Sunday, January 07, 2018


& spirit to the latter.Happ y N.Y. 2018-greetings eve rybody,all and
sundry oh yeh children of the most high in the name of Jah R
astafari,King of Kings & L ord of Lords,Conquering Lion of the house
of Jud ah,Almighty-I,Selassie-I, I' n'I,I-Nayabingi. Indeed the gods
must be crazy or el se they're irrelevant or el se like fellow-man's
image ,they're cosmically unimp ortant as regards the GE OLOGICAL TIME
SCALE & EXTINCTION-EVENTS since man like any other
living-matter/organism-sp ecies primarily characteri stically depends
on the fo od-web harvesting-energ y/life-force from the sun for growth
& developmen t through metabolism eith er by mitochondrial-orga nelles
facillitating cellular respiration to release ene rgy or by
chloroplasts to produce sugars via photo synthesis,both to meet th e
primordial-physiology re quirements. Then after m aturity they repeat
the r egenerational life-cycle t hrough SEXUAL/ASEXU AL-REPRODUCTION
facill itating SELF-PROCREATI ON ensuring EVOLUTION of

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