Wednesday, November 08, 2017

Prosecuting Raila : Ex-Treason Convict andSerial RitualPsychopath Murderer.

           Hi. Another controversial example of strong continuous changing, complex, evolutionary-pressure-condition exerting a force stimulating certain aspects of the evolution of a natural-population of organism-species through the mutation of certain genes to generate new genetic-information-material / alleles  for purposes of  clearing genetic-anatomic-constraints that inhibit or bar the path to the effectiveness of natural-selection of optimized, cutting-edge, upgraded, better-suited, genetically-expressed  phenotype-traits of beneficial-alleles that provide the organism-species with selective, reproductive, survival-fitness performance-adaptive-values enabling them to settle down in competition-struggle survival-for-the-fittest and successfully thrive into the next descending generation is the EMERGENCE OF THE GRADUAL-INCREASED-IMPORTANCE OF COLOR-VISION IN HUMANS rather than the SENSE-OF-SMELL or OLFACTION essential for other animals in AVOIDING-PREDATORS and/or PURSUING-HUNTING PREY; and which arose in the first place due to the significant anatomical-evolution of BIPEDALISM and its ERECT-POSTURE as the BASIC-ADAPTATION-of-THE-HOMININ LINEAGE given the reason that it used less energy than QUADRUPEDAL-KNUCKLE-WALKING as an adaptation to TERRESTRIAL-LIVING in the new ‘GRASSLAND-TYPE-ENVIRONMENT’ RATHER THAN THE PREVIOUS ‘ARBOREAL-FOREST-TYPE’, i.e. besides the selective, reproductive, survival-fitness performance-adaptive-value it facilitates of ENHANCING-THE-FIELD-of-VISION.
           In other words, the evolution of bipedalism as the basic adaptation of the hominin lineage anatomically has been accompanied by a large number of skeletal-adaptive-evolutions as partly described in preceding blogs above in relation to the adopted erect-posture basing physiological-and-behavioral adaptations / changes that followed suit since the splitting-branching and diverging  between the last-common-shared-ancestor of humans-and-chimps common/shared in all bipedal-hominins including the increased importance / reliance on vision rather than smell due to  accumulation of gene-loss inactivation-mutation duplications of the OLFACTORY-RECEPTOR-GENE-FAMILY- genes turning a whopping 60%-fraction into PSEUDO-GENES and thus rendering this sense-of-smell or olfaction in humans to become vestigial though the corresponding homologous physiological-behavior of olfaction functions normally in other species indicating GENETIC-MEMORY-in-MOLECULAR-BIOLOGY-INHERITANCE and COMMON-DESCENT-TRAIT-INHERITANCE, i.e. from a SHARED-ORIGIN / COMMON-ANCESTOR; except for the clade of ‘NIGHT-RUNNING NAKED-WITCHES’ anatomically-modern-human Homo sapiens sapiens species who still retrain this ability for a STRONGER MORE-ACUTE SENSE-of-SMELL / OLFACTION; though it’s kinda FACULTATIVE since they use  or switch-it on at night when they come out to play [ called TUGO in Luo ] and it can as well be transmitted to new-comer unsuspecting spouses through established cultural-transmission-models and thus as a LEARNED-BEHAVIOR it is ACQUIRED through descending-generations in secret………….and as such it significantly contributes to taxonomic-diversity / species-internal-variation within the Homo sapiens species!
              The time the hominin-lineage was taking-in BIPEDALISM as its BASIC-ADAPTATION is the same time them KNUCKLE-WALKERS including gorillas-and-chimps split, branched, diverged, separated and isolated from the last-common-shared-ancestor with us hominins of the genus-Homo between 13-and-7m.y.a and 7-and-4.8m.y.a respectively and effectively resulting into between 80-and-86 genes getting lost in the human-lineage [ through accumulation of gene-loss inactivation-mutation duplications which’s part of the evolutionary-adaptive mechanisms that render a gene to be naturally selected-against should it’s function be substituted-for in a specific way, ] during our recent uniform-evolution as anatomically-modern-human Homo sapiens sapiens species natural-population of organism-species explaining our 99.9% genetic-homogeneity and thus contributing largely to the observable/measurable/ testable  DISTINCT PHENOTYPE-TRAIT VARIATION/DIFFERENCE of CRUDE-OLFACTION / SENSE-of-SMELL between humans-and-chimps plus other animals at large primarily as a result of small groups of  EARLY-BIPEDAL-APES a.k.a. PROTO-HUMANS moving into the new ‘grassland-type of habitat-environment’ as an adaptation-to-terrestrial-living……….to subsequently develop the new adaptive-evolutionary HERITABLE phenotype-trait of COLOR-VISION vis-à-vis a CRUDE SENSE-of-SMELL / OLFACTION as they adjusted to the new, complex, changed, habitat-environment evolutionary-pressure-condition even as genetic-nature-potential interacted with environmental-nurture-potential outta the struggle-competition survival-for-the-fittest necessities for phenotype-traits that provide an organism-species with selective, reproductive, survival-fitness performance-adaptive-values enabling them to EVOLVE INTO NEW-FORMS BETTER-SUITED to settle-down and thrive-successfully as one ancestral-hominid-fossil-species descended into the next-generation circumnavigating extinction!
