Saturday, December 17, 2016

Prosecuting Raila : Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Ritual Psycgopath Murderer.

             Hi all and sundry....pls allow me to detail you with the developing scenarioson the the same time my blog seems to have been penetrated by a virus but never mind I'll deal with that later.
              The point of the matter is that 4yrs 6months down the line I realized to my shock and horror that my right leg never healed completely from the accident ......coincidentally as I'd adopted to jogging the rainny season these last 2 months in Migori whenever rain caught-up with me on my way back to the house-stead of the dysfunctional-family..............
               For the same reasons that kept me from frequenting the Owade-Advocates for updates it's the smae reasons that have managed to keep me indoors since the 12th of Dec 2016 ..........due to the starin on my leg affecting the femur,tibia,fibula all the way to the heels which feel like they wonna cull to shorten the length......the tendon on the underside of thr knee to the groin also pulls and tugs. Pls I'll give full details tomorrow cause of time. The other issue got to do with the demise of the former Chair of The UoN WHO'S KINS WITH THE SITTING-PRESIDENT AND JUDY-MACHARIA OF THE LOOSE-MORALS REVEALING my transcripts were forged to portray substandard grades affecting mm psychology to result ina defeatist mind-set.
                 Then  The GoK IS TRYING TO STIFFLE ME through soft-loans. All will be revealed tomorrow pls in detail.  

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