Sunday, March 06, 2016

Prosecuting Raila : Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Ritual Psychopath Murderer.

Hi everybody. Let me just reiterate again that I HAVE DISOWNED,ESTRANGED AND DIVORCED THE NEUROTIC,SADISTIC AND DYTSFUNCTIONAL-FAMILY of the parents of my siblings.Below is a complaints letter I've written to The MINISTRY OF EDUCATION courtesy of the Honorable Matiangi as concerns Ian's predicament. Dear Sir / Madam, I Erick Otieno Mango wish to raise issue and complaints over a School called St. Morris Junior Academy in Migori Chamkombe which still practices the BANNED AND ILLEGAL HARSH CORPORAL PUNISHMENT on kids.I happen to have been following up the matter of battery and possible molestation on a 5yr-old bastard Ian Giovanni of the above school by both the DYSFUNCTIONAL-FAMILY of his grandparents [ who have a history of conflict,misbehavior and child-neglect and/or abuse with gross abnormal behavior revolving around archetypal-content projections of their unconscious cultural-identities/personalities as is recorded in the suspicious death of one of their sons in the late-70's/early-80's called JACK who died of negligence of JAUNDICE. The grandparents of Ian and parents of my siblings who I have also DISOWNED,ESTRANGED and DIVORCED for all these reasons are also NEUROTIC and SADISTIC. The matter is pending with the migori Police following the compromise and refusal of The Children's Department Boss to investigate the same.I would like to propose the recommendation of his suspension pending investigations and/or dismissal for gross misconduct and abuse of office/abusive behavior as well as the authority and powers vested there-in including harassment when he told me I could even go to the president. Last Thursday Ian showed me a cut-scratch/scar left by a Mr. Reagan his teacher across his right wrist's pulse-region/area which bled due to the BANNED-ILLEGAL CORPORAL PUNISHMENT INFLICTED by his teacher. The Migori Police decline to book an O.B. for the same last Saturday when I went to report instead directing me to see the In-Charge of Crime today, Monday meaning they are complacent and may have been compromised as well given the gravity of the crime and Ian's situation in general.A cut at the wrist's-pulse could bleed anybody to death and if it's intentional then that's attempted Murder/Manslaughter! I intended to visit the school seeing the complacency of trhe police to warn and tell the H.Master and Mr. Reagan on behalf of Ian to stop their criminal activities as well as update them on the on my intended legal-actions consequences.Ian's life is endangered and marred with systematic-consistent cultural-sacrifice threats. Thus below is are copies of the SMS-texts to The HRW and other Civil-Society groups downloaded from my criminal/civil lawsuit against the GoK blogsite platform: ENTITLED : Prosecuting Raila: Ex-Treason-Convict and Serial Ritual Psychopath Murderer.They may not be in chronological order due to wanting-resources making me copy and paste them haphazardly. Please bear with me. Message body Nonetheless I wish to raise concern over the harsh-corporal punishment being leashed-out on an innocent 5yr-old boy Ian Giovanni,their bastard grandson by linet working in Saudi-Arabia and Mr. Tuka Ministry of Water.It's destitute with no one to run to except for my intervention.Today both neurotic grandparents with archetypal contents descended on it in turns with a stick and slaps.I'd stopped the maid from the same. A kid Kevin of Githungo Primary recently collapsed and died in Kieni Nyeri.Over the 2yrs it's become unbearable and I am reporting to Migori Police tomorrow.T.Y.I.A. for all. 9th Feb 2016 at 1934hrs. I was sent to the Children's department by the police whereby I reported and they promised to visit the kid at his school and follow-up the matter with the area Chief Amara.They also suggested I talk to other siblings who may be able to take care of the kid and I promised to talk with Caro and Felix.The parents are neurotic and it appears they like inflicting pain on growing-up kids. Later,logistics. Hi everybody.Just wonna share my worries with you as concerns my proposal for Ian's Medical-Examination.I wanted a head scan/X-ray to ascertain that Ian has no skull-fracture or internal brain-hemorrhage which due to a mix-up with the head-ring-worms could be mistaken for the latter Hi all and one.Just wonna clarify what's been happening as regards yesterday's texts.Thus this is the background. [1.]2-Hi LSK.i RAISED CONCERN ABOUT THE BATTERING AND CORPORAL PUNISHMENT WHICH'S BEEN GOING-ON the last 2yrs till my intervention on a 5yr-bastard Ian.I reported to the Children's Dept. and they haven't followed-up.He's got old/new scratch-marks/scars.The maid sometimes bangs his head against the wall. 12/2/2016 at 1850hrs. [2.]-Hi LSK.The Children's-Officer in Migori has been compromised and is threatening me saying I shouldn't go back to that Public-Office again saying " I can even go to the PRESIDENT. " Ian needs Medical-Examination. -15/2/2016 at 1224hrs. Also copied to The HRW at 1226hrs and The Legal-Aid-Center at 1237hrs as well as to The NMG-Editor. Now the bone of contention is that "WHERE DOES THE SITTING-PRESIDENT COME-IN?" I had replied to his compromised threats that " I will expose the scam to the whole world."This is because it is unbearable after 2-long-years and any human-being wouldn't allow such battery to go-on.It makes one wonder whether Ian was put on the alter-of-Molestation pending sacrifice like the Catholic-Church Alter-boys.Remember a Catholic-Priest had come to pray for us during the early days in Chief Amara's-Office.Is there a scam involving the dedication of children especially young-boys to molestation/sodomy and sacrifice to the mythological-gods of traditional folklore pantheons?On the other hand it simply means the Sitting-President has tabs placed on me and that The GoK IS TRACKING ME EVERYWHERE I GO and thus the clamping on my accident-compensation.Otherwise the Migori Cops Crime-Office c/o one Mr. Onyango gave me a rubber-stamped notice to take to Chief-Amara for further clarification pending summons of the criminal neurotic and sadistic grand-parents of Ian to the police-station.Friday he'd already closed office [ at 1300hrs ] and he don't open on Saturdays so I'll be timing him next Monday,i.e. tomorrow. Of course bear in mind also that the siblings father has a homosexual history with Mwaura and he's been homo-sexually harassing me.In any case they are already interfering with Giovanni's GENDER and SEXUALITY since I see that they are taking it down the path they took me ages ago.Giovanni is the assistant-maid subject to forced child-labor including lighting the jiko and rinsing dishes washed by Achieng the head-maid.Later,logistics. Otherwise below is the latest as regards Ian Giovanni. [1.]-Hi HRW.I've been checking for injuries on Ian and have got old and new cane-marks allover his body including 8-and-5 scratch-marks on his right and left leg respectively; 6-to-5 marks/scratches/scars on both hands, 5-marks on the left side of the abdomen stretching to the hip-joint.He told me the maid sometimes bangs his head against the kitchen-wall when removed from sight [ I told the maid to prepare to pack and leave soon since I look forward officially to employing another adult-maid in case the GoK decides to to recruit me into The Civil-Service-Empire and/or I land a job with the Tourism-Industry plying The Kisii-Tanzania Highway for the Serengeti/Masai-Mara Game-Reserve Ecosystem.] Ian also says his left buttock hurts and he has a mark stretching vertically over his right-eye side.He says they also beat his head which has ring-worms as you can remember.I intend to make follow-ups given that The Children's Department hasn't yet. T.Y.I.A for all. I hope the Children's Department takes him for a thorough medical-checkup. Later,logistics

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