Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Prosecuting Raila : Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Ritual Psychopath Murderer.

       Hi below are the updates.

         Please pardon me my Esquire Amicus-Criae, Members-of-The-Bench and of The Bar,Senior-Counsel, Representatives-of-International-Organizations,Experts-in-Related-Fields,Distinguished-Guests,Ladies-and- Gentlemen and The-Public-at-Large;there seems to be great internet-technicalities-Interruptions but nonetheless I take this opportunity to let Your-Offices know that I have liaised,engaged and/or enjoined The Office-of-The Attorney-General under which The Advocates-Complaints Commission was moved allegedly due to rampant-corruption cases at The Law-Society-of Kenya and it incapacity/inability due discipline errant-members.Thus I please pray for Your-coordination to ensure/guarantee the speedy-recourse of my accident-proceeds please.Thank you in advance for your consideration,cooperation and assistance.

          Yours Faithfully,
           Erick Mango.   

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