Thursday, July 03, 2014

Prosecuting Raila : Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Ritual Psychopath Murderer.

Hi everybody. I would like to give you the updates of the texts I've been sending to The HRW as I make follow-ups of this petition. [1.]- Hi HRW. I am coming from reporting the assault case at The Mig. Police and have been told to go for treatment at the hospital then come back for the police P3 form to be filled with statements from at least a witness which I said would be a tall order since the chief assailant is feared by the Patron of The Bell Pub and his staff but the cop said I would be advised adequately and not to worry . I am going to Migori District Level Four Hospital.Thank you in advance. 18 / 6 / 2074 - 1227hours. [2.]- Hi HRW. The hospital requires 500/- for subscribed medication. I have pledged 200/- and 300/- later as I solicit friends and well-wishers. Later 1500/- required for the P3 form to be filled by a Dr. who will appear as a witness in court after arrests and court proceedings.Thank you in advance. 18 / 6 /2014 - 1322hours. [3.]- Hi HRW. I managed to get the P3 form but yet to be filled-in by a Dr. cause I am still resourcing for the required 1500/- and 300/- balance for the initial treatment and medication. So it will take some time inevitably for the court proceedings to start. You see how I am badly disadvantaged? And then the bisexual homosexual is still on my heels with impunity. 21 / 6 / 2014 - 0942hours. [4.]- Hi HRW. Speculation is rife that there may be a consequential attack and/or an abduction from The two Chiefs and their agent assailants to avert any possibility of a court process of the reported assault as I seek the Dr.'s fee.Tension is in the air. Thank you in advance. 22 / 6 / 2014 - 2158hours. [5.]- Hi HRW. My mob-gang assault crime organized by The 2 Chiefs and their lead assailant has been exemplified in Citizen Tv news whereby a motorist intercepted another shooting 1brother to death after arrogantly asking them to identify themselves. I am still praying for Dr.'s fee to institute arrests and court proceedings. 30 / 6 / 2014 - 1930hours. Hi everybody.There you are.This last text was sent at the time of the news on that date.What I am trying to say is that Raila is orchestrating my demise. Nonetheless, I would like to say that today I got some 500/- and went to the hospital to try and persuade the Dr. to fill me the P3 form and pay him the balance at a later date by installments given that I had already been treated with a down payment of 200/- for the subscription medicine leaving a balance of 300/-. The Dr. said no, a flat no.He clarified that for court cases,they don't take installments or down-payments except full cash upfront. Thus, I will have to wait till I get my "Accident Victim Compensation Cash" or hope to get the whole amount 1500/- from friends and well-wishers. That's how bad my predicament/catch-22 situation is at the moment. Later logistics.

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