Wednesday, January 17, 2018


of conflicting,vested-inter ests by corruptly exploiti ng
opportunities to use th e constituents' taxes for t he mselves,family
& cro nies instead of taking go od care of it for the com mon-good &
for developin g their societies towards a heavenly-future on ear th
a.k.a. utopia...period.Th us,the heavenly-future on
planet-earth/animal-kingd om a.k.a. utopia that The UN & our
modern,progres sive,civilized societies are striving towards building
hinges on the geographic, material-universe surroun ding us &
therefore anyt hing else imagining a heav enly-palace up above in the
skys with many room s waiting for us after-her e is nothing but a
pipe-dr eam;a fantastic,superstiti
ous,fallacious,dogmatic,religious-mythology that evol ved into being
most proba bly as a result of a disas sociated,semi-ecstatic,my stic
state-of-the mind aft er priests indulged in eth eogenics on
ritual,religiou s,ceremonious-occasions, e.g.when they burn incen ce
in swaying-chalices fo r good diffusion.Morrow's a peep at

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From: Yahoo Mail Team <>
Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2018 19:31:11 +0000 (UTC)

Yer.All constitutions are respective SACRED-TEX TS,ACTS-of-SOCIAL CO
NVENTIONS each constit uted by/of the very FRE E-WILL CHOICES of their
CONSTITUENTS...period. Hence,the citizenry is leg ally-bound by a
constituti onal-order,an explicit,insti
tutionalized,complex,legal-system frameworking the boundaries &
jurisdictions of its republic,government & state so as to regulate its
constituent human con ducts as a means of soci al-control complemented
by the civil-service empir e based upon taxation & promulgated by a
govt.'s bureaucracy,military & po lice,implementing & enforc ing this
law as well as pr oviding services to the pu blic through
public-servan ts supported & informed by vibrant civil societies & the
authority of an IND IPENDENT legal professi on...period.The elected he
ad of a republic's govt. & state is the chair-person god/goddess in
constituti onal-democracies/monarc hies & who's entrusted wi th the
taxes of its citizen ry to wisely invest & look after without putting
the mselves in positions PT

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