Monday, April 04, 2016

Prosecuting Raila : Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Ritual Psychopath Murderer.

Hi everybody. I would like to quickly clarify the one issue to do with my biological-paternity/maternity authentication as regards cleaning-out my closet of "old-skeletons." As much as Duchenne-Muscular-Dystrophy is categorized as a Recessive X-Linked genetic-disorder,it has come to my notice that thre exists several-types of Muscular-dystrophy which has been confirmed to be part of the genetic-abnormalities transmitted through defective genes found in the Mitochondrial-D.N.A. [ mtD.N.A. ] the biological-mother which is ONLY inherited from the mother and together with the nucleus-D.N.A. [ nD.N.A. ] carrying the 23-chromosomes-pairs in diploid-somatic-cells form the complete genome of THE HUMAN-GENOME. This effectively means a mother with defective-genes in her mtD.N.A. will always transmit the deleterious-mutation of her Mitochondrial-Allele to the next descending generation including all of her offspring who will inevitably inherit the mtD.N.A. in her Egg-cell together with her ovum haploid-gamete-cell pro-nuclei containing the half genetically-recombined 23-chromosomes of the other homologous-pair in her somatic-cell having undergone meiosis.This subsequently means all of the children of a mother affected with the genetic-disorder of Muscular-dystrophy will inherit the mutation as well as its genetic-expression of the deleterious phenotype-traits! As you may well know or as happens I happen to be the ONLY member of that sick-family with archetypal-contents who manifests the symptoms of muscular-dystrophy;meaning in other words that we don't share the same biological-mother, PERIOD!I am an outsider in that family, I guess a secret they have tried to push under the carpet for so long without success especially given the adage that " actions speak louder than words " from what they've ben doing to me and recently as they've bee/attempting to kill me as was sanctioned by Raila's Luo-Nyanza Chief-Amara before his council of village-elders through cyclic hunger-torture games including periodic amoeba,typhoid and cholera contamination s not to mention the Resort/ Bell's-pub attack and Owade-Advocates Josephine HIV-AIDS infection attempts.Later logistics.

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