Thursday, July 23, 2015

Prosecuting Raila : Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Ritual Psychopath Murderer.

Well here we are again. So here goes : -]1.]-Hi HRW.I just learnt to my shock and horror that the GoK conspiracy courtesy of the Sitting President Uhuru and former P.M. Raila bent on murder and attempted murder threats to my life circumnavigating on exploitation and abuse of food-insecurity hunger-torture games following the arrested-development and long-overdue accident compensation in association with the homosexual and incestuous sexual harassment is an intimidation and threat to change my straight sexual-orientation to theirs of married-but-gay reflecting the Lamu-bondo-usenge Fertility Reproductive Cults encapsulated as a LGBT-Community Culture which's a Traditional-Animism-Religion of many a people world-wide with a remarkably visible homosexual-aspect transcending to involve real-homosexuality as is manifested by Nigerian-Hausa Animism a.k.a Bori! Please I need urgent assistance from the ethic-moral rot. T.Y.I.A.- 12/7/2015 at 1913hrs. -Also copied to the E.A.C.C. same date at 1945hrs. -[2.]-Hi HRW. Allow me this opportunity to clarify that I respect the freedoms of The LGBT-Community world-wide except when they transgress on the freedoms of others including 'straights' like their Kenya Chapter led by Uhuru-and-Raila who are harassing and intimidating me. T.Y.I.A. - 19/7/2015 at 1334hrs. -[3.]-Hi HRW.The witchcraft family and Uhuru-and-Raila secret-society is literally subjecting me to a ZOMBIE-existence. Penniless, I am in solitary-confinement' for days-on-end; no socialization or conversations except for the studies.They are imposing retardation on the psychology of my personality forcing dependency on my ego,id and super-ego. I am their epithet-stooge for exploitation of their Prehistoric Descendant 'Folk-Religion' Cult 'Worship-of-The Dead.' My life,body and lifestyle is dead in custody. They are turning me into 'The Living/Walking Dead.' Food is rationed and insecure;low -caloried and malnourished geared to suppress any weight-gain and instead promote regular expendations and weight-loss being the gut experts they are;please will you advocate for a speedy resuscitation to life by a quick-pay of my accident proceeds 'before they kill me dead?' T.Y.I.A. -22/7/2015 at 0805hrs. -Also copied to the E.A.C.C. at 0811hrs; and to the RNC at 1223hrs. I wish to here take this opportunity to clarify that it is and has been clear from the start that the witchcraft family and The Secret-Society Community of Raila-and-Uhuru at large have had and still have food issues with my like and those of the likes of the late Karl-Marx Owiro [ RIP; ] [ rd: Periodic Table and 'Kuwekwa-Kiti'or 'Arrested-Development.' ] Also please take to account the animism in the names Dr. Satt Miller [ to sit,Kakuma/Kumanina ],Prank-calls and solitary confinement and Emi/witchcraft-family and the s.s.c. of Raila-and-Uhuru whereby at Portreitz they almost wanted to put me into a wheel-chair like Matiba still is. I take this opportunity to put it across that this secret-society community is made of witchcraft-animism psychic- vampire practicing people whereby google Wikipedia defines them vampires as people prone to live and or subsist by feeding on the life-essence of other unsuspecting people; or better mythological-creatures that feed-off the life-force of other people/creatures and are divided further into emotional,energy or sexual-vampires whereby their psychic-powers allows them the use of paranormal methods to manipulate natural forces. Thus the witchcraft family has stated explicitly in very many words and in more than one occasion going by the complaints-file that they don't want with their food! Hence please read or google zoomorphism,otherkin,theriocephaly,therioanthropy,buda folk-religion of Ethiopia,Hyena-people,shape-shifting,psychics,witchcraft,zombie,vampire,revenants....e.t.c. not ot forget 'jachien' as I'd illustrated in earlier blogs above. Last but not least let me add another one text : -[4.]-Hi HRW.The psychic,medium,witch,oracle of the GoK-Jinn, Judy Uhuru-kin 'uji-animisms have begun again exploiting hunger-torture games.T.Y.I.A as the witchcraft goes-on pending my compensation. NB: My SMS still blocked,texts selected .Exploiting 'Emergencies.' - 17/7/2015 at 1213hrs. Here let me put it that that secret-society is exploiting my pennylessness amidst the arrested-development to exploit my sexual-energies through their 'prank-calls' by their girls sorority and thus in association with that I would like you to google ' LGBT and Wicca.' In other words they are trying to make a zombie of me by attempting to make me look as if I want them back or I am thirsting for their sexual favors,like Iam alien to sex or canal-knowledge and sexual intercourse knowing that I can't afford to date under the circumstances and thus preying on my sexual-hunger-torture!The French call it ' La demoiselle et son revenant.' The Judys and Emis and Satts and Emas have become peeping toms and particularly Judy who pulls all the stunts. Latwer,logistics.

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