Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.

Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.
Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law-This is an Online-Jobs Entrepreneurship / Business Services-Provider, Social Media Marketing / Virtual Assistant (Administrative) and Retail-Goods Affiliate-Marketing involving: (1.)-Community Paralegals for Legal Document Assistant (LDA) / Legal Technician / Court Document Preparers / Court Forms Providers as far as Activism-and-Lobbying for Causes go concerning Human-Rights-Advocacy for suppressed voices and the tax-overburdened oppressed laity including dis-inherited widows, orphans and the destitute; (2.)-French, English, Swahili Translator / Interpreter / Teacher / Tour Guide; (3.)-Publisher for Affiliate Marketing in freelance writing, blogging, transcription and podcasting;

Friday, April 25, 2014

Prosecuting Raila :Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Psychopath Murderer.

Hi everybody.Let me start with the HRW texts."Hi HRW.The hunger games have escalated to food insecurity having fed only once per day since 6th on avocado and 7th on half lit re soda/bread.From today indefinite hunger.The siblings father,the siblings father has traveled no food arrangement.Doing my best,tension's palpable."{dated:8th April,2014; 0726hours.} "Hi HRW.Hunger games and poison threat high gear.Breakfast served but they get-out first forcing me to move and wait for their return.Their father returns stealthily and upon following-up I realize he's already gobbled-up his share so I am forced to leave the fishy-left share untouched lest it could be a death set-up.Food insecurity and poison threat panic set-ups pending accident money. Well, I'll come back to that shortly but first My Learned Lords and Ladies I would like to expound/elucidate more on the point of what the brotherly-duo Illuminati-Freemasons Master-Illusionists represented by the Raila body-guard and the Ikenya career body-guards are engineering and/or are planning to achieve.Thus: [1.]-We got to factor the Old Stone Age River/Lake Nilote Savages of Luo-Nyanza Clan-Welfare-Association Realm,i.e. Raila's strong-hold/home-turf. [2.]-We factor-in the Two-way Traffic Cultural-Conveyor-Belt of this Luo-Nyanza Realm. [3.]-We recall/factor-in the Imposed Mirror-Images of Inferiority Intent-Impress Complexes. [4.]-We factor the ARCHAIC ANARCHIC set of Superstitious Witchcraft Astrology Belief-System defining their{rd: brotherly-duo}PSYCHOTIC and/or NEUROTIC ARCHETYPICAL-CONTENT-PROJECTIONS of/in their Reactions,Responses,Behavior ,Attitude,Approach in dealing with their strongly-emotive,maladaptive,delusional and hallucination pet-issue of removing their alleged "JINN/SOMETHING" which has irrevocably wrecked my life as they continue dis-possessing it. Well, I first would like to bring-out the point that This Luo-Nyanza River/Lake Nilote Clan Welfare Associations-REALM has managed to maintain its way of life intact as viewed from the in-depth perspective of a "Two-way Traffic Cultural-Conveyor-Belt" vis-a-vis the strongly-emotional and irrational,delusional PSYCHOTIC and NEUROTIC actions and reactions,stimuli and responses emanating from the ODM -Kingdom of Sycophant-Flocks and their Party-Head.This is first and foremost demonstrated in the maladaptive-disoriented cultural conflict emanating from the parents-of-the-family-of-my-siblings in terms of the incessant homosexual and incest harassment,hunger-games and food-poisoning threats,body-and-sign language insults and abuse and of most recent, a shocking revelation of attempts to frame and impose another primitive-lay aspect of "Mirror-Images of Inferiority Intent-Impress Complexes"{rd:Inverse-Cor relativity and Direct-Proportionality principles.}This is geared to "ASSASSINATE ONE'S CHARACTER,SUBSTANCE and STANDING" in the eyes of The Corporate Civil Society once the unsuspecting victim is ear-marked and targeted for isolation and imminent dispatch to the lands of the here-after. You see,I'd gone to drink water from the kitchen water-pot of the main house where food was cooking in the gas and half-way through the glass,the mother-of-the-family-of-my-siblings suddenly appears in a rush outta nowhere like somebody who'd heard some strange suspicious noises/sounds of movements in the kitchen and had come to check-out what was not happening.She gave the impression of suspecting a theft about to take place most probably within the vicinity of the cooking contents in the gas.I couldn't believe it that she was insinuating I could turn-out to be a "hot-pot-cook thief/snatcher."Thus did I gather that this is what the hunger-games were supposed to drive-at;i.e. keeping me below the hunger-satisfaction thresh-holds so that "abracadabra" I could eventually turn-out to thieving/thumbing/snatching foodstuffs.These are their{rd:Luo-Nyanza REALM} Archetypical-Content-Projections coming-out from the memories of their UNCONSCIOUS-PAST of their Curated/Mummified ARCHAIC Old-Stone-Age Two-way Traffic Cultural-Conveyor-Belt of them Luo- Nyanza Clan-Welfare-Association of them River/Lake Nilotes. This