Wednesday, July 08, 2015

Prosecuting Raila : Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Ritual Psychopath Murderer.

Hi everybody. I recently adjoinned The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission of Kenya in my war against graft to access my accident compensation proceeds so I may go get and start a life after 3years of arrested development by The GoK and 'Kuwekwa-Kiti' or 'being-put-to-sit,' culturally on a chair at the family witchcraft level. Below is a copy of the letter sent to EACC which I just learnt was undelivered today and had to send it again using alternative mail-address. Dear Sir / Madam, I Erick Otieno Mango has a Lawsuit / Petition against The Government of Kenya courtesy of the sitting President and The former Prime Minister spanning the last 10 years and over but my immediate concern with regards to ethics and corruption is drawn to my complaints-file attached and connected within and to the larger presentation of evidence in my blogsite and specifically to an accident-case caused by Kihara Construction Company I got aboard a border-border motor-cycle as I accompanied a GoK Municipal cop to the Migori Municipal Offices to bid farewell to his colleagues in preparation for his journey back to Mombasa after his illegal arrest,detention and my deportation from Mombasa to Migori on June 14th 2012. I subsequently enjoined the legal services of Owade and Co. Advocates with whom we went through filling the medical examination reports and all the other prerequisite paper-works except for the P3-forms whom they said had caused the 'case to hit a snag' since the Traffic-Police were having problems impounding the Canter KAS-535K.Period. I have been subjected and going extreme hunger torture regime since I reported the last slasher-sword assault at Migori Police from 12th June 2015 with only one breakfast ratio every 24hrs which was also not guaranteed besides being susceptible to poisoning and / or being remnants till the 30th June 2015 super when the father resumed eating at the dinning table again from the kitchen with the rest of the family. Due to credit lapse at the hunger torture crisis I corresponded with toll free lines including Safaricom Customer care line 100,Finland Nokia Corporation 02150 and Emergency Police Lines 999 and 911 National Police Service who coordinated with their Migori Police Station O.C.S. COUNTER-PARTS TO HELP FAST TRACK THE IMPOUNDING OF THE ACCIDENT CANTER FOR A SPEEDY COMPENSATION OF MY ACCIDENT COMPENSATION SO i MAY LEAVE THIS WITCH CRAFT FAMILY and the larger Fertility Reproductive Cult Two-Way Traffic Raila's O.D.M. LUO NYANZA COMMUNITY stronghold home turf. My bone of contention as regards The Migori Traffic and Owade Advocates is the long overdue 3years time lapse which indicates their compromise and or corruption.Secondly I think The Owade Advocates as far as ethics and corruption go are largely wanting with regards to their conduct in professionalism,performance,diligence and / or prudence. Thirdly their approach to my case has been in bad faith given their 'what I have been duly informed and / or learned ' that their attempted 'forced customary betrothal and /or marriage to their late secretary Josephine' who died of HIV-AIDS is and was attempted murder through the malicious attempt to knowingly spread and infect me with HIV-AIDS;a black-mail which was pegged to their successful pursuance and fulfillment of my accident proceeds as agreed upon. This is also reflected in their scoff at me to to buy the file at 7,000/- and look for another Lawyer if I wasn't satisfied with their conduct or performance as stated in my blog. Thus the above are the grounds upon which I beseech Your Honorable Office to investigate and Prosecute to resolve the harm and damages visited upon my person,my life and my personality as an abused,exploited and victimized Kenyan.Thank you in advance for your consideration,cooperation and assistance. Yours Faithfully, Erick Mango. Later,logistics.

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