Tuesday, June 05, 2018

POOH! POOH! RHETORICS of a WEIRDOO BORI / GLBT-occultist Sissy C-in-C Uhuru of The St. 'Kisszito' Rumours...

Hi. It was quiet flabergasting to hear the 'POOH! POOH!'-Rhetorics of
Sadist Contagion-Animist BORI / GLBT-occultist Uhuru who
coincidentally also doubles-over as The Sissy C-in-C of the toothless
KDF who were derided by The AMISOM Commander following the El Ade
Run-Down Massacre not to mention the dismissal by The UN South Sudan
Peace Keeping Mission where Aid-Worker Nurses camped besides KDF were
raped before being butchered as The KDF-Guys coiled their tails btw
their pussy-footed legs without firing a salvo ; jus' like happenned
s'where in Eldoret where The KDF Al Shabab-Suitors ambushed a hotel
blocks from a KDF-Post without the napkin-infidels counter-insurging.
He 'POOH POOH-ed' the rhetorics other day in Turkana, the once abode
of his GLBT-'KAKUMA'-Girls WICCA-Sorority-Convent. The Brooder was
yelping 'bout the gun-trotting natives who not so long ago had the
guts to even go on a shooting-spree in Ruto's Rally, The Dep.
President. Then there was Kapedo where a whole nappy truck-convoy got

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