Tuesday, July 10, 2018

NEXTRANALYSISCOPE : Kenya County-Governors Corruption-&-Impunity v. Immunity, The Laity & The Rug-Electorate ; 'Our Reproductive Rights'...

following the deserving 'chicken-thief' handling of Busia County
Governer they dread will spill into their lofties. The over-burdened
laity tax-payer has had enough and shouldn't or won't take less than
the full-force of The Rule of Law in Defence of The Constitution they
Socially-Convened to Draft and Pass in a Referendum ; for the benefit
of generations unto posterity... Thanks heavens consistent
lameass-looser Raila wasn't elected he'd meant to topple the
Tax-payers' Convention-Constitution to single-handedly introduce
New-Posts to suit the power-whims of their vehicle party NASA to the
chagrin of the laity / electorate. Period. Conception occurs via
fertilization of the female-egg by male-sperms meaning it takes 2 to
tango and as such 'cept for the gestation occuring in the female's
body as placental organism-species, we could or have as well IVF
technology allowing facilitation of Incubation & Test-Tube Babies.
I.E. Reproductive-Rights pertain to both Sexes & men got a say in
Abortion. Last bundles.....

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erick Mango <merocket95@yahoo.com>
Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2018 07:00:13 +0000 (UTC)
To: erickmango4521@gmail.com

Rally-Up Drum Support-Call for a NOW 6yrs Accident-Damages Case and
The Larger Political Asylum / Refuge Civil-&-Criminal Lawsuit Against
GoK's Legal-Abuse's Endless Persecution Still at 40yrs.

--- On Tue, 7/10/18, Erick Mango <erickmango4521@gmail.com> wrote:

> From: Erick Mango <erickmango4521@gmail.com>
> To: merocket95@yahoo.com
> Date: Tuesday, July 10, 2018, 12:55 PM
> Some prehistoric Homo species jus' won't let
> go their archaic
> retrogressive behaviors ; esp. the
> sub-types found these parts of
> 'shithole' Africa. They wonna think
> they should be exempted from 'The
> Majestic Equality of The Law' in
> wanting to be let retrogress
> modernity into 'The Law of The Jungle'
> for their pilfering
> public-coffers corruption, not to
> mention politico-legal abuses since
> the emergence of Homo sapiens and His
> coming into Society to regulate
> distribution of resources and protect
> ownership of property. Period.
> Kenya County Governers echo the
> quotation 'Honor Among Thieves' and
> reminisce the 'Economy-Cartel' Gangster
> characters in 'Animal Farm'
> underscored by the 'defining' theme
> '4-Legs Good, 2-Legs Bad'. Indeed
> they share the same 'Acquired-Traits'
> with Parliamentarians amongst
> the highest paid globally who
> successfully armtwisted The SRC to
> exempt their pay-cuts from the rest of
> the tax payers. The Chair,
> CoG's mouth-piece, Nanok was aired
> demanding Immunity from Prosecution
> while in Tenure PTO
> --
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