           Thirty-six of the between 80-and-86 lost-genes belonged to the OLFACTORY-RECEPTOR-GENE-FAMILY of which more than 60% [ 22] OF THESE 36-O.R.G.F. genes are NON-FUNCTIONAL PSEUDOGENES in the HUMAN-GENOME defined as inactive copies of protein-coding DNA-genes OFTEN GENERATED BY GENE-DUPLICATIONS THAT HAVE BECOME NON-FUNCTIONAL through the accumulation of gene-loss inactivation mutations which in other words is equivalent to LOOSING-GENES. This infers that anatomically-modern-humans have undergone a whopping 60% extraordinary loss of O.R.G.F. genes [ 22 ] during our recent uniform evolution as a natural-population of organism-species which genetically explains our relatively LESS-ACUTE SENSE-of-OLFACTION / SMELL comparatively to most other animals or non-human-hominid-primates at least; a fact supported by evolutionary-evidence which indicates that the EMERGENCE –f COLOR-VISION in HUMANS diminished the need for the MORE-ACUTE SENSE-of-OLFACTION / SMELL which was a genetic adaptive-evolution CONSTRAINT to the now BIPEDAL HUMAN-HOMINID, inhibiting or barring the path to the effectiveness of NATURAL-SELECTION of the better-suited, optimized, upgraded, cutting-edge, distinct phenotype-trait of COLOR-VISION. Period!
            Now, here’s the PARADOX. Remember the British folk-tale ‘ JACK-and-THE-BEANSTALK?’; where some mysterious bean stalks its growth all the way up to the skies or the heavens if you like …….and have one JACK climb it all the way whenst on reaching the heavens he comes across a giant’s-palace whose treasure is a goose that lays golden-eggs worth fortunes back on planet-earth / animal-kingdom and before JACK satisfy’s his eyes with the wonders of the giant’s land up above, the double-Goliath in size giant-prototype comes knocking and his merciful wife hides minuscule JACK in one of the kitchen cupboards but to no avail cause the giant still gets to CATCH-WHIFFS of THE STRANGE HUMAN’s-SMELL across the room and much as he queries his wife, she doesn’t tell and instead finds / creates excuses and saves the poor minuscule, human’s life. It’s of course the MORE-ACUTE SENSE-of-OLFACTION / SMELL of the giant that SNIFFS-OUT the MINUSCULE HUMAN DEEP FROM behind its hiding place in the kitchen cupboard majorly cause of the ‘SPECIES-SPECIFIC’ HUMAN-BLOOD PUMPING through its veins carried in the wind through diffusion and largely as well due to the ‘SPECIES-SPECIFIC’ BIOCHEMICAL-and-BIO-ELECTRICAL PHYSIOLOGICAL PROCESS-FUNCTIONS emanating from its ORIFICES.
          Now, the PARADOX is the supposed VESTIGIAL MORE-ACUTE and STRONGER SENSE-of-OLFACTION / SMELL apparent in the giant above is STILL EXTANT-and-ALIVE in some members of the Homo-genus extant anatomically-modern-human Homo-sapiens-sapiens species which may be explained by ‘species-internal-variation / taxonomic-diversity’ and / or ‘ARCHAIC-ADMIXTURES / DERIVED-TRAITS’  or both; e.g. The FORE-CANNIBAL TRIBES PEOPLE of PAPUA-NEW-GUINEA who are on record for running down a mortuary when their NOSTRILS-and-TASTE BUDS couldn’t hold the yearning anymore for their customary human-flesh meat-feast; and proceeding forth to feast on the corpses raw without bothering for fire. Now one can jus’ imagine how STRONG and MORE-ACUTE their SENSE-of-OLAFACTION / SMELL is….to be capable of smelling the DEEP FROZEN UNDECOMPOSING CORPSES in the morgue.
               And then we got the customary   ‘NIGHT-RUNNING NAKED-WITCHES’ called ‘JOJUOGI PITI-PATA’ in  Luo to mimic the sound of running feet in the deep silence of the night. They are known to posses supernatural powers such that they psychically will put-off a torch’s-bulb and render its batteries powerless immediately should they be confronted by an ordinary human being who with a torch may want to switch and zoom it on them ;and even if they be armed by say a machete, the naked night-runner would still psychically usurp their physical-energies such that they wouldn’t have an ounce-of-energy to even lift the weapon to their enemy finding their arms dropping to their sides instead in sudden fatigue! Now, here’s the catch. The known and established antidote for trapping-and-catching such a terrifying naked night-runner is to eat cold-foods the whole day from morn.  to  night so as to stop the bio-electrical-and-biochemical physiological process-functions of the body from being diffused into the wind / air through the pumping blood via the body’s orifices which in turn will effectively cut-short any chances of being SNIFFED-or-SMELLED by the MORE-ACUTE and STRONGER SENSE-of-SMELL or OLFACTION of the JAJUOG PITI-PATA. Their RUNNING NAKED at NIGHT is inherently neurotic jus’ like the FORE TRIBE’s CANNIBALISM. Period. Thus, the apparently vestigial MORE-ACUTE and STRONGER SENSE-of-OLFACTION or SMELL in extant anatomically-modern-human Homo sapien sapiens species is still RETAINED by some members of our extant anatomically-modern-human Homo sapiens sapiens species to the same homologous corresponding degree / level / notch in other non-human-hominid-primates and animals in general at large; a phenomenon denoting  genetic-memory in molecular-biology-inheritance and common-descent trait-inheritance as far as ARCHAIC-ADMIXTURES and DERIVED-TRAITS go respectively as concerns our animal  heritage. Period; based on evolution by natural-selection through adaptive radiation from a primordial /primeval common-ancestor / shared-origins.
              So let us face the stark-naked truth of our animal-heritage, embrace the reality and create a WORLD-HUMAN-EVOLUTION DAY to be celebrated say on a specific day of a particular month. And well, it’s a high time men-of-the-cloth came out to register with their respective revenue-authorities for tax-returns of the religious bodies / institutions they run and stopped hiding behind the cloaks of mystified, mythological, superstitious, fallacious religions’ dooms’-days’ evolutionarily recognized as extinction events. Later, logistics.

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