proceedings of my broad lawsuit before the
authority of independent law courts [
irrefutable guilt, then my prayers regarding the division of my estate
is in the footnote signatures; besides the other prayers I present the
civil society for their divine interventions. Need bathing & washing
bar soap bad. Also I said before that I don't give a hoot 'bout
Uhuru's Jinn Theocracy GoK jobs cause my hands are full 'cept as per
these conditions since he reached-out recently in [
NB: The last photo's of yesterday's supper of paltry unsustainable
greens meant for one, the gay witch; divided for two. Surviving on
water. SOS.

Thank you in advance. 
Yours Faithfully,        
Erick Mango. };

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