Monday, February 22, 2016

Prosecuting Raila : Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Ritual Psychopath Murderer.

Hi everybody.Just wonna share my worries with you as concerns my proposal for Ian's Medical-Examination.I wanted a head scan/X-ray to ascertain that Ian has no skull-fracture or internal brain-hemorrhage which due to a mix-up with the head-ring-worms could be mistaken for the latter. On the other hand I think it'll be prudent to mention that The Migori-County DPP MENTIONED AN ANALOGY TO THE ICC quoting the Sitting-President's GoK refusal to provide incriminating-evidence against the defendants to Fatou-Bensouda as a matter of legal-defense saying how could I then expect the same GoK I intended to sue for criminal/civil proceedings to then go ahead and impound the Kihara-Construction vehicle involved in the accident for purposes of releasing my accident-compensation so that I could comfortably submit my incriminating evidence against them before filling my criminal/civil Lawsuit against them! I can't believe the GoK IS ALREADY SHITTING-IN-ITS-PANTS THIS EARLY afraid of my litigation.Like the 2008-PEV VICTIMS does it mean then that I will never get justice as regards the evils of the Establishment/GoK against my person 3yrs 7months down the line after the accident? Thirdly,I would like to mention that I met Emanuel Edgar's colleague at the Migori County they used to work with and with whom we used to drink together courtesy of Ras Emanuel and who told me that he'd been to Edgar's place in Eldoret where they drank wild!Taking that as an olive-branch cue I texted Edgar and told him that since I was expecting my acc.-compensation soon I intended to take the Bell's-Pub Resort-area assault to court and thus he should get prepared to assist in identifying the culprit[s] involved if/when he may be called-upon.He didn't reply but one of the alleged culprits with whom he talked-with over the phone that day has kinda been tracking my path albeit making it appear coincidental since he hails from Chamkombe as well and uses the same path to Town;the exception being that he never used to walk that path before and especially given my new-year resolution that this year2016 I am gonna be walking to town daily with or without stipends just to get out of the culture of 'kuwekwa-kiti' they are trying to push down my throat and person!Remember they are connected to Chief Amara/Odira at the grass-roots.Something's is cooking since Chief Amara as reported earlier-on had been trailing me with unknown assailants as well. I am treated like an Illegal-Immigrant.I already received a positive feedback from the Tourism-Industry prospectuses and I am required to get a passport as well as a Driving-License 3yrs 7months down the line not counting the financial loss I've undergone in terms of earnings and career if I'd been working all along. Last but not least Chief Amara refused to call the cop Onyango and instead said the cops got his number besides not being able to put his airtime credit on line for official purposes.Been told cop Onyango ain't there today and I should see him tomorrow. Later,logistics.

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