phenomenon was again demonstrated sometimes back in the local shoe-shine square of the Abala- fame when I still used to kill time with them whilst I went-on the biz of my accident-case.That day two characters had a phone on promotion for sale and I was one of them people they marketed it to though I only told them I wasn't in a position to buy.Later-on after doing some rounds the two characters came back squabbling about how the battery of the said "promotional-phone" had managed to mysteriously disappear into thin-air and about how they were now asking some of them clients they'd marketed the phone to as to whether they could be having any ideas regarding the whereabouts of the aforementioned phone's battery.In other words they were saying that they suspected a a smart client could have swindled them of the battery and that since I was one of them,they were just being responsible in trying to check-out the list of clients.Well,they found nothing and their ill-motivated suspicions were put to rest though I could see from the corner of my mind that they were looking for any tell-tale give-away signs of panic or adrenalin on my part.Instead I was quiet shocked by the arrogance of their insinuations.Now,whilst them sacred-cows,fat-cats and big-wigs in the establishment have and/or have left records of multibillion dollar scandals of embezzlement of public funds and coffers not to mention corruption and abandoned "elephant projects," I am supposed to be such a dunderhead without any cognizant skills,experience,training or any principles whatsoever to stoop to engaging in such lay primitive vocations of petty-theft,conning,snatching,pick-pocketing,swindling at the domestic and hood levels!Mind you they have closed all and any decent mode-of-subsistence avenues in efforts to arrest my socioeconomic growth and development as exemplified in the long over-due payment of my accident victim compensation case and/or {rd:X-FILES.}I can't really believe then ODM expect me to mutate/metamorphose/evolve into a full time lay and primitive profession of a neurotic serial thief as a career/mode-of-subsistence.In any case,which's the better profession?{rd:gerrymandering constituent strips,corruption and public coffers} or petty-theft,shop-lifting,pick-pocketing,snatch-and-run,sugar-pot thumbing?They are trying to cook me in their animal-husbandry/zero-grazing cocoon and engineering the out-comes.Clearly they have something in store cooking-up their sleeves ready to plant one of these hell days and exclaim horror though it would only be glee.They are CHARACTER-ASSASSINS and DEFAMERS.This Archetypical-Content-Projections phenomenon emanating from their Archaic UNCONSCIOUS is demonstrated once again by another instance when a phone-charger customer at the house of the family of my siblings reported that he'd got back his phone minus the battery-on and so a search was put in the house with suggestive looks insinuating whether or not I could be in the know as to the where-a bouts of the aforementioned stolen battery.....stolen cause surely the battery couldn't have disappeared all by itself into thin air.Last but not least is the latest scenario at the recreational park opposite the local square where I happened to find my good-old-self perched next to a couple on the green stone-seats whens t I asked the male to let me peruse his news paper the while he was courting his female partner;he sat bent-over with the fore arms resting on his knees whilst his consort rested her back on the seat and as I perused the paper,I noticed from the corner of my eyes that the woman was also eying me from the corner of her eye with some kinda suspicion insinuating she didn't quiet trust me like I could take advantage of her male consort's posture and come-up with swindle ideas;for thence did I also notice the male consort kinda fidget on his seat a little-bit with his head kinda swaying to check-me out to see/confirm for himself his consort's suspicions.Thence did the first two preceding scenarios at the home of the family of my siblings and at the Abala shoe-shiner square cruised through my mind and on noticing this,I became conscious of the ODM OGRE behind the scenes pulling the strings and calling them shots.My heart beat as a shot of adrenalin rushed through my blood as the full picture of what them ODM OGRE are engineering hit my imagination.May the good Lord up above forbid. Well, be it that they have thrust ed me into an ABYSS-COCOON of a "melting-pot" of Imposed Mirror-Images of Inferiority Intent-Impress Complexes reflecting the wished -end result of their Inverse Cor-relativity and Direct Proportionality MONARCHICAL-CONTENT-PROJECTIONS arising from their UNCONSCIOUS ARCHAIC Two-way Traffic Cultural-Conveyor-Belt geared to EXPLOIT,ABUSE and PERSECUTE PERPETUALLY,I pledge to remain objective to humanity and adhere top the Chartered Principles of Performance and Professionalism in meting-out skills acquired through experience and training in observing the morals and ethics at the work-biz Corporate environment and at large.Later,logistics.

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