Sunday, January 19, 2020

Food Poker Witch-Hunts +.. [{ Health Hazard Customary Filthy Dishes of The 'Quickie-Prostitute-Witch Matriarch' [ Substantiated Technical Descriptions ] ; This and the pending updates on The Savage MPESA Witch-Hunters Conspiracy plus Webhosting Arrested Developments and others }]

Hello? Anybody home. The Salem-witches prototypes / dysfunctional
Turpins / savage-occultists are going-on unabated having a field day
what with the cops conspiring to cover their crimes courtesy of sadist
contagion-animist Uhuru. They've begun playing poker with food now
with the sly 'married but gay' witch serving his greens super but not
eating it as I realize at meal-end mid-of-which he's brought a
mini-thermos of tea by his quickie-prostitute-wife matriarch [
substantiated ]. Thus, I don't know what they've made me eat given
their poisoning-decree & recorded kerosene-lacings to arrest
spermatogenesis. My progeny's endangered. SOS. Full details including
title-items above morrow Monday.

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