Thursday, February 27, 2020

The ‘penis envy’ [ rd : Sexology ] ‘evil eyes’ witch-Turpins food-poker poisoning-games yields 2 days later to cholera/amoeba-like symptoms as I bid time pending full diagnosis. My anti-diarrheals tablets stock could’ve expired by now. Prior food-contamination / poisoning-records are with Migori District Hosp. SOS.

Hello? Anybody home? The food-poker poisoning-games of the sonofabitch 'married but gay' imbecile @§$hole & his quickie-prostitute-witch matriarch finally yields into tell-tale symptoms of cholera or amoeba as of today since I'd what I thought was a normal long-call yester night only to be surprised today in the afternoon as my tummy began mild-rumblings [ no aches so far ] & I'd to shit again like 2-stools after going through my gym-exercise. We've jus' had super & the tummy-gaseous-rumblings have been building every 10minutes or so gainning momentum such that I'm gonna have to defecate again. Ex-Chief Amara had sanctioned they've got all the rights to kill me & they're gonna do so through all means including rat-poisoning or a matchete-hacking gang. The sounds the gaseous rumblings propel are like those of fireworks as they rocket to the skies before erupting into bursts ; though I'm holding tight against the propelling velocities without breaking-the-air as I wait to finish this alert before I go to shit.

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